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So what'd you think of that last twist at the end?

It rocked my world. That was completely awesome and complete fanboy fodder. It was great. The game is just really good, but it's weird to have a Metal Gear that has a conclusion... just doesn't entirely seem right as it's never been that way before, but I like the way it ended though. Ending twist was awesome too. :)

What about you? Did you dig the twist?


It rocked my world. That was completely awesome and complete fanboy fodder. It was great. The game is just really good, but it's weird to have a Metal Gear that has a conclusion... just doesn't entirely seem right as it's never been that way before, but I like the way it ended though. Ending twist was awesome too. :)

What about you? Did you dig the twist?


Probably during this week. What's your PSN name? Strike911 as well? I'll add you.

About the ending...it's wasn't a slap in my face. Not at all, I'll define it as a freaking huge crane on my face ^^


Brilliant, absolutely Brilliant!



I personally thought the ending felt lacking and tacked on. Kojima himself mentioned he wrote the games as they were made (proven by his retcon which changed Dr.Clark from a "he" to a "she") so he had the need to tie everything up here. Clearly, once he reached the end, he saw that the only way he could do that was by outright explaining everything to the player, something that could only be done with Big Boss, so he had to bring him back.

His sudden appearance makes little sense, even in the MGS world, and then he goes on to deliver a trademark MGS rambling speech. If that wasn't enough, Kojima then decided to use his favorite nonsensical plot point, FOXDIE. Oh fuck Big Boss caught it! He's gonna die. Wait, he's talking first. Talking. Talking. Oh he fell. He got up. He fell again. He's saluting. He's smoking a cigar. He's dying. He's dead. The stretching on of the scene sapped a lot of the underlying emotion. It just made little sense. Killing off Snake would've been better, that's the death the man created to be a soldier deserved. Not withering away for three months at home with Otacon as his housemaid.

The whole second half of the game felt pretty contrived and weird, mostly thanks to Kojima's struggle to wrap up all the plot points. It took away from the game. The (little) gameplay itself was spot on, and the Liquid Ocelot fight was perfect, but still... It didn't feel like the ending was deserving of the series grandeur.

MGS2 is still the best one, in my opinion.



I thought the game was awesome, not just in story, but also graphically and gameplay as well. I think the Snake/Liquid Ocelot fight was awesome. I definitely enjoyed that. I finally completed the game last night, and now, hopefully today, I'll go back and make an attempt at unlocking more gear.


@ Filodemo

Attempting to avoid spoilers so I'll be as vague as possible.

In MGS1, the Dr. Clark reference isn't exactly correct. The "retcon" isn't actually a retcon; it's a translation issue. In the original Metal Gear Solid, the original Japanese version, Naomi didn't use the term "he" like it does in the English version to describe Clark. The original Japanese script used a gender neutral term to describe Dr. Clark, which when the English version was localized, changed that neutral term to "he." It was a translation issue from MGS1.

slight spoilers below (again trying to be vague, just in case, because I'm a nice guy)

Also, I see where you are coming from with your analysis of the ending, but I disagree with you. I think thematically the ending fit. What happens to Snake also seems fitting, as his entire life he's been manipulated by others and cannot win, no matter who he defeats in battle. Yeah, the explanation for you-know-who coming back from the dead was crazy, but not as crazy as the rest of the stuff in the Metal Gear Solid series. And as a fan it was a really cool moment seeing that meeting, and I'll always remember that. Snake will die because of how they've created him. He can't escape that. I felt as if it was a very fitting way for a genetically engineered soldier to go. He can have his life, but it's overshadowed by his creators and and his past. He can't win.

end spoilers

Plus, I don't feel as if the ending was nearly as hokey as you made it out to be. :) IMO, it was one of the more memorable scenes in gaming. I'd go so far to call it an eventual classic. Everyone will recognize that final shot before the screen goes black. I'd put money on it.

@ Filodemo


The whole ending seemed really fitting to me. The game really could ONLY end with Big Boss. And the fact that Snake has his accelerated aging, really gives you a sense of this "This guy needs a break already." I played through the whole game HOPING Snake would die because the guy really just couldn't take anymore. After everyone, for his entire life, tell Snake there is nothing for him but the battlefield, that he was born there, that he lives there, and he will die there, it was REALLY cool to see Big Boss come and tell him to live the rest of his life...that he's earned it. To stop fighting.

end spoilers


If spoilers are going to be this serious of an issue, OCR needs a spoilers tag already.


Does anyone else have a problem with connecting to the network for any of MGS4's online content? Every time I try to do something online, I get an error... However, my PS3's online functions seems to work fine, like the web browser and store.

I'd like to give MGO a whirl, but can't even download the 1.01 update. :(

agreed -- we already have spoiler tags. Just paint the text white.

doesn't help us dark skin users much, since it's not a true spoiler tag, but at least it's a different color for us


MGS 4 has been considered by even the creator's comments to be somewhat of a bust. They took the PS3 to its limits and it just wasnt enough.

However this game IS NOT LOCKED UP BY SONY MGS4 is not PS3 exclusive it was just released on the PS3 only. If a PC version hits you can expect it to be the game everyone was looking for. enjoy MGO however :)

MGS 4 has been considered by even the creator's comments to be somewhat of a bust. They took the PS3 to its limits and it just wasnt enough.

Kojimas already said he wasn't disappointed by MGS4. He was trying to be modest, and the meaning behind his comments didn't translate quite the way he thought.

After having played through once and working on a second playthrough already, I can say that the game surpasses my expectations I had going in based on the info we got before release. Kojima has always given us games with more stuff to do than other developers even dream of when it comes to playing an MGS title, and this one manages to cram even more in. The fact that you can now choose between using avoiding all confrontation, running and gunning, making two sides fight each other, and more is amazing. Not to mention that it's all implemented and balanced so well. The game never punishes you for choosing one play style or another. There's something there for just about every kind of gamer, and more built in replay value than other games can shake a stick at. My only gripe would be that the stealth aspect of gameplay doesn't translate well to MGO, and MGO in general, though fun, isn't the best multiplayer experience ever. That said, with a single player that's so deep and rewarding, a fun multiplayer is just a nice bonus.


I agree. This game exceeded my expectations and I totally hyped it up for myself. With all the things just mentioned, there's the addition of a bajillion guns you can use. This is a dream come true for any gun lover. All the customization options on top of the guns just gives you a lot more choices too. I love it.


It seems to me that MGO is much more fun when you have a good group of people that are willing to try out different tactics in the game. MGO really shines when it's played like that, but most people playing are just their to try and relive Gears of War. In general, people are too busy trying to get as many kills as they can (abandoning their teams going into situations Rambo style), instead of trying different things, like putting people to sleep, using traps, being part of a team.

The few people I've met online that are willing to use actual teamwork were really cool people, and I had so much more fun than your regular, run of the mill teamdeath match. We had a group of enemies that just wanted to camp a rooftop and try and snipe us. There were claymores everywhere so getting up there was a bad idea. As a team we came up with a way to divert their attention to one of us, while a single sniper would pick off the enemy once they would give up their sniping location by shooting. This type of stuff isn't exactly possible in other games. Things like this make the game shine. We ended up winning and, damn, that was just so much fun. Regular old team-deathmatch, rambo-style (while fun sometimes) is not MGO's strong point.

I just really have the most fun in MGO when it's played differently (tactically) from a regular shooter. Everyone stays in small groups and functions as a team. Seriously, the first time I was in a game where we had 8 players on our team and two squads of 4 actually engaging and flanking enemies was like a dream come true. It was the moment that I said to myself "wow, MGO is ridiculously cool. Look at this stuff that's possible." The squad gameplay just feels right and I can't say that about other games. That how MGO shines.

That's enough rambling.

So what'd you think of that last twist at the end?

Epic. It's the only word that describes it. I have to admit, for making an action game and almost turning it into a tear-jerker that'd put Hollywood out of business, it's one damn fine experience. The ending itself, I was more impressed by the scenes surrounding the ending rather than the actual ending. I don't know how I can put it without blowing the whole thing in one fell swoop, but there's a lot of little things that you pay no heed to, yet at the end their relevance is all pointed out to you and you think "How did I miss that?".

I thought it was a nice touch the way Drebin jumps off the cannon and lands the in the same pose Snake did when he landed on the tanker in MGS2. That was cool.

EDIT: For those who find this thread now, get your Game IDs and character names up for MGO. Look out for Grizzly, that's me.

  • 2 weeks later...

So I just realized how I could have figured out one of the big spoilers of this game before I finished it.

Scroll for spoilers.


You know how in Europe we were led to believe that the corpse we see was Big Boss but they reveal at the very end it was actually Solidus? I just rewatched the end cinematic of Act 3 and realized how I could have seen the whole Solidus thing coming. Right before Ocelot shoots the body, we get a good glimpse of what we think is Big Boss. I noticed that the body still has a right eye while the left eye is missing... Big Boss/Naked Snake lost his right eye after it was shot out during Operation Snake Eater in MGS3. Solidus, however, was the one that lost his LEFT eye after Raiden damaged the harrier in MGS2. I find it funny that I would have seen one of the biggest surprises in MGS4 coming if I just paid attention to the eyes.



I actually noticed that the first time too GT, but for some reason I simply passed it off as either a mistake or a nod to the original games. For some reason I didn't even think of the other possibility.


Well, it's finally happened. I got my ps3 today with metal gear solid 4 for about $470. (40 gig) I played the first scene and it was so annoying. I'm so used to final fantasy XII and its camera movements. MGS4's camera movements are fliped from FFXII and I think it will take too long to get used to it. But anyway, it feels great to join the next gen. Can't wait till I get used to it.

Well, it's finally happened. I got my ps3 today with metal gear solid 4 for about $470. (40 gig) I played the first scene and it was so annoying. I'm so used to final fantasy XII and its camera movements. MGS4's camera movements are fliped from FFXII and I think it will take too long to get used to it. But anyway, it feels great to join the next gen. Can't wait till I get used to it.

Look in the options. I believe you can flip the camera controls however you like.

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