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Mega Man 2 'With the Quickness'

When I saw this, I almost jumped out of my seat! AE has returned after far too long a hiatus from OCR. But when I heard this, I did jump - this is be far the best song I've heard out of AE, and that's saying a lot! I can't praise this thing enough, so I'll just say "This is a must-download!" and leave it that.


Overall, excellent Mix. The beginnig sounded Familliar though. Like when you fall into a hole in Zelda the ocarnia of time where you can buy deku nuts and stuff. I love that theme so. GREAT WORK!!!


Thank you AE!

I know people constantly complain about too many techno remixes (especially in MM games), but with remixes like these. . .I don't think I'll ever get sick of 'em!

Excellent excellent!


I think you have this confused with FlashMan's theme. Quickman's level was the one with all the super-annoying yellow lasers which killed you in one hit.


Hearing this mix and already enjoying his other mixes makes me wonder if AE's real name is Midas because it seems that every song he gets his hands on turns to gold. This mix is great. Perhaps one day AE will have mixed the songs from every stage from Mega Man 2? One can only hope... 6 bosses down, 2 to go :mrgreen:


i... i can't think of anything to say. everyone else has pretty much stole the words from me.

this goes on Mad_Bastard's CD-R of DOOM! along with all of AE's other mixes.

I think you have this confused with FlashMan's theme. Quickman's level was the one with all the super-annoying yellow lasers which killed you in one hit.

Umm... were you talking to me? I said after coming through the quick maze (the place with all the lasers, which were orange btw) you come upon some of those mech guys. I know my Mega Man 2 well.


Sigh.... This is just SO GOOOOOD! AE is incredible. This is... agh.. I give up. There are no words. For a long time I had the honour to be only one who had remixed the Quickman theme. Now I´m crying. If I had known that it could be remixed THIS well, I would´ve made a better remix... or maybe I would´ve given up. :) No, seriously. This is something extremely good. Just pick one instrument from any AE´s song, and concentrate on listening to it. AE just can´t leave the poor audio or synthtrack alone. He (or who knows maybe she... AE is mysterious) has to twiddle it, and won´t leave it in its silent loneliness. Usually this would mess up the whole song but when AE is at it, you simply get the greatest music ever made. And as a bonus, its extremely original... I´m going now.. going home to CRY! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?! Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggggggh.....

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