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*waves* Hello ^_^

my name is Lauren (duh)

I'm new here (I'm sure most of ya'll know my boyfriend crazyonr)

people find it strange that I'm a girl and I like video games and video game music but whatever I'm cool :P (and hot)

so anyways my boyfriend got me hooked on OCR so here I am!

*waves* Hello ^_^

my name is Lauren (duh)

I'm new here (I'm sure most of ya'll know my boyfriend crazyonr)

people find it strange that I'm a girl and I like video games and video game music but whatever I'm cool :P (and hot)

so anyways my boyfriend got me hooked on OCR so here I am!

For the sake of your sanity, I recommend you either stay away from unmod or stop bringing attention to your gender or your self image.

In fact, unless you are japanese, drop the -chan, it'll make your life a lot easier.

Other than that, welcome to the best website on this side of the internet.


This is the eshman checking in. I've been visiting the site for a year or so now and it feels a lot like my home away from home. I've been wanting to get into the remixing scene for quite some time now, but I'm going to beef up my PC first, so it'll probably be sometime towards the beginning of next year before you see any work by me, if it makes it through the panel.

'Til then I'm working on game development and design albeit as a side hobby. You can check out some stuff by me here:


and here:


They're basically in-the-works stories and game development, but it's a sample of things to come.

Also, if you're interested you can visit me on myspace:


Catch ya later! ;p


hi my name is tusruibachi. i love to take long wakls on thee beach, and i have fun watching ocremix. i havent been cmonig here long (joined on my former acc Gendo-Ikari in 2004) so ya have fun see you in unmod coz that's where i usu. hang out and be gay


*waves* Hello ^_^

my name is Lauren (duh)

I'm new here (I'm sure most of ya'll know my boyfriend crazyonr)

people find it strange that I'm a girl and I like video games and video game music but whatever I'm cool :P (and hot)

so anyways my boyfriend got me hooked on OCR so here I am!

For the sake of your sanity, I recommend you either stay away from unmod or stop bringing attention to your gender or your self image.

In fact, unless you are japanese, drop the -chan, it'll make your life a lot easier.

Other than that, welcome to the best website on this side of the internet.

Hey unmod is fun :P


My name is Mike O'Shea and I have been remixing games for 3+ years now. I use fruity loops with lots of plugins (free ones because im poor) i used to have a screenname on this site many years ago but i forgot the password and created a new one:-) This has been my favorite site for 3+ years and there are a lot of remixers which i respect( not gonna name any because there are lots) anyways i will be submitting tracks which i hope you like! currently i am a student at the conservatory of recording arts in AZ but i am from Fort Collins, Colorado... i have a remix in progress for the "Links Awakening Game, the woods level" I just am waiting for you guys to judge the one i submitted months ago....(i know the inbox is very full..)anyways... give me a chat and add me to youre buddy list. My screen name is Mikester121 for AIM




Hey all. I've been visiting this site for years now, downloading remixes. Got led here looking for a remix of Shadow's theme from FF6 and lo-and-behold here I am. Just wanted to say hi, and figured this would be an OK place to put a big "thank you" to all the judges and remixers that have worked hard to make the music aspect of this site what it is. Hell, I've started playing games just based on a good remix :D

Anyways, I figure I might as well join the forum aspect a bit cause I get bored at work and feel like I could stand to fill the gap.



Welcome! Your tags are fine but direct linking to a google image search usually doesn't work. Here you go:


Feel free to use it.


Image Shack comes in handy.

Just in case you wanted the white background gone...


Oh yeah!

Welcome to you & other recent arrivals.

Way to go Michelle, saving a gif as a jpg : P


hey hey hey, im obviously new here (tries to hide low post count) so please be nice. ive been listening to music from here for the good part of two years, listening to the podcast for a long time and i just gotta say i really apriciate what is being done here. Also, i live in the UK so excuse the time difference.

oh, and best game ever = link to the past



Oh, my. I should have come here first before making my other posts. Naughty me.

C:\> cd intros

C:\INTROS\> ocremix

Loading ... Done!

Hello, patrons of OCRemix. I call myself Twilight in Zero. You may call me that, TiZ, or Trent. Whatever suits your fancy.

I've come to the site for quite a long time whenever I wanted to hear a unique take on a song I really liked. Nothing I've heard here has ever disappointed me, I'm glad to say.

I'm highly anticipating the site projects Summoning of Spirits and Project Chaos. I check the site projects board every day to see if PC's come out yet, and I've been following SoS since early 2005, though I've only just now started posting on the boards.

Since I've said just about everything I think is neccesary to know about me, I think I'll stop here. I hope to enjoy you, and hope that you enjoy me.

--- End of Introduction ---

C:\INTROS\> cd ..

C:\> cd 4keen

C:\4KEEN\> keen4e


alright, after my stumbling introduction, I got slammed, and the treads locked.

So maybe it was a good idea to look around, and find this forum.

I just paly for fun, and am rated about 14-1500 on yahoo.

I prefer blitz, 10 minute games are fine, as I can get thru openings quickly.

Personally? I am a HUGE fan of Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. I go to as many shows as I can each year he tours\ wnet to Gainesville "homecoming", and Atlanta, and also with my g/f in Mansfield ( great woods).

I am a longtime poster on the Heartbreakers message board, and on the Bill Maher messageboard.

I've heard that downloading AIM slows the computer down, so Im reticent to do so.

I don't speak "computereese"/ so please don't load me down with tech specs.

Just hold my hand and tell me

" it will all work out" LOL

alright, after my stumbling introduction, I got slammed, and the treads locked.

So maybe it was a good idea to look around, and find this forum.

I just paly for fun, and am rated about 14-1500 on yahoo.

I prefer blitz, 10 minute games are fine, as I can get thru openings quickly.

Personally? I am a HUGE fan of Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. I go to as many shows as I can each year he tours\ wnet to Gainesville "homecoming", and Atlanta, and also with my g/f in Mansfield ( great woods).

I am a longtime poster on the Heartbreakers message board, and on the Bill Maher messageboard.

I've heard that downloading AIM slows the computer down, so Im reticent to do so.

I don't speak "computereese"/ so please don't load me down with tech specs.

Just hold my hand and tell me

" it will all work out" LOL

No worries, man. Might I make a suggestion about easing yourself into the OCR community? The best thing you can do is to simply lurk about the forums for a little while, just until you get the vibe of the forum. Read the FAQs, don't post "favorites threads," and try not to piss people off.

When in Gen Disc, just be casual and yourself. When in PP&R, be open-minded and don't act stupid. Oh, and enter UnMod at your own risk. :wink:

Be a "newbie" not a "n00bie."

As for AIm slowing you compy, I can't say I've heard anything of the sort, unless you're operating on a stone age machine. I don't know, personally, as I use Trillion for all my IMing, rather than AIM.

what patzer? cute.

I said Im 14-1500; you can define that as you please


That's in my own sig, dude. I wasn't talking about you. Click on the link to go to the same place as was in my previous post.


  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everyone,

Well I am new here, my nick name is Jacko, my actuall name is Scott.

To start off, I have been visiting OCR on and off for 12 months downloading a few songs here and there, I have only just gotten into VGDJ which is really good and I think my time has come for me to take a plunge at submitting a re-mix.

I also am a budding musician, I study Jazz Sazophone Performance at Adelaide University.

Sooo theres my two cents worth


Hey all, I'm a not a newcomer to OCRemix, just to the forum boards. I've been admiring the work you all do and decided I would like to try my hand at some of the action. Just as a side note, most of my stuff, if not all of it, will be recordings of live performances... Cause I write for the little groups I do at school. If anyone would like to make a request on what song they would like me to try, just let me know. I've been listening to all of the songs you have, so I'll be writing my share of reviews... hope you all can welcome me in.


Hello newbies and welcome.

Greetings and salutations "young blood" and welcome to the world of the OCR forums.

With being new, it is understandable that you are reluctant to post, worrying about you embarrasing yourself and all, but worry not, for that is all part of 'growing' here.

The first place you guys should start is the "training grounds" known as general discussion . That is the portion of the forum where you can talk about basically anything related to the world of remixing and gaming, as long as it is work safe of course. Please do refrain from asking for any sort of "requests" in any form, be it remixes to programs to osts. OST requests, as well as anything besides freeware/shareware, are frowned upon here, considering that they are illegal, but of course if you are searching to purchase said ost or program, you are more than encouraged to do so, as long as you are polite in how you address your question :D. Also, if you wish to request a certain remix of a song to be made, you are more than encouraged to post your request here. Please do keep in mind that your request will not always be answered, so do not have your feelings hurt if your thread does not get any replies. It isn't anything personal, it is just that remixers are busy and often do not have time to do a remix for you, but you might get lucky, so don't hesitate to ever at least ask :D

Once you feel that you are ready to gain your 'sealegs' and explore the rest of what ocr's forums have to offer, you should explore Politics Philosophy and Religion, where you can find many different discussions on many of the more 'controversial' topics on people's minds. Please do keep in mind that everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether you agree with it or not. It is NOT encouraged that you engage in a 'flamewar', also known as agressive arguement, with anyone on this forum, regardless of the reason. You will risk getting yourself warned and even banned. It is not worth risking your account, as well as your 'good name' tarnished over a silly arguement, now is it? :wink:

If you ever have any technical issues regarding....well....anything technical, then post your questions here *which happens to be the exact portion of the forums that we are in righ now :D*. Please do keep in mind that it is a technical assistance forum, so do not ask anything about remixing in any form or about anything random. Remixing questions and advice can be saught here. Please do refrain from asking the basic question of "how do I remix?", of course :P

Noticing those nifty little images that people have under those posts and want one of those for yourself? Well, thos are called "signatures", and there is a special place where you can go to request to get one of to call your very own! The "Ye Olde Sig Shoppe" is just the place for you, where you can request just how you would like your signature to be made. Please do read the first post of that thread in it's entirety so that no confusion may come up between you and whoever may see your sig request.

Having problems with your coding? seeing and wondering why it isn't simply hyperlinking instead? Well, this thread will teach you all you need to know about how to use the coding the forums use. At first it may be a hassle to learn, but once you memorize how each function is done, you won't soon forget them :D

Well, I hope that covers everything. If you guys ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I am always available to help out the every day new guy. I was once one, I know how it was like :D

Goodluck and happy posting!

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