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Our local tv-guide gave it an 1 out of 5, because it was simply a movie with a lot of explosions.

It didn't tell anything about the movie other then that, and kept on going about how sucky the director is. Michael Bay should be the perfect director for movies like this.

Needles to say, i didn't believe it for one second. I'm planning on watching it in a week or two.

They said simular things about Live Free or DieHard. The same end result that movie owns. I hope this movie draws the same parallel


My expectations so far:

1. CGI looks admittedly awesome.

2. We know the drill about Bay.

3. Action may be all we get, so there'd better be plenty of it.

4. If I give a shit about any of the human characters, it may be a miracle.

5. Despite all the potentially upsetting changes, the original idea is pretty much still intact: giant morphing robots beating the energon by-product out of each other in the service of selling merchandise. So it's still not a total loss.


I think it'll be, at the least, okay. I hope to see it on the 4th with a friend.


I'm going to leave it to all of the dumb@@@@ mouth-breathers to watch it over 4th of July - I'll go see it the week after so that I can actually enjoy it.


Just got back from the movie (they had a pre-screening in my town). Wow. Very impressive. It literally blew me away, and my inner fan-boy was jumping for joy. Smoke pretty much it on the head. Beautiful CG work, very impressive (and unobtrusive) comedy. And amazing fight scenes. I personally enjoyed the Mt. Dew Bot and the Nokiabot, those were hilarious.

As for the new Transformers Theme song...I didn't hear it at all. I think they scrapped it, because I didn't even see it in the credits.


Ha ha ha, amazing, absolutely frigging amazing. Such an awesome movie, I'm going to see it again in IMAX, where it will be 10 times more awesome

My head might explode from the awesome factor


So in an attempt at not being repetitive, I'm going to skip how fucking awesome the action scenes were and give some gripes i had about the film. The girl. Fucking hot, but not so much anything else. I think she delivered some of the most awkward lines, but then again i wasn't expecting Shakespeare or anything. I felt like a lot of the humor was forced, and the scene where the robots where trying to hide from Sam's parents was way to long. A funny shtick at first, but got old pretty fast.

But like I said, I didn't see it for the dialog or in-depth character development, I saw it for the best fucking action sequences ever. And I was defiantly satisfied.


Movie was pure awesome. Really funny, really badass. I was surprised that someone remembered to give the autobots and deceptacons personality. The CGI team really busted their asses for this one. There have been lots of movie-killing CGI in these past three years, save for the great Pixar movies. But I think I can honestly say that the animators really made the movie come to life. The kid who played Sam was perfect for the role. Actually, all around the acting was surprisingly good. At first when I saw the previews I was like "OH GAWD it's Tyrese noo". However, I never really had any problems with the acting in the movie. Optimus Prime was awesome, but I think Starscream really took the cake.

I was really scared this movie would suck, but it was way more than I expected it to be. The movie was never boring, and there were lots of spine tingling moments where you just think "wow this movie is awesome."


My only complaint about the movie (and it's a very small one) is that there wasn't enough Starscream. He had some kickass scenes (I thought his battle with the F-22s near the end was one of the best in the movie), but I wanted more.

Regardless of that, it was still freaking awesome.


Just got back from watching it. The movie was incredible. I was very impressed with the CGI and character personalities. As much as I loved the giant robots I couldn't help but drool every time Megan Fox was on screen. BEAUTIFUL! Anyway I hope there will be a sequel.

Side note: What was that movie trailer about? Some people at a party, and then they hear some weird noise, something like a comets landing on earth. It's the most interesting movie trailer I have ever seen.


A google search yields that it's either called "Clover" or "Cloverfield", and it's a giant monster movie shot from the perspective of people's hand cams. The trailer was crazy, and everyone in our theater was like "wtf is the name this looks good"


I must be one of the only people not impressed with the Cloverfield trailer. In fact, right now I'm laughing at how bad that trailer actually is.

Anyway, my next statements right now are made as a life-long Transformers fan, from it's G1 beginnings:

The movie ROCKED. I wish shome of the characters got more character development and screentime but I was expecting that, too many characters not enough development. Very G1 like right there.

The voice cast and the human actors were ace and everyone was great. I didn't think Megan Fox was that good of an actress, mainly eye candy. However she could continue to improve and become a great actress.

I WILL be buying this on DVD.


Saw it today, was the first one in the theater. =D

I can say, the movie was very entertaining.

Yes, I have my gripes, but all in all, it was a very good hollywood movie.

Much better than spiderman 3.

I'd agree with most comments made, very little character development/plot; but so friggin cool to watch, you don't care.

Section 7 sucked.

Anyone else stay through the credits? The starscream thing made me wonder how they'd do a sequel.


I cannot believe that movie actually turned out to be awesome. I was totally blown away about how well it all came together. It is really a summer blockbuster, and we haven't had a good one in a while. It's Independence Day good. It's a beautiful visual experience.

It does lack some character development, but only because they focus primarily on the humans. And it works because they don't try to spend all this time squeezing in 50 subplots like Pirates 3 and Spidey 3 just to develop a bunch of characters nobody cares about anyway. Sorry folks, no StarScream takeover subplot for you.

This was even more fun than Die Hard 4, and I couldn't believe how good Die Hard 4 turned out.

Stay through the credits, there are a few scenes to watch as the credits roll.


Thouroughly enjoyed this film!!

It had a nostalgic feeling that really was endearing.

Dare I say it was 80's-tastic. I enjoyed it, love hearing the original voice actors, and at some spots the crowd was applauding, specifically the first couple times we saw some of the transformers transform.

Technically speaking, movie critics will either barely like this movie or hate it, but seriously, I loved this movie. It was so much fun to watch. :)


Just got back from the wicked movie.

Didn't stay through the credits unfortunately. Can someone either PM me what happened or type it in white for me? :cry:

Just got back from the wicked movie.

Didn't stay through the credits unfortunately. Can someone either PM me what happened or type it in white for me? :cry:


{Star Scream flies through the atmosphere into space.

That, and a couple of gags with Sam's parents.}

I'm so gonna see it. I was anyway, but at least now i have the idea i won't be wasting my money.

I'm so going to see it...

No seriously, run to the theater... go now! I want to go again.

It's so nostalgic and there's a WHOLE bunch of little details all over the place that refer to the transformers, and it has a lot of subliminal fanservice all over the place. Seriously, good times. :)


Took too long for things to really get off the ground, IMO. You're really only introduced to the majority of the Decepticons in time for the big fight in the city. There should have been more of a presence before that.

Oh, and a few inconsistencies and weird things that didn't make much sense, but it's hard to discuss those without spoilers.

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