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The Damned could probably answer this, but anyone who's a pokemon pro tell me:

Is Exp. Share bad for raising competitive pokemon? I imagine it would be since you don't get EVs, right? What's the deal?

You do get EV's from EXP Share. What you don't get them from is Rare Candy.


Picked it up yesterday.

Pokemon Diamond FC: 3222 2065 3278

And I swear, I'm the only one here who took the Fire starter.


I'm still at the first Gym, and STILL regretting it.


If I ever buy this game (which would require me to get with the times and actually BUY a DS,) I will blindly chose the fire starter because it's what I do. My Charmander didn't give a damn that it was fire-type when I got to Brock back in the day, and whatever the heck fire pokemon they have nowadays is no different.......Heck, I used to walk to school up-hill both ways in the freezing snow, every summer. Don't come complaining to me when your pokemon needs a candy or whatever you kids feed them these days.



Okay, so I'm most likely buying pearl (since my friend has diamond), but I'm still having my doubts about buying it. I loved the original ones, and IMO gold and silver were even better, same awesome quality stuff but with tons more added. But then with ruby and sapphire... I didn't hate them, but I didn't get nearly as obsessed over them, and never ended up finishing my ruby. So, my qeustion is, how do P/D compare? Some of you have said it's like the good old days of pokemon, but would someone who didn't enjoy R/S still really enjoy these? Just wondering about it before I go out and get pearl, so let me know what you guys think ;-)

Picked it up yesterday.

Pokemon Diamond FC: 3222 2065 3278

And I swear, I'm the only one here who took the Fire starter.


I'm still at the first Gym, and STILL regretting it.

You won't be once you get to the second gym.


I retract my previous post. Found a Machop, leveled up to 12 and solo'd the entire gym. Not sure why Fighting beats Rock, but it works.

(I imagine it's a bit like paper beating rock. Nobody knows why.)

Picked it up yesterday.

Pokemon Diamond FC: 3222 2065 3278

And I swear, I'm the only one here who took the Fire starter.


I'm still at the first Gym, and STILL regretting it.

Yeah, I picked Chimchar, too. Key to the first gym is picking up a Budew first chance you get.

Picked it up yesterday.

Pokemon Diamond FC: 3222 2065 3278

And I swear, I'm the only one here who took the Fire starter.


I'm still at the first Gym, and STILL regretting it.

You shouldn't regret it. There are only two fire pokemon in the regular pokedex so it will be very helpful to you. Plus if you have trouble at the first gym just catch some a water pokemon and crush kill destroy.

Picked it up yesterday.

Pokemon Diamond FC: 3222 2065 3278

And I swear, I'm the only one here who took the Fire starter.


I'm still at the first Gym, and STILL regretting it.

Just evolve him to Monferno. He gets Mach Punch.

Picked it up yesterday.

Pokemon Diamond FC: 3222 2065 3278

And I swear, I'm the only one here who took the Fire starter.


I'm still at the first Gym, and STILL regretting it.

You're not the only one man :P as I too went for the flaming monkey :)!!

I however am not regretting it :)!!

Past the first gym easypeasy


So I'm really liking the GTS. I got a Chimchar for a Geodude from some Japanese dude, a Graveler (which evolved into Golem) for an Abra from a guy in Jersey and hopefully by the time I get home someone will have traded me a male Murkrow for my Misdreavus.

Can anyone tell me how egg raising/breeding works? I want to breed trade fodder.


Don't see how this would be a spoiler but nonetheless...

I decided to do a bit of online research and discovered that in order to get Magmar or its pre-evolved form Magpy...

Magby and Magmar are only obtainable when the player obtains the National Dex and has a Pokémon LeafGreen cartridge plugged into the Nintendo DS.
~ Wikipedia Article

What the hell..? D:< I'd like to have some control over its stats from its baby form to its final form as Magmortar D:<

Basically speaking, back in the day, I've always tried to catch the lowest lvl ones that I could possibly find so they'd be much stronger than usual when fully grown/evolved.


Budew can evolve into Roselia through leveling up during the morning, daytime or afternoon, when Budew's happiness level is at its maximum.

- - - -

It sure has gotten trickier to raise them :0

To be honest I'm actually considering starting over considering all the new stuff...

No wonder I cant get to evolve lol Ive been playing at night

Same here mostly because despite what all others say... I actually want something different from the traditional "first bird pokemon being my ultimate flyer", which is why I'm planning on getting Murkrow then evolve it into Honchkrow when the time is right.

Cmon the fedora hat alone grabbed my attention :)!!

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