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Like many gamers, I'm the type who likes to try a wide variety of games. I can appreciate a good game from any genre, and I try to collect the best games for every console. This thread was meant to help gamers such as myself find the great games that are somehow missing from their collection. And now, after a month of nominations, votes and the occasional bickering match, we are proud to present ...


The OCR Must-Have Games List



Crazy Taxi

Daytona USA

Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of Earth

Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves

Grandia II


Jet Grind Radio

Last Blade 2

Marvel vs. Capcom

Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Metropolis Street Racer

Powerstone 2

Project Justice

Skies of Arcadia

Soul Calibur

Street Fighter III: Double Impact

Street Fighter III: Third Strike

Street Fighter Alpha III

Playstation 2

Ace Combat 5


Beatmania IIDX 8th Style

Beyond Good and Evil

Breath of Fire 5: Dragon Quarter

Burnout 3: Takedown

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves

Final Fantasy XII

God of War

God of War II

Grand Theft Auto III

Guilty Gear X2

Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero 2


Jak II

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Katamari Damacy

Kingdom Hearts

MegaMan Anniversery Collection

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence


Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time


Shadow of the Colossus

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

Silent Hill 2

Soul Calibur 2

Soul Calibur 3

Street Fighter Anniversary Collection

Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

Viewtiful Joe

We Love Katamari


Beyond Good and Evil

Burnout 3: Takedown

Capcom Classics Collection 2

Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge

Dead or Alive Ultimate

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind


Halo 2

Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Ninja Gaiden Black

Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath


Panzer Dragoon Orta

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

Project Gotham Racing 2


Shenmue II

Soul Calibur 2


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


Animal Crossing

Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem

F-Zero GX


Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

Mario Power Tennis

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

Metroid Prime

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Pikmin 2

Resident Evil 4

Skies of Arcadia Legends

Soul Calibur 2

Super Mario Sunshine

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Viewtiful Joe

Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Party Game$

Nintendo DS

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime

Elite Beat Agents

Metroid Prime: Hunters

NEW Super Mario Bros.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright 2: Justice for All

Tetris DS



Tekken: Dark Resurrection

Whether you were able to participate in this thread or not, I hope you find a few gems on this list that you haven't taken the time to try out before. They're worth the effort. ;-)


Sorry for the double post, but I don't want to clutter the main post with my nominations.

Playstation 2:

Disgaea 2

Final Fantasy XII

Metal Gear Solid 3


Shadow of the Colossus

God of War

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

We Love Katamari

Guitar Hero



Ninja Gaiden Black



Smash Brothers Melee

Super Mario Sunshine

Metroid Prime

Resident Evil 4

Animal Crossing

Playstation 2

Katamari Damacy


Smash Bros Melee


SSX Tricky (yes, I know it's EA. It's still an awesome game)

BTW, isn't this more or less a favorites thread?

I'd put SSX3 over Tricky, myself.


Haha number 4 is awesome.

Here are some descriptions of games that maybe flew under some peoeple's radar that are good.


Tales of the Abyss

Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

Zone of Enders 2: The 2nd Runner

Pro Evolution Soccer or Winning Eleven(in the US)


Guilty Gear X2 #RELOAD

Obvious Choices:


Shadow of the Colossus


God of War

Metal Gear Solid 2


Halo 1 + 2

Conker's Bad Fur Day


Tales of Symphonia

Metal Gear Solid (remake of the ps version; does this count?)

Smash Bros Melee

Super Monkey Ball 2

Metroid Prime

BTW, isn't this more or less a favorites thread?

He said that he's looking for a list of solid (well made) games, not games that you enjoy. Likability of a game is not the same as the quality of its elements, though a lot of times they do go together. Let's just hope the posters after me recognize this difference before making their selections. For example, I'm not a fan of FF7, but I won't deny its exceptional content.

I only own a PS2 from sephfire's list, so I nominate:

Playstation 2

Grand Theft Auto III

Guitar Hero

Katamari Damacy

SSX Tricky (I know Taucer put it for Gamecube, but I own it on PS2)


What, no PC love?

Anyways, here's my list


Guitar Hero 2

Shadows of the Colossus

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

Grand Theft Auto III

Final Fantasy XII

Ace Combat 5



Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory


Beyond Good and Evil

Game Cube:

Super Smash Brothers Melee

Resident Evil 4

Eternal Darkness


Sonic Adventure


Syphon Filter (I forget the subtitle)

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops


Tekken: Dark Ressurection


Nintendo DS:

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (Say what you like, the games are still good.)

Can we include GBA games, cause those can be played on the DS? If so:

Final Fantasy V Advance

Final Fantasy VI Advance

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Zelda: A Link To The Past/Four Swords

Metroid: Zero Mission

Golden Sun


Ace combat 4, 5, 6

Resident Evil 0, rebirth, 4

Silent hill 2 3 4

Final fantasy 12, 6 & 5(gba)

Phoenix wright 1 & 2

Gran theft auto 3 and San andreas.


Smash bros melee

Zelda Lttp

Advance wars 1,2 and DS

Doom (psx xbox360 pc whatever ...)



Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Crazy Taxi


Mark of the Wolves


Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (I don't care, this was a great Castlevania game, period.


Smash Brothers Melee

Wave Race: Blue Storm

Resident Evil

Resident Evil 4

Metroid Prime

Eternal Darkness


F-Zero GX

Tales of Symphonia

Though i don't think the DS should be included because it's pretty new compared to the PS2. I do think we should include GBA games, since that platform is as good as dead.


Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper

Metroid Fusion

Double Dragon Advance

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Revival

Golden Sun

ok ya why is sephire able to repeatedly create favorites threads

I'm gonna go with Arek and Taucer here. When it really comes down to it, "nominations" is basically another word for "picking favorites." It'd be like having "Must-Have ReMixes: the OCR List." Hey, it's not a favorites thread because now you need *two* people to say they liked it!

First of all, the fact that it's a list means stuff is being intentionally left out. Secondly, there are two possible outcomes for such a list: it will be either a) too small and narrow to accurately cover the full spectrum of genres and tastes or B) too large and broad to be of any actual practical use in the first place.

I will say that all the recommendation threads are kind of annoying though, if not slightly out of hand. To be fair, trying new games isn't as easy and inexpensive as downloading a torrent and going through a couple thousand tracks (which is still actually pretty time-consuming). So maybe recommendation threads have a place...somewhere. But I don't think OCR should be that place. We're in the information age, people, for crying out loud. Have some initiative and try using GameRankings, GameFAQs, Google, or other 'G' website of your choice. If you really insist on getting opinions from OCR and OCR alone (I never understood this) then consider PMs or, pretzel forbid, #ocremix.


Well, I was going to nominate Morrowind for Xbox, but you guys are beginning to really take the fun out of this...

Also, Final Fantasy Tactics for the Playstation.


There are some obvious choices that everyone has been posting, So I am going to post some that haven't been mentioned as much or not mentioned at all.


Tekken 5

Soul Calibur 2


Jak 3


Metriod Prime 2: Echoes

Soul Calibur 2

F-Zero GX

Legend of Zelda Wind Waker

I will say that all the recommendation threads are kind of annoying though, if not slightly out of hand. To be fair, trying new games isn't as easy and inexpensive as downloading a torrent and going through a couple thousand tracks (which is still actually pretty time-consuming). So maybe recommendation threads have a place...somewhere. But I don't think OCR should be that place. We're in the information age, people, for crying out loud. Have some initiative and try using GameRankings, GameFAQs, Google, or other 'G' website of your choice. If you really insist on getting opinions from OCR and OCR alone (I never understood this) then consider PMs or, pretzel forbid, #ocremix.

Lighten up. I agree this is essentially a favourites thread and will eventually be closed. But it's just for a bit of fun and the idea is no less valid than that internet-videos thread that LAOS started.

Why not just add your favourite, decent games as well and let the mods delete it when they're ready. It's not like they're sitting around waiting for people to point out that a thread might be a favourites thread.

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