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I must be the only person in the world who has lost interest in playing this game. I can't explain why either :\

Perhaps you need to focus on another game for a while. I know when I was playing, I got into a massive, 20-hour-long catching/breeding/trading/evolving session and didn't level up my main team at all. I was ready to just toss the cartridge, but then I did some more exploring and got back into it.


I'm only maybe 19 hours into the game. When I play now, I only play for maybe 20 mins or so. I guess the whole fact that I need every pokemon game alive(well, not really) to complete the pokedex just turns me off.


Then don't complete the pokedex? I think it's a huge pain in the ass and I don't even bother. I just catch the pokemon I like and focus on training my team. Just collecting pokemon is pretty damn boring if you ask me.

Oh, and I'm interested in the tourney even though I'll probably get my butt kicked right away.


Also, for those of you who don't frequent the ClanOCR thread, I wrote a new friend code database here: http://drack.1111mb.com/index.php

Please enter your codes here. If I imported your code from the ClanOCR thread, register the username, delete the imported code, and recreate it as your own. This way I know who's interested.


I tried getting one o' dems trainer cards like some other people have and it wont show up in my signature. I saw that some people have them up there on the forums here but mine won't show up. Any help would greatly be apriciated.

Also did anyone notice that this is one of the hardest Pokemon games ever?

I tried getting one o' dems trainer cards like some other people have and it wont show up in my signature. I saw that some people have them up there on the forums here but mine won't show up. Any help would greatly be apriciated.

Also did anyone notice that this is one of the hardest Pokemon games ever?

Tell me about it. Crasher Wave is one hell o' a guy.

I tried getting one o' dems trainer cards like some other people have and it wont show up in my signature. I saw that some people have them up there on the forums here but mine won't show up. Any help would greatly be apriciated.

Also did anyone notice that this is one of the hardest Pokemon games ever?

Tried uploading it to your own space?

Need to know. Why doesn't my ghastly/haunter/gengar know hypnosis!?

This is very vexing indeed.

Yeah, that annoyed me too - just give a heart scale to a guy in a house in Pastoria City to relearn old moves (they can be found by digging in the Underground).


...Anyone else here tend to start a Gym battle to test if they can beat it, and quit the game once it looks like a lost cause? I do that, and I'm not sure if it's wrong to do so or not.

Man, I'm such a screw-up on these kind of games.

...Anyone else here tend to start a Gym battle to test if they can beat it, and quit the game once it looks like a lost cause? I do that, and I'm not sure if it's wrong to do so or not.

Man, I'm such a screw-up on these kind of games.

I am doing that right now with the fifth Gym leader. She sucks. And she beats the snot outta me with her second Pokemon.

I am doing that right now with the fifth Gym leader. She sucks. And she beats the snot outta me with her second Pokemon.

Wow, I'm not the only one then. I agree with you, though.

Of course, I just need to find a Dark-type or something to conter her crazyness.

I require a Charmander or a Torchick or a WhateverTheHellTheFireStarterPokemonWasInSilverandGold or a Chimchar. Anyone help me out?

Preferably the Charmander

Friend code is 2577-9801-5671

Thanks much.

If someone has a charmander, I'd appreciate them breeding me one :3

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