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Gah! sorry for being a noob....but I only see the master, and 1 channel with the db meter moving, but those two add effects globally, digital crap is too confusing.....again...sorry for being an ignoramus..


here is a question that has probably been asked before, but I'm going to ask it anyway...

Is there anyway to change tempo in diffrent song parts? i am making a remix, and i want the first part faster that the second part. Any help is apppreciated.


A10: Fear my mad quoting skillz:

I have a question: How can I change tempo in the middle of a song?

Okay, pick a pattern you want it to start on, and right click the tempo once the pattern is high-lighted... then click Edit Events, and it's kinda straight forward from here (* the upper left area would of the whole screen helps a lot, it tells % and stuff)

you can just repeat that with any knob in FL

enjoy :)

Thanks to ResdntEvilFreak who helped me out with that 5 pages back. ^_^


Not only am a stupid nooB, I'm a stupid pirating nooB. I just d-loaded fruity loops off of Kazaa, and I can't figure out what port my Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth thingamawhatsit is supposed to be set on. And without knowing that, I'm pretty sure I can't play midi in fruity loops. Any ideas people?

Not only am a stupid nooB, I'm a stupid pirating nooB. I just d-loaded fruity loops off of Kazaa, and I can't figure out what port my Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth thingamawhatsit is supposed to be set on. And without knowing that, I'm pretty sure I can't play midi in fruity loops. Any ideas people?

Try port 0?


hmm..... when I came into this fourm I thought this was about the breakfast cereal (My favorite, along with cocoa puffs.)

I guess I was wrong, but instead of making fun of my misunderstanding would anyone tell me what kind of song is this "Frutty Loops?" :?


My soundfont player broke. . .!

It was working fine when I first got it set up, now it refuses to play any sound. I don't know what went wrong. . .any ideas?

I did go back and follow the little tutorial on page 23, and it still doesn't work. Odd. . .


This may be explained somewhere in this topic, but I have trouble reading past page 20. I looked in the help file, and I'm still not sure I understand, but I need to know how to permanently adjust the volume of an instrument. I will adjust it before the song starts, and it will go back to the way it was as soon as the music starts. If I adjust it in mid-music, the volume goes down for that time around, but next time I play the music its back up. What do I do to fix this? Also, I downloaded some soundfonts from thesoundsite.net, but they are all sfpack files, and Fruity loops does not seem to read them. Please help!


right click the volume knob and select edit events. Set it to the volume you want it to start at.

If you change the volume this way in the middle of the song but not at the beginning, it will play at whatever volume it stops at when it plays again, this is why you edit the volume in the beginning.


Moridin: You need to decompress the sfpack file to use the soundfont. There should be information somewhere on the website on how to do this (I'm not sure how to go about it myself since I'm used to using sfArk).

Paragon: Would it be possible to provide an FLP file? On some soundfonts, not every note will play on a given patch, if that helps.

A10WaveRacer: Automation will change BPM at different sections. Select the button next to the stop key, so that it becomes brighter, or press R on your keyboard. Now, go to the section in which you want to change the BPM on the playlist. Select a blank pattern. Press play. You should hear some metronome clicks, then the song will play. Change the BPM at any point. Press stop. A new part will have appeared on the pattern you selected. At that point on the playlist, the BPM will change. Ta-da!


Ok, the site is down again, and I need to get this brief remix done before tomorrow. I have no clue how to decompress these sfpack files, anyone got any ideas?


Is there anyway to make a midi file into a .wav or .mp3 file?

I really need to add some effects to a midi file i got but you cant, so i though maybe u can make it into a .wav file and then add effects!

Is there anyway to make a midi file into a .wav or .mp3 file?

I really need to add some effects to a midi file i got but you cant, so i though maybe u can make it into a .wav file and then add effects!

Well, since this is the FRUITYLOOPS THREAD, just import the MIDI data into FL, drop samples on each channel, and then do your effects that way.

Is there any way to automate VSTi controls that aren't specifically automatable? I really want to use Pentagon and Triangle II to their fullest, but not being able to tweak parameters live is bugging me.


Well go to the VSTi, and do you see the little plug thing at the top left? click that, go down to edit event> and there's a shitload of events you can control with Triangle II.

Well go to the VSTi, and do you see the little plug thing at the top left? click that, go down to edit event> and there's a shitload of events you can control with Triangle II.

Hmm...I said Triangle II and Pentagon when what I really meant was Pro-53 and possibly Absynth (have to re-install that one). :P

My biggest problem is that the mod and pitch wheels are useless to me due to the lack of automation/live recording.



I believe it works the same with most VSTi/DXi. Very few I've tried were not automatable (is that a word?) A lot of the cheap ones will have a big list like "Button 001, button 002" etc. Let's see, I'll check, since I (sorta) have both of the VSTi you mention.

Pro-52 (I don't have pro-53) has clearly marked automation. you can record pitch shift and modulation here.

Absynth is also event editor compatible.

So you're pretty much set.

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