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Havn't been to this forum for a while but here I have some breeds that I am willing to "trade" here:















phione (does not evolve into manaphy) sucks X(

Soon enough I am going to breed totodile and etc. if anyone is looking for a pokemon pm me I would be happy to breed for someone of a friendly status =)

I'll take a Squirtle and a Cyndaquil if you don't mind. Fire-types are lacking at this moment, and Blastoise just kicks ass.
Save an Elekid for me.

Ok saving an elekid for supreme a squirtle and cyndiquil for raenok can you guys give me your FC's and Names in pokemon? and raenok I have other fire-types that I can breed anyone here just leave a pokemon request I will most likely be able to get it =)

Jesus christ, Evilhead. And you say you aren't a Sony fanboy...

What??? Seriously, I could have put 'I've been too busy making love to my dog' or 'I've been too busy playing my Wii' or whatever, the point was that I've stopped playing Pokemon as much and I noticed a big drop off in the posts here and wondered where everyone went. Don't get your panties in a bunch! I still play my DS more than my PSP, so don't fret. It just so happens that there have been a few good PSP releases of late that have been keeping me busy as far as gaming is concerned.


I don't know about everyone else, but i've been playing the hell out of this game. I put in 40 hours before I restarted, and I have 70 hours in my current game.


Yeah. We're trading like mad in ClanOCR.

Use the Friend Code Database I wrote, and join us on IRC - enterthegame server, #ClanOCR channel (If this is complicated I can walk you through it) to chat, arrange trades, battles, etc.

I have Bulbasaur, Totodile, Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Piplup, Chimchar, Turtwig for starters. Anyone want one?

Also, I trade give you pokérus or items if you like. Note that I work till 6pm eastern mon-fri.

I don't know about everyone else, but i've been playing the hell out of this game. I put in 40 hours before I restarted, and I have 70 hours in my current game.

133 logged. I have no idea how I've gotten that many, though, I'm sure I haven't played it that much. I must have left it on somewhere on accident.


I've got 122 hours logged so far, and I'm at about 220 or so pokemon "caught". This includes ones I never really owned, but held onto for mutual evolutionary trades, like all the porygons, all the magmar evolutions, and Scizor. Just as well, really, because it sure beats evolving them myself.


Does anyone know if Natures are influenced at all by players?Or if they're complete random?Or if pokemon can only obtain certain natures?

Cause I've been trying to find myself an Adamant Magikarp for a while now..

Does anyone know if Natures are influenced at all by players?Or if they're complete random?Or if pokemon can only obtain certain natures?

Cause I've been trying to find myself an Adamant Magikarp for a while now..

Natures are completely random. There are no preferences or bias towards any pokemon or other in-game component.

Check for what pokemon you have in the front of your party. There's the ability Synchronize, which out in the over world, causes pokemon of similar Natures to appear more often. And if you're breeding, make sure that the Magikarp you're using isn't from a GBA game; there's this thing where using Everstones to pass down Natures doesn't work with transfered pokes.


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