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Final Fantasy 6 'Cid in the Factory'

This is superb. Not everybody's cup of tea but it certainly does fill a void for me. I love these intense industrial sounds and insane sound acting dialogues. Gaffeizil certainly puts out an excellent, very hard core piece of music here. It makes my speakers tremble. Excellent work, Gaffeizil.


Well, I've always been a fan of the Magitek Factory theme, even though I barely played FF6 (yeah yeah, so shoot me) and although I'm not the biggest industrial fan, I find that this mix doesn't journey too far in a direction that I dislike.

Hard metallic sounding percussion, very reminiscent of a factory, is a driving force behind this mix.

The bit at 1:50 is interesting as well, less hard and factory like, but still has it's own type of cool. "Kefka: trumpet, General Leo: drums."

By 3:00 it's gone back to the very factory like industrial stuff, and this part is a little less of what I like. One of the things that will really make a mix unliked by me is static. And the percussion here is very loud and staticcy (that a word?) sounding, but it doesn't last long so I don't find it unbearable.


If nothing else, this is definitely true to the feeling of the original, although I must confess that it's not all to my taste. I'd say it's a keeper. I'm somewhat surprised that this type of rendition of it isn't more common. Oh well, keep 'em coming.


8O:lol: HAHAHA man this is hysterical. I personally don't have any problem with people covering stuff from one game in particular as long as the source material is good (and let's face it, FF6 is outstanding.)

The visual image I get from this piece alone is worth the mix for me, it has Cid running around the lab, and for some reason there's Servbots in there. Servbots make everything better.

This is damn solid, shows excellent humor and creativity, sticks with the theme all the way across, and the ending where the the mix throws a rod at the end with Cid sighing mightlily, I nearly fell out of my chair. MOST CLEVAR ENDING!!1!!

As others have said industrial isn't my cup of tea, but this one is so well done and funny that it's in my playlist for sure. Wasn't a huge fan of Kekfa's trumpet, and the section from 3:00:3:23, but again this piece is just killer anyway.

Good form, old bean! 8/10!


I think this remix is great! Nice job. My only complaint is that I wish the ending was a little longer with a bit more of the Magitek Factory song.. but one can't have everything! Fantastic remix. Will be glad to hear more of your stuff :)


The more I listen to it, the more I like it. Great work, and - like Zandar - I enjoyed the mechanical breakdowns and Cid's martyred sighs; Ian did well on the vocals. I, too, am no industrial fan, but this was no problem for me. The brass kicks. Good (equal?) luck in the future, Gaffeizil.

  • 3 weeks later...

8O Ohhhhh....... 8O:lol: DIG IT! :lol:

oh man, I'm not a huge FF6 player, and have only really played it on an emulator, and I am not a huge industrial fan(at least i didn't think so..) but DAMN! THIS MIX IS NICE! I really do like the vocals, but my fav part has got to be the pumping bass at 1:20 or whatever. Ohhh, I can't imagine what this is like with massive bass boost. OHHHHHHhhhh!!! *shivers*

this is a totally solid, and masterful mix. PLEASE make more like it! Keep up the good work.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This has a lot of great industrial qualities and a melodic undertone to it almost imperceptible loved it as well as the other renditions of it. Keep it up man im new to this great community but i love what you guys are doing and i hope to see some more submissions by Gaffeizil

Closing statements: One of the best ive heard so far

  • 8 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Quite original...

I think I like it... Portrays the frustrating atmosphere of Cid in the Factory so well (especially the ending)... gotta love it!

Did anyone else notice that this mix loops almost perfectly, what with the dying of the factory at the end, and its revival at the beginning? Neat stuff!

  • 2 weeks later...
8) GRAND :) This piece beautifully recreates the feel of the factory from FF VI. The strong, weighty drum beats and the incorporation of heavy factory machinary sound effects compliment the superb techno rerendering of this classic track. Gaffeizel needs to make another mix from the Final Fantasy series. (Boy let me tell you that this sounds great on my new sound system with the bass cranked up and all that etc. etc.)
  • 3 months later...

(I'm gonna start out by replying to some of my favorite music tracks I've listened to as I've lurked here for years, mainly of which are....FFVI Songs. :roll: )

Alrighty, I heard the beginning of this and all...and I instantly liked it. I just think it's creative how you set it all up, "malfunctioning" machines and Cid's frustration, and finally the main song, it was all nice in my opinion, I practically started headbanging. o.O;;

  • 1 month later...

Very nice... lots of delicious rythmic things going on here.

My flavour of weirdness, very free from the original but definitely in the same mood. Doesn't lose it's momentum. Very fun. I love the grittier industrial parts... everyone loves something with a good chug-a-lug feel to it.


  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Dude, this track is one of my favorites, and you really draws out that factory/crazy lab feeling. Although I´m not that into many sounds and stuff that goes on at the same time, but I did so like those industrial sounds, kling, klang and then Cid´s sigh: MMMIEEUUUH. That one was both funny and creepy.

But this mix actually has its bright moments, like that jazz part at 2:09, sweeeet.

  • 6 months later...

I admit I haven't visted for quite awhile. :P Most of my favorite old remixes are on CDs and all around my room. I simply pick one up and toss it into my portable player.

Lats night, insomnia kicked in, I found a CD hiding in my blank CD spindal. Tossed it in, and this was the first song. I fell asleep listening to it over and over. I LOVE this song from the vocals to the heavy machine.

The drums didn't impress me too much, but knowing what was after them always keeps my ears glued to the headphones. Overall, amazing piece. One of my top 10 favorites.


  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Haha, I really like this mix. Cid beating the sh*t out of the thing at 0:41 is funny. The industrial/factory sounding feel to the mix is..driving and awesome. Forgive my lack of creative vocabulary.

3:00 to the end is also awesome.

Good work Gaffeizil, guy who isn't CotMM.

  • 2 months later...
Why, thank you for the praise everyone. :) My firstest remix ever, all posted and stuff! *wipes away a tear*

Excuse me... getting a little mushy... mmp... *runs off*

... and never came back again. It's been almost 5 years and he still hasn't returned to provide more of his unique talent to the likes of OC Remix. A damn shame, to say the least, this is one of my favorite songs here.

Well, to my review, first one evar :P I do have to say, I love the industrial feel to the song. The grinder sound at the beginning and the electronic greeting "Hello, Cid" is pretty neat, and is what first interested me in this song. Then, the breakdown at around 0:36 where Cid does his first massive sigh was really, quite humorous and actually fit in quite well. Then, at around 1:02.5 it picks up into a growing number of sounds in the myriad that leads up to 1:22 where the sound goes into deep bass grunts reminiscent of the "Devil's Lab", and then back up in 1:31 for the up-tempo "chorus".

As 1:51 hits, it goes into the vocals "Kefka, Trumpet; General Leo, Drums", and the (GREAT) trumpet and drum mix, along with that synthesizer. Then, at 2:55 it starts bleeding back into the "Chorus" of the song, and up into more sounds added to the myriad, then back down to 3:41 into the breakdown again, and Cid's sigh.

Now, while that doesn't sound great in text, it actually works pretty good in the music Gaffeizil made here, it's a shame he isn't here to make any more music.


(P.S. Hi everyone, first post For The Win, Fo Sho :P)

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