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Region locking will be fixed (via a patch) within a few months apparently:

[quote name="Bashiok

(Blizzard Poster)"]Unfortunately, there are a multitude of challenges we have to overcome due to the unique regional account and billing options that didn't exist in the past. But those hurdles aren't insurmountable, and we are looking into solutions that will allow interested players to obtain access to other regional versions without having to buy another full copy of the game. Those solutions are something we're currently planning to have available through Battle.net Account Management within the first few months of StarCraft II's release.

Before that solution is implemented though, you're correct in that you'd need to purchase a US copy of the game on launch day to play in the US region.

I feel like I could run it well enough based on my system, I'd just have to turn down all the graphics ALL the way, and that doesn't sound fun to me, but I should probably double check the specs to see.

Oh, and to those with old graphics cards:

I had to play the beta on pretty low settings, but there are a lot of options I could turn to max with little/no penalty, making the game look MUCH better than "lowest everything".

The thing that kills my machine is "shaders" - that needs to be on low or I can't scroll the screen without massive lag. (3D portraits also slowed it down I think). But almost everything else can be on max with no problem - physics, effects, models, all on max, taking away very little detail from death and projectile animations and such. Textures and terrain can be pretty high too. (and then some other options like "shadows" and "reflections" don't even work with shaders on low ;-) )


Wow, I didn't even know the region lock thing was that bad. That's yet another problem on top of the lack of LAN support, required internet activation for single player, the (postponed for now) requirement to use your real name to post on the Blizzard forums, etc. etc..

The base game may or may not be great, but Activision Blizzard is making it REALLY hard for me to justify buying it with all of this nonsense.


now i can understand the multiplayer being region locked being a bit annoying to some people but come on you cant say region locked multiplayer ruins my multiplayer experience completely


I'm liking it so far.. the key locking people out I don't like much.. One thing that made the old Starcraft grand was I could go to a friend's house and 8 of us could use a spawn and LAN it up. The lack of a LAN feature is highly disappointing and turned a few of my friends away from it. All and all still a fairly polished product by Blizzard, I think I'm getting what I paid for.


Yeah, LAN is probably the biggest issue with it that looks doubtful for being addressed. Region locking will be looked into they say. Internet activation for single player isn't anything that's new though, as I believe Steam does basically the same thing.

But qualms aside... I just can't wait to start the campaign! Only about 2 more hours until the US digital version can be activated.


I've decided that even though there's already a thread for this, another one should be created in light of the retail release of SCII (considering that the previous thread was for the beta, that would just be confusing to use the same one). Just post your in-game name that you have displayed on b.net 2.0 along with which region your client is in. I'll make sure to check on the posts and update the list as often as I can. Your community name will be posted followed by your in-game name in italics.

Hope to see plenty of folks sign up!

North America:

Conan the Politician -- Volkspanzer

Yeah, LAN is probably the biggest issue with it that looks doubtful for being addressed. Region locking will be looked into they say. Internet activation for single player isn't anything that's new though, as I believe Steam does basically the same thing.

But qualms aside... I just can't wait to start the campaign! Only about 2 more hours until the US digital version can be activated.

I haven't looked into it yet (I'm at work) but are you still able to play SC single-player without a 'net connection?

Steam has a one-time authentication. After that, you can be offline and still play your games (but it'll you to go online if you DO have a connection.)

That's something I'm fine with.

I do find the lack of LAN play a little silly though. It's a PC gaming staple, and internet connections aren't always so reliable. If my 'net goes out and me and my roommate want to play LAN StarCraft 2, we can't do that like we used to for SC1 anymore which is sort of lame.

now i can understand the multiplayer being region locked being a bit annoying to some people but come on you cant say region locked multiplayer ruins my multiplayer experience completely

No I don't know what ruins YOUR multiplayer experience :-)

I dunno. I don't expect this'll ruin multiplayer, but it's one more annoyance on top of all the others. Starcraft 2 removes so many of these basic features that were in Starcraft 1 and pretty much every other pc game ever, for no good reason.

If this game were anything other than the sequel to Starcraft, they would NEVER be able to sell this.

I'm not saying I won't buy it, honestly I haven't decided yet. I do know this game would have been a day one purchase if it weren't for this sort of thing.


I used to play Starcraft 1 a couple of times with OCR members from the other side of the pond, and was looking forward to doing so again with the sequel. Then out of the blue it's decided I shouldn't be able to do this in the "new and improved" Battle.net 2.0. Coincidentally, the new Battle.net is headed by a former Xbox Live developer which gives me a real bad gut feeling about the whole thing (Especially after he makes such memorable statements as "do you really need chat rooms that much?").

After trying the SC2 beta a couple of times I'm really not all that passionate about the game, and playing casually with OCR friends was pretty much the best incentive I had for getting it.


I has it! Went to the midnight release. Complete waste of my time, since I had to spend all day in another town fucking around for 8 hours. totally not worth it. Never doing a midnight release again. I'll just pre-order it, and pick it up the next day when i wake up.

So apparently choosing Super Saver Shipping from Amazon means I don't get it until August 2nd.


Release date delivery for less than 6$

Patching and installing was never this good. Would have taken me much longer to download on sattelag. Glad I got it. :)

Good notepad, too.

Release date delivery for less than 6$

Patching and installing was never this good. Would have taken me much longer to download on sattelag. Glad I got it. :)

Good notepad, too.

Yeah, i thought that was cool the notepad.

So apparently choosing Super Saver Shipping from Amazon means I don't get it until August 2nd.


i prepurchased it on gamestop online but i said screw it im not waiting until thursday for it to show up so i went and bought it and will return the other one to my local gamestop


Oddly enough out of nowhere my game decides to tell me I've ran out of "Prepaid time for this game" to go to my account management and purchase more. Called up Blizzard I got the "We know about this issue and working to fix it" crap and on the forums apparently during beta the same thing happened. Been all day now and still not fixed, though they obviously know how to fix it in beta.. So now here I set.. waiting until it's fixed. Just to play my single player game.

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