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OCR00772 - Final Fantasy VI "Phantom Midnight"


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True, it does have emotion. And I know I said elsewhere something along the lines of solo piano needing perhaps some accompaniment (not often do you hear any solo piano on radio stations of that nature). But nonetheless it is still good. He could've added a couple train sounds though and that would've made it great, imo.

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sorry about the peak clipping. :) this is the first track i've recorded with gigastudio, so i was not recording in the best way possible. also, the clipping -should- be hardly noticable unless you're using something like winamp with its graphical equalizer for playback...

thanks for all of the comments, though. glad you all enjoyed it, for the most part.


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I thought it was beautifully done.

It's depressing, yet romantic. This is a song you'd play if you were having a conversation with your girlfriend.

And it reminded me more of Castlevania SOTN.

It's not often a song is remixed so well, that it can fit into more than just one game.

Congrats on this remix. I hope to hear more from you.


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This is one of the more beautiful pieces I've heard in a while. It makes me feel so relaxed, yet utterly depressed. I'll admit, at times I like to be depressed and this song is perfect for setting that mood. This is just what I need when I feel miserable. This also deserves a lot of credit because for the past 6 months I've been on a terrible writers block and all of a sudden I feel like writing some more songs. Ideas just popped right in my head. I think I'll finally finish this hardcore epic I've been working on. In addition to that it's the type of song that will put me to sleep.

I hope to hear more like this in the future. Beautifully done!

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This mix's main limitation is that it isn't a live recording, and there's really no way to get around that...

But, for what he had to work with, Matt did an excellent job and shows some good insight into piano-playing techniques.

Although I do have to say, the velocity towards the end of the piece sounded to me like it was controlled by some sort of LFO...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beautimous. It reminds me of.. .*snaps his fingers a few times* .... Untamed Heart. Not really much to say. It's a big piano solo. But a big PRETTY piano solo. Not a big fan of the fade out however. I prefer a nice solid ending. 8.5 out of 10.

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  • 2 months later...

This is great! Wonder how I didn't come across this before? Anyways, any alterations would make this piece obscure...I would leave it exactly how it is, except maybe one thing. Wouldn't this song sound cool with rain and thunder stuff in the background? Hehe...Anyways, what a classic, it stays close to the original theme, while adding a whole new perspective to the song. This would've been great in the game, or if they would've released it in the OSV...



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  • 9 months later...
someone got the sheet music for this piece?

I second that!

This sounds very... professional. The melody flows perfectly. When heard this the first time I haven't played FF6 yet. This was one of those songs that made me think "I gotta play that game which has so amazing music!"

I always feel very very sad when listening this... am I the only one? ._.


//p.s. this remix deserves more comments!

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