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I'm a lurker here, but still, I really think it's great what you've done with OCR (and I don't mind tons of awesome music for free either). I really think OCR has done a lot toward video game music being better respected. Happy Birthday :-)

grEEtinGS from MoNteRReY MéXico !!

aM... aNd...

hePPY fuCKinG BirTHdaY 2 yOU !!


pD :: tHx fO aLL

pD2 :: clicKing aDseNse to briNg a beeR to dJP

what the flying crap


DJPretzel got: AgeUp1! AgeMeter goes up by One Year!

I think you are now the world's oldest pretzel. (wait, he isn't actually a pretzel? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE! C'MON YOU *CENSORED*)

Anyways, happy everything! If it weren't for this site, I'd only have about 2500 songs as opposed to the nearly 2900 songs I have now! (LUNATIC MOON FTW!)


Happy birthday, and thanks for all the fish! Er...remixes!

Seriously, about 70% of my music library is comprised of OCRemixes. I really appreciate what you've done with this concept and website!

Happiest of birthdays and congratulations on the engagement. :)


What's with all the wellwishing lately? lol, reminds me of Moe's line on the simpsons, "I'm a well-wisher in that I don't wish you any specific harm."

And not only do i not wish you any specific harm, happy birthday too.


Happy bday djp! :D

And happy engagement, too!

My brother says happy bday too.

He probably has more remixes than me. >.<

Anyway, have a good one, and thanks for bringing OCR to life for us lowly n00bs who didn't have the knowledge or knowhow (or even the idea) to make such a site ourselves.


Am i too late ?! Hope not !

I wish you a


and lots of


today :P

Thank you for the idea to OC-Remix and for keeping it alive !

Cheers !




Happy Birthday, Mr. DJPretzel. Without you, I can honestly say I would be neither as happy nor productive as I am now. Best wishes for your engagement, and a happy birthday.


Hope you're having a great day, and congrats on all your recent success! Thanks for maintaining one of the two sites a frequent! If I buy you TF2 as a present, will you play on the OCR server? :-P

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