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OCR01583 - Super Mario 64 "Spinlock"


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I never would have thought that the source material could be used like this. I like it. The ending is a little disappointing, but the percussion is well done and the source melody is presented in a pleasing and interesting manner. Nice job.

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This is a very wicked mix.

I had no idea you can do this sort of work to the file theme.

The ending is kinda sudden yet suddle. I cant really tell if I like it or not but I have already downloaded it and I'll be playing this quite a bit now haha

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Um....wow. I didn't realize something so simple could be expanded so much.

While I normally appreciate symphonic or orchestral mixes a lot more than others, this one is quite unique. Definitely a keeper for my playlist.

Nice job, aluminum! :-)

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I'd love to comment on this song but it won't play on computer for some reason. Windows Media Player says the file has some sort of an MP3 extension; wtf? I also tried iTunes' date=' but iTunes won't even [i']try to load it.

Oh well, I'm sure the song's good...

Did you try all of the mirrors? It Downloaded fine for me.

Anyway, as for the mix, very cool. The intro has a very smooth sound and builds to the main melody nicely, and the piano solo at 2:20 was sweet.

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Dug the mix! Really awesome interpretation - I almost didn't recognize it at first! You really bended the ear, especially with an original that's a bit more static, you really took it to the next level!

Wasn't too keen on the ending, just because the energy was so strong leading up to it... then it faded off. BUT, a lot of people dug that too and it was an artistic choice to make, so it's definitely not a knock on the work.

Can't wait to hear more of your stuff!

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I've got aluminum's "Climmhazard Rush" mix and I was impressed what he managed to do with that short, looping source material. A lot of imagination went into it.

The same could be said for this. Great stuff. I even got used to the last third, which seemed out of place at first.

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As Vig says, since Intense Color, there hasn't been any remix featuring this kind of out-there interpretation of the source tune. Very interesting take on it, and certainly nothing you would expect when thinking about a Mario 64 remix.

The slow section up to 1:22 didn't really catch my attention, but once the song picks up afterwards, it becomes better. The piano part from 2:19 took me by surprise (when I first listened to it, I assumed that this was already the next remix in my playlist), but it's a pretty cool part.

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  • 1 month later...

This mix has "that something."

I'm not sure what "that something" is, but whatever it is, mixes containing "that something" cause me to become infatuated with them and play them WAY too much, eventually becoming intensely burnt out. But hey, it's fun while it lasts!

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, I love the ambient build through the intro that gives way to some really trick percussion at 1:08. Although I like the stutter at 1:14 because…well, I like stutters…I’m not sure it fit perfectly with the rest of the mix. A little too dry and staccato, to borrow Jill’s description.

Awesome interpretation of the source. Awesome.

It really sounds like you put some thought into synth automation and FX (lots of cool stuff going on at 1:50-2:18) so props for that. All in all, props for a really cool mix.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

wow... this... this piece is so good. sooooooooooo soooo good.

this remix is blowing my mind. i've had it on repeat for the last 90 minutes or so. i'm not even stoned or drunk or anything...

the snap/clap rhythm with the hi-hat is a great background to the organ-type melody. the pseudo-tempo drop at 1:14 is insane. The sister phrases with the halfstep digress in pitch on the high pitch synth starting at 1:50 sends chills up my spine everytime i hear it. every. time. still. after 90 minutes lol.

of course a bit of a smoother transition into the 2nd section would be great. the bells underneath a 2:20 kinda mess that part up for me, but it's not enough for me to dislike the piece... Honestly I wish this was longer though... i really want this song to be like 8 minutes long with more of that synth, ya know?? maybe just use that slow section for a bridge and perhaps down to a complete silence with only the bells from the beginning... then build up again into a completely new section... my mind is running wild with ideas... god this piece is amazing.

Seriously, aluminum... if you're there think about re-remixing this into something gigantic... it's got so much more potential and it would make a LOT of people on here very happy.

- Shoop

like... that sister phrase i mentioned... that needs to happen a good 2-3 more times.

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