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OCR01582 - Final Fantasy VI "Cantata for Dancing: I. Mors ego sum mortis"


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My only complaint would be that it seemed to end a bit suddenly. Of course, if the title is anything to go by, and this is simply the first movement of something larger, then that's forgiven.

Thank you for your comments. And as for your inquiry as to this being the begining of something larger, you're right! Jeremy and I are already working on the movements to follow this one. I don't know when they'll be done but we'll post updates now and again. Thank you once again for your comments.


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Incredible remix of my favorite Final Fantasy tune. Damn it people. This makes me really want to get an e-drumkit and a keyboard and start making stuff. Of course, then I'd hear this, compare it to my own feeble efforts and run into my bedroom and cry like a little girl...

Awesome stuff guys.

Hmm... is there any way to download the high quality version without creating a putfile account? It seems that the site does not allow people in Japan to register.

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Remix is amazing. My only complaint is that the choir seems a bit mashed together and even looking at the lyrics, it's hard to make out what they are saying. But I don't care that much. Awsome piece. I'm looking forward to more of your music in the future.

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First, the remix is amazing and I can't really say anything that hasn't already be said.

Next, if you click the Tools - Page Info button in Firefox it shows the MP3 as an embedded file that you can then download.

Been using that trick to save a lot of files that websites didn't want me to for qutie a while.

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if you click the Tools - Page Info button in Firefox it shows the MP3 as an embedded file that you can then download.

Also in internet explorer you can to the "view" menu on the file bar and select "source" and it will bring up all the text html script for the page. If you scroll down and look for it, you'll see the mp3 file to download. You can also, when viewing the source code, go up to the edit menu and do a search for ".mp3" without the quotes and it will find the file for you. It has a long name (various letters and numbers) but you'll see the .mp3 at the end of the file. Cool stuff


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Bloody excellent this one. Easily the best remix of this song done to date. Basically, this is how it should have been. (Maybe you can do the final tier sometime ;) )

My only reservation is that the sound is low. It's highly possible that I'm just a noob who doesn't know how to fix it, but to enjoy this track I have to raise the volume by a lot.

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Absolutely fantastic arrangement. However, my only issue, similar to Dectilon's reservation, is certain parts feel "dulled" down, particularly the vocals at the beginning. I don't know if its just my crappy monitors, but its the only thing that lets it down IMO. Although that does not take away from how great it is.

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That's a pretty crazy arrangement you've got there...and for samples, the quality is damned good too! I would love to see sheet music made for this and see it performed live! That is, once all the movements are finished.

Well done!

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I rarely comment on songs. I'm just a listener, not a judge or a songwriter. But this track was simply phenomenal. I could feel every note as it flowed out of my speakers, it is very powerful and very, very inspiring.

Quite possibly one of the best FFVI remixes, and considering the quality of many of them, that says a lot right away.

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Truly excellent work! (as with all of the work submitted/composed by these two) You've done a great piece some great justice with this arrangement. I think that there'd be a lot of pressure arranging such a behemoth of a piece that's SO awesome and the both of you really stepped up to the plate - can't wait to hear the other movements!

Nitpicky stuff - I would've liked to hear a bit clarity on the string attacks. They sound good when paired with brass or xylo. On the topic of xylo, be a little bit leary of where you put the xylo when it's being paired with something in a run (i.e. 1:41 to 1:48ish) because if you put it in the middle, it'll sound a bit mushy, then get really clear, then as it gets lower, a bit mushy again. Also, it would've been really awesome to see you take some more creative control with the arrangement (three mushroom dances comes to mind, which was amazing arranging), as yours is pretty true to the original. Again, very nitpicky, but only because it's so awesome!

Also, I would kill to know how you did the choral voices because they sound amazing. I love you how named the piece was well, very Carmina-Burana-esque, which is the feel that jumped out at me right away! Again, can't wait to hear the others, awesome work guys!

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Tried the view info trick in firefox and it's a no go. I get a 27 kb mp3 file that won't play. Also, when I copy the file location and try to go directly to it I get redirected. Songbird was also unable to download it, even though it is usually good about such things.

I'll pm the mixers and ask if they would let someone mirror it somewhere that is more globally accessible.

Ah, nevermind. Derek was kind enough to send me an alternate link. Thank you very much, Derek!

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