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I seem to remember djp actually did send at least one track through the panel legitimately, and it was NO'd across the board. My memory's fuzzy though.

Sounds like he probably did that because he didn't think it would have passed, so if he just posted it there would have been complaints.

There are way too many rejections. I mean, if it sounds good and gets you moving, then why does it matter?

Because the site has a mission.

There are way too many rejections. I mean, if it sounds good and gets you moving, then why does it matter?


Come here for the forums, go there for the muzaks.

Vgmix is like 4chan. If you're willing to sift through the garbage, you can find some real gems there.


Come here for the forums, go there for the muzaks.

Vgmix is like 4chan. If you're willing to sift through the garbage, you can find some real gems there.

Of course, it has been down and continues to be down, so the music forums there aren't much different than our WIP boards here.

Of course, it has been down and continues to be down, so the music forums there aren't much different than our WIP boards here.

Yeah, forgot about that. I'm really wonder if it will be coming back. :(


Because the site has a mission.

Yeah, I know, I've checked this site several times a week for five years. That doesn't mean that everything has to be rejected/removed meanwhile Chrono Trigger, Sonic Icecap and Zelda appear to strangely slip through with greater ease (maybe originality should be an area of concern in the judging process?)

Hey, I know my place, I don't even remix, but I have an opinion, and that opinion is that there is way too much emphasis on sound quality over feel and enjoyability. I don't pretend to run this site or be some kind of genius, but I think that there are others who believe the same thing.

Now, VGmix, a site that I really enjoyed while it lasted, had much different standards. While there is a lot of shit on there, much more so than there is on OCR, the atmosphere enabled and fostered originality. 10 minute guitar opus? Check A forest mix covering forest themes from different games? Check. There were quite a few remixes on there with mediocre sound quality but excellent feeling.

But does it really matter what OCR does about this? No, not for me at least. I download the WIPs that I enjoy and they sit alongside some of the most heralded mixes on OCR (in my mp3 player of course).

And by the way, I love OCR and always will, I just wish some things were a little different (or perhaps more like they were 3 years ago)


Yeah, I know, I've checked this site several times a week for five years. That doesn't mean that everything has to be rejected/removed meanwhile Chrono Trigger, Sonic Icecap and Zelda appear to strangely slip through with greater ease (maybe originality should be an area of concern in the judging process?)

More mixes from popular games get passed because, amazingly, more mixes from popular games get submitted. In case you weren't paying attention in math, that also means that we REJECT more popular games as well. ;)


I cant even access this guys website.... I got no links to his page displayed anywhere!

I see only the updates... looks like the links should be on the left but nothing is showing up

More mixes from popular games get passed because, amazingly, more mixes from popular games get submitted. In case you weren't paying attention in math, that also means that we REJECT more popular games as well. ;)

It isn't all exactly on the judges' behalf - I doubt many people would want to reject a remix simply on the premise of it the source being overdone, but that's what I would do.

Yeah, I know, I'm a bit bitter about the abundance of overdone games. I don't expect the world to cater to my personal desires, but I can dream.

It isn't all exactly on the judges' behalf - I doubt many people would want to reject a remix simply on the premise of it the source being overdone, but that's what I would do.

Yeah, I know, I'm a bit bitter about the abundance of overdone games. I don't expect the world to cater to my personal desires, but I can dream.

I actually answered your accusation of this last time in the DarkCecil13 judgehate thread. Maybe you didn't see it (it was part of a massive response to several people), but I still have the whole thing. But indeed, we can't help that we receive more submissions from various franchises. Those are the more popular games, and, statistically, they will always receive more attention from submitting artists.

I can't speak for other Js, but I know that personally, I love receiving submissions (and especially passable mixes) from games that receive little to no coverage. You'll never believe it, but I'm just as bitter as you are. I work here every day, and I see the disparity firsthand. I would love to see Sonic Spinball, and Treasure Master, and California Games, and Spider-Man & The X-Men, and Res-Q, and Breath of Fire V, and World Heroes, and Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, and Duke Nukem. If we got nothing ever again from the most popular games, I'd be ok. But of course I don't truly mean that. And here's why:

One great part of being on the panel is hearing even the tired and true "overdone" themes getting reimagined in ways I didn't think were possible. Shnabubula's SMB "Mario Likes Thorazine" and ambient & Skrypnyk's CT "Back 2 Skala" renew my interest in the old hat themes just when I think I've burnt out on them. They don't impress the most jaded of jaded, but I'm always amazed by what the artists here are coming up with.

Keep it together, though. Some of the lesser known games/soundtracks are gonna get the treatment. We've got a Syberia mix coming up from Prasa U. that I've very glad we got. On the direct post side, Danimal Cannon of Arm Cannon has made sure that Blaster Master hasn't been forgotten around these parts. Anyone interested in Wild ARMs performed by a real, live symphony orchestra? And Top Gear 2 will be here eventually by an old school legend (you can probably guess). Every time we expand the database with a new game listing, with new composers, with new source tunes, that's meaningful progress to me. I always want to see more.

Convince Ryan8bit to submit his Sierra game mixes. He's got this amazing King's Quest V mix that I've been badgering him about ever since I heard it in DoD, and even at MAGFest 5 he was talking about how unsure he was about it. And I'm a judge (and fan) asking him to send it in. There's only so much one man can do! :lol: If you really wanna help, If there's an obscure game arrangement you like, and you think it could make it, as the artist to send it. I will personally thank you for the effort.

And Top Gear 2 will be here eventually by an old school legend (you can probably guess).

If that's who I think he is, (I'm pretty sure I know) I'm happy that at least this track from my unrealized secret project will get on the site :-). I have hopes for two more tracks getting up as well, I'm crossing my fingers...


Convince Ryan8bit to submit his Sierra game mixes. He's got this amazing King's Quest V mix that I've been badgering him about ever since I heard it in DoD, and even at MAGFest 5 he was talking about how unsure he was about it. And I'm a judge (and fan) asking him to send it in.

I don't think I've ever heard a Ryan Achtbit mix I didnt like.


Meh, if I was able to make a mix that would make it to the panel, I would see it as an honor. Howevewr the music is trapped in my head with no ways to get out.

And well, being unable to produce something that sounds like something I have in my head is frustrating and I have all but given up on doing a remix.


A judgehate thread that's actually interesting? Nah.

Gotta give respect to Larry for arguing his case in a friendly way. (I can't imagine the number of times he's had to do so... I think I'd crack after a while.) Plus dropping some nice hints of what's to come.

I'm wanting to agree with megadave here, but I think it's just that I miss VGMix.

judgehate thread, evolve into Ryan8bit thread! Yay!


Is that guy's submission really unacceptable on the basis of sound quality? From a color and soundscape perspective it sounds pretty good. Of course, it's at a low sample and bit rate, so I can't tell if it's a bad record or just a bad file.

Meh, if I was able to make a mix that would make it to the panel, I would see it as an honor. Howevewr the music is trapped in my head with no ways to get out.

And well, being unable to produce something that sounds like something I have in my head is frustrating and I have all but given up on doing a remix.

This is exactly the way I feel.

People who are technically awesome but creatively strapped in music should specialize in learning to transcribe music from the technically inept. That would be an awesome symbiosis, especially if mind reading were involved.


Does the problem lie in the sounds and mixing of the instruments (which seem good), or is it that the file is muffled or otherwise not mastered correctly?

nothing is going to pass if its encoded that low. 51kbps. it sounds like it was recorded onto a graham cracker.

spoiler: chris kline IS keyser soze

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