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Wow... this thread has been so much help. It's great. I had the 'silent MIDI' problem too, and if I'd known all you had to do was change the port number to 0... Wow. Don't I feel stupid.

And Rellik - if you have Cakewalk, why don't you just make a MIDI in that and import it into FL, apply a SF bank, then export it as an MP3? Notation is a billion times easier in my MIDI program (PrintMusic! 2000) than in that vile little piano roll. You can barely see anything!


I also have that silent midi problem. But whenever I go to options and turn the remote control and output on, or change the output plugin or change it's port, fruityloops says system error: the specified device is already in use. Wait till it's free then try again. Anyone know what's wrong? All of my choices on the output list do this, regardless of the port. I have no other programs running either.


fruity vst scratcher? im not even going to try to ask what that is.

Thanks for the tip Red Omen, it actually works alot better that way :).

I do have a question though. How do you set IDv1 and IDv2 tags or whatever they are?

I'm submitting my first remix (if you want to here it its just like version 3 at http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/rellik/ValleyofTheShadow_v3_variant.mp3 except I made it more polished) and I am trying to figure out all this Idv stuff but I have no idea what it means or what to do about it... :(? I'm sure there's an easy answer to this question...


There are many programs that come with XP that will do it for you, but If you want a good tag editor go nline and dl one, their everywere...naming one would be useless. (by the way your song is clipping, id try to fix that before submitting)


Thanks, so, search for "Tag Editor"? On google or something? Ok, I'll try it!

But... well, how do I get rid of clipping? I've heard alot about it, but haven't really thought that it might apply to me (since I don't record live) so I don't really know exactly what clipping is :oops: lol much less how to fix it...

Should I raise the bit-rate or something?


Clipping, to simplify it, is when a signal (your sound) distorts because the output can't handle it. Really, I can't explain it very well. Someone else probably should. BUT I can tell you how to avoid it:

Compression, Limiting, Normalization, and Equalization.

I'm partial to hard limiting using FL's Soft Clipper, and that works quite well and conserves CPU, but even then I usually take a song into Sound Forge and normalize it to smooth out the rough edges. And you should always EQ your sounds to get them exactly how you want and to cut back on frequencies that are causing clipping.


I see, so clipping is kind of like when, on a spectrum analyzer, the lines are actually all the way up at the highest loudness they can get, so anything louder than that gets "clipped" so you cant hear it. I see... yes, now I see that this in fact is a problem!

However, I'm not exactly sure how to use the Fruity Effects... it seems that there are only four slots that I can use effects on. I have used all four, two of which are the EQ and Soft Clipper. I think compression may be the easiest way to fix this problem. So, i'm going to try out cutting out some of the flange I had on there and replacing it with Compression... thanks!


Question going out to all: right now I have Fruityloops as a demo software. And frankly, the voice selection sucks. It won't let me use a great number of the voices because it is a demo version, and a lot of voices I would expect to find, I can't. So basically I'm wondering, (yes I plan on buying the full version), if that is only because it is a demo, or if I'm supposed to download different voices from somewhere. Thanks!

Question going out to all: right now I have Fruityloops as a demo software. And frankly, the voice selection sucks. It won't let me use a great number of the voices because it is a demo version, and a lot of voices I would expect to find, I can't. So basically I'm wondering, (yes I plan on buying the full version), if that is only because it is a demo, or if I'm supposed to download different voices from somewhere. Thanks!

voices? You mean the speech section?


DJKarma... I wouldn't expect much from those default voices if I were you! I like the percussion that comes with, they're really flexible and high quality, but I mostly use soundfonts and samples I get from the internet (or some I make myself).

BTW, lol, I just submitted my first ReMix ever! http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/rellik/ and its relevant because, at the end I added this horse gallop that I couldn't find anywhere so I recorded it from a larger thing. Be creative, if you dont have anything you want, find it, make it, or distort it.

Please ask all your fruity loops questions in this thread! also, if this gets to be a long thread --- please do not post the same questions twice, read through it first. I am sure that i will not be the only one posting to this thread giving help as well.

Some threads that already exist for fruity loops are:

general "how to use" threads:


importing samples/synths/generators:


about changing tempo, and a little automating events:



shuffle in fruity:


effecting part of a song/using send tracks:


Please feel free to post any questions about the program here. thank you!


ok, theres the opening statement for the fruity loops 101 thread.

I am going to put all the relevant info into this thread, but give me time ok. It is a big ass thread and it will take a while to get everything out of it that is needed.

Don't post here yet please

I want to have all the info in the first two posts ok. My next post is going to be the one with the info (and i am prolly gonna edit it bit by bit until all the info is there.)

If you have anything to say about this, say it in the fruity 101 thread until i post here again please. This thread can be continued in the same fashion as the other after i start posting the info here. This should make things a lot easier.

Hey lee, most of those links don't work.


really, that sucks ass. I wont change em til im done with the whole thing though, too much to go back through and make sure it all works when im gonna do more and have to go through those and eventually get mixed up and end up with a big mess... but yeah, the important parts are the questions and answers. Anyways, post in the other thread now, lol.


When you first open up fruity loops, the sample song has, in pattern two, a line called short 3. After playing itself once, the sound swells slightly. This does this every second time. I'm not too able to find what is changing. This is 3.56

When you first open up fruity loops, the sample song has, in pattern two, a line called short 3. After playing itself once, the sound swells slightly. This does this every second time. I'm not too able to find what is changing. This is 3.56

The newstuff song? Did you check the FX? I think a filter FX is automated in that song.

When you first open up fruity loops, the sample song has, in pattern two, a line called short 3. After playing itself once, the sound swells slightly. This does this every second time. I'm not too able to find what is changing. This is 3.56

The newstuff song? Did you check the FX? I think a filter FX is automated in that song.

Yup, I checked it. It's the fact that the free filter is automated and that it has a flanger on it.


Question about FX

I dont really know how to use these... how do you make them act on one channel or instrument, and at different times? I think I understand what automation is, but, really, I don't. I think FX are probably very useful and are not the cheap way to make your song sound more professional that they seem to be, but I don't really know how to use them other than have them effect everything all at once for the whole song.

Does anyone have an easy explanation? Also, I have tried making those pads with the 3xOsc, but they dont turn out well... they just end up sounding too harsh for what I intended and there aren't all that many options. Again, thanks for being such a great and supportive forum community!

Also, a tip. If you want a specific note to sound accented, a better route than to raise the velocity is to actually have several instances of that note in the same spot. Velocity spikes have their uses, but they don't really sound like accents.

Question about FX

Hmm... On the channel properties (click on the channel name) there is an 'LCD' display that says 1. That is the FX channel that the sampler channel is assigned to (1 is default). Move the number to whichever channel you want, I usually start with 2 and work my way up, if I want that channel to have effects (and I do. A lot.) Then click the FX button on that toolbar with the 5 large buttons, and that is your FX window. You can select FX channels here and add, depending on your FL version, up to 16 different VST or Fruity Effects each. As for the whole "at different times" part... I'm stumped, I think you use one of the 4 Send channels.

Question about FX

I dont really know how to use these... how do you make them act on one channel or instrument, and at different times? I think I understand what automation is, but, really, I don't. I think FX are probably very useful and are not the cheap way to make your song sound more professional that they seem to be, but I don't really know how to use them other than have them effect everything all at once for the whole song.

Does anyone have an easy explanation? Also, I have tried making those pads with the 3xOsc, but they dont turn out well... they just end up sounding too harsh for what I intended and there aren't all that many options. Again, thanks for being such a great and supportive forum community!

Also, a tip. If you want a specific note to sound accented, a better route than to raise the velocity is to actually have several instances of that note in the same spot. Velocity spikes have their uses, but they don't really sound like accents.

Please go back a few pages in this thread and read my other posts.


It's really quite simple... Allow me to explain:

In FL 3.3 and up, the FX rack contains one Master effect channel and 16 seperate effects channels. Inserting FX into the master channel will apply them to all sound at all times... forever... Meanwhile, putting FX into any of the other channels will only apply FX to the corresponding tracks in the step sequencer that have themselves set to that FX channel.

| xx|
| |
| |
| |

The x's in the above diagram signify where the FX channel selection is in the Track Properties dialog, which is accessed by clicking on a track name in the step sequencer. Set this to the FX channel you wish for that track to send its audio to.

And I highly suggest you don't double up on notes to create accents. Doing so increases the volume of the sound by 100% which is quite a bit more than an accent...

EDIT: When you want to create a pad, it's all about utilizing the envelopes correctly. Make sure to use copious amounts of attack on your amplitude envelope and maybe a bit on the cutoff envelope. You should also add some release to the amplitude envelope. And after that, in order to make it sound smoother and less harsh and raw, you should use some reverb, equalization, and maybe a phaser or flanger.


Very simply put, I'm working with the Midi Out in Fruity Loops 3.56.

What I'm trying to do is use the Preset for the Line 6 Pod 2. It's got a ton of cool effects, which since I started trying to remix, I've been looking to use those same kinds of effects to create relatively good electric guitar samples.

Anyways, I need to know some things about the Midi Out.

Specifically, I need to know if you can apply FX, and if so, how to do so. Also, I need to know how to play around with the banks, channels, and ports for optimum efficiency.

Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.



Your Line 6 Pod 2 does not use MIDI Effects. What this means is that all effects applied are applied directly to audio. Basically, you would have to output the audio from your computer into the Line 6 and then back into your computer for recording.

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