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And video, if applicable...

Unfortunately, analoq did not bring along his video recorder (nor did anyone else), which is too bad since there was great opportunity for some hilarious footage.

Anyway, Global-Trance has some pics that he's going to post sometime today.

A brief summary of events:

-Everyone showed up at Trenthian's house between 1-3, whereby people played some fighting games and Guitar Hero 2, and a board game called Caylus.

-We hung out and snacked and had fun. JJT, analoq, Trenthian, and zyko started jamming in the living room, and we got to hear analoq's wonderful tenor skills through a vocorder.

-We went to dinner around 9 and had some wicked awesome food

-We came back and people started to file out of the event (Jiggin Jon T/Was the first casualty)

-The remainder of the party (myself, GT, Arek, Trenthian's cousin, and zyko) enjoyed some time in the jacuzzi and had some....spirited....talk about philosophy and religion. Then came some alcohol and craziness.

-This morning, it all seemed like a wonderful dream. And zyko might not know who he is anymore.


Alright now that going through photos is over, I think I can finally give my review of the meet-up. Due to the limit on photos being posted, I'll be making several posts in a row.

Early Saturday morning, I hitched a ride with Southwest saving me several hours of driving.


Trenthian was kind enough to pick me up at Burbank and we were on our way to prepare for the others to arrive.

Before long, they all started to trickle on in. Let the festivities begin. Phthisis, analoq, Hemophiliac, lurker Ivy, Nicholas, and several of Trenthian's non-OCR friends (a couple of them just registered) were the first to arrive.



JJT (in front) trickled in a bit late, but at least he got to come for the pizza!


...Post to be continued...

Someone may have made a joke here and offended JJT. Ivy and analoq seem amused.


Music begins to happen.


Meanwhile outside... LONGEST TUTORIAL EVER.


The game is called Caylus, I believe. I mean. It says it on the box.


...Post to be continued...

Back inside, more join in the music happenings. Some more close-ups...





Outside, Hemophiliac gets the two Slow People to fight.


...Post to be continued...

Zyko, the main "nigga" shows up!


He joins in on the jam session that explodes into epic proportions.




I gotta step out now... so I'll have to continue this when I get back!

...Post to be continued...

JJT on analoq's sexy moog.


JJT switches over to the piano while analoq gets his vocoder groove on. The longer I stare at analoq sitting in this chair, the more I'm convinced that he's crippled.


After epicness, we all head to BJs for amazing food.





Good stuff so far. Looks like everyone had a fun time.


Wait wait... G-T, when you mentioned the restaurant to me earlier, you just said it was BJ's. You didn't say anything about Chicago Style BJ's. Wow. How was it, everyone? Delicious like the real thing?


Yeah, this looks like a great meet-up. I like how jam sessions just materialize out of nowhere when ocr has meetups. (Not that it doesn't make sense. Lots of us are musicians.)

Good stuff so far. Looks like everyone had a fun time.


Wait wait... G-T, when you mentioned the restaurant to me earlier, you just said it was BJ's. You didn't say anything about Chicago Style BJ's. Wow. How was it, everyone? Delicious like the real thing?

BJs is always made of win and love :D

oops i forgot to mention...Stephen Hawking!!

Good stuff so far. Looks like everyone had a fun time.


Wait wait... G-T, when you mentioned the restaurant to me earlier, you just said it was BJ's. You didn't say anything about Chicago Style BJ's. Wow. How was it, everyone? Delicious like the real thing?

Hot fucking deets. Not only was the berry cider tasty, but their pizookies were amazing. I <3 BJs.

Damn, a good number of people there. Looks good though - where was the jacuzzi n stuff?

The jacuzzi was physically located right below Hemophiliac in that picture with the slow kids. I don't think there are any pictures, though, because we were all in the water, and GT's camera is incredibly expensive.


yeah, the pool was at Trenthian's.

JJT switches over to the piano while analoq gets his vocoder groove on. The longer I stare at analoq sitting in this chair, the more I'm convinced that he's crippled.


hahahahaha... larry, make this my photo on my remixer profile.

i'll never get a bad review again if people think i'm-- err i mean, since i am a handicapped musician who needs a breathing tube. woe is me.

awesome pictures, GT. this certainly captures the look and feel of the west-coast scene (for better or worse..)



first off, i want to apologize again for the chaotic (and still unknown to me) conclusion to my night with you guys. my bad, threnthian - my sincerest apologies to you, good sir. you threw a fantastic party and well, my bad.

second of all, you guys are awesome. good times

the jam session was, as expected, my favorite moment :)

also, i really honestly have no idea what happened. last thing i remember i was talkin religon in a hot tub and drinking vodka.


first off, i want to apologize again for the chaotic (and still unknown to me) conclusion to my night with you guys. my bad, threnthian - my sincerest apologies to you, good sir. you threw a fantastic party and well, my bad.

second of all, you guys are awesome. good times

the jam session was, as expected, my favorite moment :)

also, i really honestly have no idea what happened. last thing i remember i was talkin religon in a hot tub and drinking vodka.


That was basically it. After you and Trenthian's cousin finally stopped with the live action ppr conversation, you went inside and binged on some goldljlakjekjler *whatever the fuck it is called* and were gone.

Good times man, good times.

Also yes, the jamming was fucking awesome. I had a blast participating, though I wish there was more percussion than just the bongo : /. At the next meet up we need to do that again. We gotta show these east coasters how a true meet up is done.

EDIT: I totally forgot to nab both your and JJT's numbers. PM it to me when you get the chance :D

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