Jason Covenant Posted February 16, 2003 Posted February 16, 2003 I suggest rather than trying to create a semi realistic sound with a synth why not get a sample? Maybe even perhaps you have song or two with a pjone sample in it. If so you can beatslice it. I'm not the smartest mixer in the world when it comes to sf so I usualy stick to simple ones like wind noises. Whenever I need something a bit more complicated I just try to find a sample.
Rasuto Ibuki Posted February 16, 2003 Posted February 16, 2003 I know that someone already posted about this problem, but I couldn't find a clear answer. When I render my mp3 it has pops and static. It seems he solved his problem, so maybe someone could help me out also? EDIT: Also, when I render the volume is a bit high, even though I changed it in fruity loops. Anyway to normailize it in the render?
MediocreTangerine Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 hi... i have a song where a track is supposed to fade out, but as it starts to, the volume randomly leaps up, fades, leaps up again, then fades and totally ruins the effect. i checked the event editor, and there aren't any volume anomalies. there also aren't any other tracks using this channel, so there aren't any conflicts. the FX channel it's on doesn't modify the volume, and it only happens when i'm playing the whole song, not the pattern. does anyone know wtf is going on?
ResdntEvilFreak Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 okay.... i've got a song planned out in my mind, i've made each pattern that i want and i know the sequence that i want it to play in, now how do i set the sequence to play in that order, and then how do i get it into an .mp3/.wav/whatever file
MediocreTangerine Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 i figured out the problem. i was changing volume in both the channel automation and main automation. very bad. and REF, if i'm thinking about what you're trying to do correctly, all that you have to do is open the playlist by hitting F5, or clicking the shiny PL button to the right of the CPU monitor. there you can sequence your patterns in the order you want. give them meaningful names so you don't get confused (especially critical for 50+ pattern people like me ). also, you can move patterns up or down by holding alt and then pressing either up or down. to make it into an mp3/wav file, just go to File-Export, then take your pick and what's all this talk about the default instruments being crappy? i've made some pretty nifty things with 'em, though i have had to make my own samples or borrow 'em from game files on occaision. the only thing i'm lacking are some good, realistic string, choir, timpani, harp, etc samples. classical instruments and whatnot
Rayagon Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 I'm sorry if this has already been asked -- I set out to read the entire 25 pages of pure Fruity Loops but I bailed at around page 8. My question is that of a true newbie. When I import MIDIs into FL (ver. 3), how do I replace the midi voices with better samples? I've tried dragging the samples from the browser over to the track, and sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. Is there a toggle that I need to switch to replace MIDI voices with sampled voices, or the FL voices? Thanks, and I apologize for my musical and technical illiteracy.
Garian Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 okay.... i've got a song planned out in my mind, i've made each pattern that i want and i know the sequence that i want it to play in, now how do i set the sequence to play in that order, and then how do i get it into an .mp3/.wav/whatever file use the "playlist" to set it up, and then listen to it, make adjustments, listen again, and once you're satisfied with it, go to file/export/mp3 I'm sorry if this has already been asked -- I set out to read the entire 25 pages of pure Fruity Loops but I bailed at around page 8. My question is that of a true newbie. When I import MIDIs into FL (ver. 3), how do I replace the midi voices with better samples? I've tried dragging the samples from the browser over to the track, and sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. Is there a toggle that I need to switch to replace MIDI voices with sampled voices, or the FL voices? Thanks, and I apologize for my musical and technical illiteracy. you can drag soundfonts onto the midi out, and it will replace the midi output plugin with the fruity soundfont plugin. but what i prefer to do when i just want a midi to sound better is add new samplers, cut the piano roll from the midi channel, and paste it on the empty channel, adding a sample to it after i've done that for all of them. only problem is, that it still isn't my own work
Garian Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 and what's all this talk about the default instruments being crappy? i've made some pretty nifty things with 'em, though i have had to make my own samples or borrow 'em from game files on occaision. the only thing i'm lacking are some good, realistic string, choir, timpani, harp, etc samples. classical instruments and whatnot they mean the FST, not the "samples" (the raw .wav files which the FST use). almost all of the FST are detuned, and sound BAD (except for maybe a few, such as the TB303 fst, which uses the ins_saw.wav) i can do quite a few things using the wavs found in */*/fruityloops/samples/instruments/shapes folder. i especially love creating moog pads using ml_moog. also: the orionstring sample in extra is rather nice for being defsamp.
MediocreTangerine Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 ok i guess i spoke too soon. the problem came back when i reloaded the flp. the only volume adjustments i'm making are in the main automation, and i've checked its event editor for sporaticness, and there is none. i'm not making changes on the pattern itself anymore, and there aren't any other patterns using this channel.
ResdntEvilFreak Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 Okay, I have some soundfonts in Fruity Loops, I use them in a song, but when I go to save it it says some things can't be saved and will be deleted, when I press okay, all of the channels of soundfonts I've used are gone and aren't in the song.... how can i save a song and keep the soundfont in the song???
ResdntEvilFreak Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 You gotta warez0r the soundfont player. Kinda new to fruity loops.... perhaps more explanation of what you mean cause i'm lost.....
MediocreTangerine Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 he means you have to get an illegal, full version. what i usually do is download a full version to see if i like it, then buy it when i have the funds if i do. gotta support the developers ya know
ResdntEvilFreak Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 he means you have to get an illegal, full version.what i usually do is download a full version to see if i like it, then buy it when i have the funds if i do. gotta support the developers ya know Hehe... i have an illegal full version for testing
MediocreTangerine Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 oh and another thing that happens that really pisses me off is my automation randomly gets deleted. i select Main Automation, hit the record button, and play through, and the volume automation gets recorded. i go in there and smooth it out, but randomly, when i come back later, it's all gone. most other tracks don't do this, and i'm not sure what's making this one do it.
OverCoat Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 how do I replace the midi voices with better samples? If dragging doesn't work, what you CAN do is go to the piano roll, select all the notes (Ctrl-A) Copy the notes (Ctrl-C) then add the generator of your choice (Channels > Add) then go into that generator's piano roll (Right click on the channel > piano roll) then paste all the notes (Ctrl-V) VOI-FRIKKIN-LA!
Xelebes Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 short tutorial on effects delay >>echo!!!! input-how much the first echo gets feedback-the reduction in sound(volume wise) cut-off-er, well...use this for ambient cool diddies or addinga non-metallic sound tempo-the rate steps-the rhythm produced by the echo. you'll see when you play pizzicato diddle patterns overdrive >>distorted guitars!!!!! Preamp:x-plodes the sound till it clips, and then clips some more x100:x-plodes a hundred-fold postgain:reduce this for balance. play with other knobs for levels of grunge reeverb >>hey, you're in one heck of a warehouse!!! refer to Help on this one...simply too much for a quick tutorial flanger >>super spinny sound that spins you slowly refer to Help as this is the same for reeverb phaser >>psssst***houston, I'm feeling a little dizzy here![crackle]over****psssst! refer to help "" filter >>dark to bright cutoff frequency:selects the frequency to start cutting or combing out. resonance: crank this only if you want to play with the cutoff EQ >>for professional sound quality check out presets...they are the best tutorial compressor >>opposite of overdrive: prevents clipping use presets but having it just on in Master works swell[default] This is the basics Hope this helps
Xelebes Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 Hey, Prophecy your track you refered earlier... I could do that on ReBirth. Any questions on ReBirth?
ResdntEvilFreak Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 Okay, whenever I use one of those, or whatever, and I click the play button my computer freezes.... does this happen to anyone else? And also, how can i fix this!?
Beatdrop Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 He means you need to steal the Soundfont Player. ok i guess i spoke too soon. the problem came back when i reloaded the flp. the only volume adjustments i'm making are in the main automation, and i've checked its event editor for sporaticness, and there is none. i'm not making changes on the pattern itself anymore, and there aren't any other patterns using this channel. I think the problem may be that you are perhaps drawing the pattern over the length of time you want this automation to occur, instead of just slapping it in where you want the automation to trigger. Trust me, there's a huge difference. Now, I'm not saying this is DEFINITELY what you're doing, but if you could take a screenshot of the Playlist window at the area of the automation, I could be able to give you more illicit help.
Garian Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 I could be able to give you more illicit help. you do mean explicit, don't you? and REF: i've had an experience where fruityloops will crash (won't play) when i click play, instead of playing, thre ellipses appear on the play button, all i do to remedy is close friuyt, start it up again, and if the FLP does it again, i just delete the flp and begin anew.
ResdntEvilFreak Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 I could be able to give you more illicit help. you do mean explicit, don't you? and REF: i've had an experience where fruityloops will crash (won't play) when i click play, instead of playing, thre ellipses appear on the play button, all i do to remedy is close friuyt, start it up again, and if the FLP does it again, i just delete the flp and begin anew. Well, no, i click play (whenever one of those is on) and my comp just freezes.... this ALWAYS happens when i try it.....
Garian Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 the piano roll? i've never had problems with it. maybe your settings are screwed up or something, try resetting them.
Beatdrop Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, yes, I mean explicit. I was kind of in the middle of cramming for a Microbiology test when I made that post, plus it was about 8:30 in the morning, and I'd only gotten about six hours of sleep. Illicit... hAHAHAhaHAHhhHha.....
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