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I found the movie to be very poorly done. It had no flow. It had no climax.

Venom takes #1 spot for biggest villain letdown in movie history. I really enjoyed the first 2 movies, but around half way through this one I found myself checking my watch. I found the best action scene to be the first. Aside from the flying snowboard... I thought it was pretty good. It was the only one that captivated me though. The others seemed forced.

I think Harry was undeniably the best character in this movie. If you're a comic/cartoon fan you'll very likely disagree with me, since I hear his role in the movie was COMPLETELY fabricated. But from an unbiased standpoint I found the guy who played Harry's character to do the best acting job, and his character as a whole stood out as the highlight of this film. They tried to do too much with this movie and it came off REALLY over the top. I was cringing and embarrassed over the course of MANY scenes.

Thank God Bruce Campbell was in it for some comic relief.

Thats likely the only scene I'll vividly remember. In retrospect, the acting all around in that scene pretty good.

Anyway, I don't plan on re-watching this movie anytime soon, probably ever, but I still hope the series doesn't end on this note.

EDIT: Just to clarify, while the dialog and scenarios, even atmosphere at time was incredibly dull or corny, I don't think any of the blame should fall on any of the actors. While acting at times seemed really questionable, I think it was very much the directing that made it such.


I'm going to go see this movie sometime this weekend. Unfortunately, it sounds as if my fears are coming true. The first time I saw Venom in the trailer, my heart sank. I knew that this movie featured the symbiote, but I was hoping they'd let it linger to give Venom the full spotlight in the next movie. He's far too awesome a villain to be grouped with both Harry and Sandman.

Possible X-Men 3 Spoilers:

It's the same beef I had with the third X-Men. There could have easily been three movies out of all the crap that they tried to cram in there. The two main plots about the mutant "cure" and the Phoenix didn't even really collide or feed off of one another. They were just kind of happening simultaneously for no real reason other than to make it seem more "epic." The inclusion of Juggernaut also pissed me off. He, just like Venom, deserves a spotlight. Hopefully this movie isn't as bad as X 3 was.

I dunno though. Maybe if I go into it thinking it'll suck, I'll actually come out liking it. Or maybe I'll just be able to focus on how bad it really is. I guess I'll find out soon.

I found the movie to be very poorly done. It had no flow. It had no climax.

Venom takes #1 spot for biggest villain letdown in movie history.

Astronaut from 2nd film could've done it too..

I really enjoyed the first 2 movies, but around half way through this one I found myself checking my watch. I found the best action scene to be the first. Aside from the flying snowboard... I thought it was pretty good. It was the only one that captivated me though. The others seemed forced.

I find it funny that the humanoid Sandman scenes were better than the King Kong type ones. And that the Harry scenes actually topped Venom scenes for the most part.

I think Harry was undeniably the best character in this movie. If you're a comic/cartoon fan you'll very likely disagree with me, since I hear his role in the movie was COMPLETELY fabricated. But from an unbiased standpoint I found the guy who played Harry's character to do the best acting job, and his character as a whole stood out as the highlight of this film. They tried to do too much with this movie and it came off REALLY over the top. I was cringing and embarrassed over the course of MANY scenes.

I get the feeling that the creative staff just went overboard and had fun with making the movie at the expense of the actual viewers. But it was still fun IMO. And yeah, basically they should have named Spiderman 3 as "Harry Osbourne 3". That would have been appropriate.

EDIT: Just to clarify, while the dialog and scenarios, even atmosphere at time was incredibly dull or corny, I don't think any of the blame should fall on any of the actors. While acting at times seemed really questionable, I think it was very much the directing that made it such.

Like others said before, they rushed through at least 4 or 5 different story lines in this one movie. They had too much to do and they wasted it a bit on the nonsensical fight between MJ and Peter. And Gwen had such great chemistry with Peter too, and that went out the window in about 5 minutes.


First off, there are a few difficulties that are automatically involved when one tries to incorporate Venom. The main one of these is that you need a sympathetic extra villain for Spiderman to face off against and steadily lose his temper. This was done rather poorly with the sandman (though Harry did an amazing job). Secondly, when Venom finally was introduced, he did not so much seem frightening as he seemed like a deutshe. And that does not cut it for a villain, especially one that is supposed to be as deadly as venom.

Harry though, was the sole redeeming aspect of the film. Unfortunately, the redemption he provided was not quite sufficient to save the film as a whole.


Well... you know guys... I was really hoping that Doc Oc would have shown up for the final 25 minutes... ya know...since everyone else was getting a storyline.

Ya, he could've come at a peak moment to save Peter, or MJ or a random pedestrian from a falling block,*que intense music* delivered some inspirational monologue to Peter about how important love is and how Peter taught him a real lesson in the last movie and he was there to repay the favor... and heck... he could've floated off with Sandman to make little octopus-sand babies.

...Dang. I should write scripts for these movies... I can come up with the same stuff they can...and they get paid for it!

In all seriousness though, i must say that Harry WAS the redeeming, good factor in the movie.

Ok for some reason I can't figure out where Bruce Cambell was in the film, was he the guy at the resturant? The host?

Yeah, he was the guy with the crazy (fake) french accent. Best scene in the movie. Actually, other than Bruce Cambell and a few of the action scenes, this movie was a complete let down. Though I have to admit, Toby Maguire does pull off emo rather well.


it definitely wasnt the best movie ever made and it did have way to much crammed in to do any of the story points justice, but i think it was a solid conclusion. i guess the whole $350 million spent on this one went to the visual effects alone. but bruce campells cameo was gold and stan lee had his best cameo yet because he was just pullin some girl away from a falling rock.


Spoilers and villan commentary

About Venom-

I think that you all need to take a step back from the comic book for a second and look at him as just a character in a movie. I think it would have actually mad less sense for him to have two voices at the same time when Venom spoke because we never really are given a voice for the symbitoe. It would have seemed weird, I think. I still agree that the way the movie handled it was pretty poor, but it's a minor quip basically.

Venom was by far the worst (as in poorly executed) villan in the film, but at the same time, he served his purpose pretty well. Again, not trying to remember his actually story line (from the comic,) he was bascially their to just scare the shit out of people and cause trouble, and he did. And to whoever said the meteor rock intro was weird, I agree.

Sand Man-

He was the ok villan of the film. I was afraid his CGI was going to get gratuitious, and it did near the end (That monster thing reminded me too much of the clay-guy from Batman), but during most of the film they did a pretty good job making him seem believeable and actually attempting to incorporate realistic physics and such into his movements. I thought his transformation into sand-man was a little forced, but then I rememberd "Hey, it's a story based on a comic book," so I let the unlikely coincidences go (falling into a molecular re-configuration machine or whatever.)

Green Goblin-

By far the best villan and that simply because he has 2 (count em') 2 whole movies of background with Spidey. It's just to satisfying to see every angle of MJ, Parker, and Osbourne's relationship unfold. And Harry successfuly scared the crap out of me with the faces he makes when he's talking to Peter (immediately after getting out of the hospital.)

End of Spoilers

But yeah. This is the kind of movie I wouldn't mind going back to the theaters to watch a second time. I honestly don't feel that way very often.


This post will probably contain some spoilers

I actually liked this movie

They did deviate a little but you know I really didn't mind the tag team part, or anything like that.

I would have liked it if the symbiote was more attached then just a different kind of suit. I was a big fan of the cartoons more then the comics but in the cartoons the suit becomes a part of him not.

I also thought that parker became to emo to fast, all of a sudden the symbiote had taken control of his mind and he was evil there was no slow decline

A little more time on venom really would have been nice, I think that they could have expanded the Sandman/Goblin fights for a long time and then end the movie with the suit dripping on Eddie Brock which would set up a perfect Number 4

Yeah those where my major beefs, overall I still actually really enjoyed myself and pretty much everyone in my theatre did to. Was I the only one who laughed at Toby's hair flip?

Was I the only one who laughed at Toby's hair flip?

About 80% of the crowd in the theater I was in laughed at that as well. >_o

Anyone have any comments regarding the sound track? Nothing seemed too significant to me, but I only started paying attention to it half way through. And even then, I don't remember the second half very well.

Toby portrayed the emo look very well.

Everyone in the theatre started busted up laughing when we saw him with this hair over his eyes, which was enhanced when someone shouted out "MY CHEMICAL SPIDY". Oh man, lols a plenty. Also, eye liner lol.

Nice taking one for the team Toby.

Someone at the midnight show I went to yelled Emo Peter, pretty much every laughed in the theater.

I had a terrible experience seeing the movie. I was 4 rows from the front (it wasn't that bad there), and a couple of girls behind us for some reason started giggling when the film was halfway over, me and my brother in law's brother got so irritated we started making fun of the way they were laughing.


Honestly, I didn't enjoy it as much as the first two. Why did they include Gwen Stacy? I still think they should have had her in the first, maybe even into the second film. There was too many bad guys and too little of time to go through it all. I'm not an all knowing person when it comes to comic book films, but I have to say that I think Raimi (the director) could have done better.

About 80% of the crowd in the theater I was in laughed at that as well. >_o

Anyone have any comments regarding the sound track? Nothing seemed too significant to me, but I only started paying attention to it half way through. And even then, I don't remember the second half very well.

I liked Sandman's theme. Or at least I became very familiar with it. I don't know why, but that was one of the motifs that I just latched onto during the film.


I can't believe no one mentioned the worst cop-out in movie history... *SPOILER ALERT!*

...having Harry's Butler suddenly come in and say he knew his father killed himself with his own glider. First of all, who the hell is this guy, and why the hell should we care? Second, why the hell wouldn't he tell Harry before he went all crazy? Maybe he was just being a dick... Third of all, he must have done some fancy detective work when he was "cleaning his wounds." That's not easy to do. And lately, "I loved your father." ...I sware, the whole theatre was laughing at this. If you want us to take this moment siriously, maybe you should set up this character a bit more...who the hell is he, and why should we care!!

In my opinion, instead of this crap, Harry should have talked to his father again, who would tell him to destroy Peter once and for all, but Harry finally stands up to his controling father and fights along with Peter to save MJ. That way, even though Harry would die still thinking Spider-man killed his father, he would have died a hero doing the right thing, without this random butler cleaning wounds and suddenly displaying unseen emotion...but that's just my thought...still thought the movie was pretty crappy...

... having Harry's Butler suddenly come in and say he knew his father killed himself with his own glider. First of all, who the hell is this guy, and why the hell should we care? Second, why the hell wouldn't he tell Harry before he went all crazy? Maybe he was just being a dick... Third of all, he must have done some fancy detective work when he was "cleaning his wounds." That's not easy to do. And lately, "I loved your father." ...I sware, the whole theatre was laughing at this. If you want us to take this moment siriously, maybe you should set up this character a bit more...who the hell is he, and why should we care!!

In my opinion, instead of this crap, Harry should have talked to his father again, who would tell him to destroy Peter once and for all, but Harry finally stands up to his controling father and fights along with Peter to save MJ. That way, even though Harry would die still thinking Spider-man killed his father, he would have died a hero doing the right thing, without this random butler cleaning wounds and suddenly displaying unseen emotion...but that's just my thought...still thought the movie was pretty crappy...

Agreed 100%. That's actually a pretty good idea for how they could have fixed that scene. I thought the same thing - my friend and I just looked at each other and rolled our eyes at the obvious copout. And our theater laughed at that line too - and even more when he said "I loved Harry even more!"

I liked Sandman's theme. Or at least I became very familiar with it. I don't know why, but that was one of the motifs that I just latched onto during the film.

Huh, that's funny, so did I. I found myself recognizing it whenever it came up and even remembering it later on.


I really liked the movie because they did something what I didn't expect (the Harry saga). The movie didn't focus on Venom but it focused on the "dark Side" of Spidey.

Spoiler: Besides, a villian that was supposed to die isn't acutally dead according to an interview (believe it was IGN). That will probably be Venom, becuase his death was hilarious and he didn't get too much screentime. The other "villian" would be the New Goblin but his death was too important (story-wise) to undo. And the Sandman didn't die.


Given that Raimi hopes to keep doing these movies, has it occurred to anyone else that he's thinking ahead with Venom and has some idea like "the explosion scrambled Brock and the symbiote and bonded them together irreversibly," so that Venom will be as fearsome as he ought to be next time around, with doubletalk and giant tongue and less or no grinning Topher Grace? If he plans to keep this up, Raimi's got to know that Venom is a much bigger villain than he was in this film and has got to have a continuing presence, not just a third of a movie, focused on him. Of course, this may not happen if everything falls from underneath him, but it seems to me that Raimi's got to intend something along these lines.


You know we put the SPOILER stuff for a reason right?

Anyway, Spoiler time: But yea, that's about what I was hinting at. I don't think we're done with Venom yet. Perhaps the explosion split the symbiote in 2... Carnage? Although it would seem very unlikely to have 2 of the same characters (who are really only impsessive to look at but do not have such a depth stroy-wise, especially Carnage) and another villian-turns-ally story would also seem unlikely. But I do believe in Venom's return

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