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MP2 had a few hard fights with the pirate near the end of the game though. Though MP1 had them much earlier.

I thought the difficulty level in both games were fine overall. It's just that they had length of tedious parts. But Metroid games are known for that. Tedium and emptiness followed by sudden action.

PS- Playing MP3 now. har har.


I tried a "no energy tanks/ammo" run in Prime 2 (on maybe my 3rd or 4th play through), but the last boss was simply unbeatable (I had 4 or so energy tanks).

i tried a 22% run.

its difficult without boost ball.


I really think you should get all three. The first because it's one of the best games ever made, and the second because it's still fun as hell and it seems to be more important to the continuity and to understanding the third one.


You should probably play the first two before the third one, only because once you play Corruption with the reportedly awesome Wii controls, you might find the previous two games rather stiff, as they are not dual-analog free-look shooters. Don't get me wrong, I really like the control scheme for MP1 and Echoes, but I can't imagine what it would be like to revert after using motion controls.




I can't wait.

I'm so happy I only have 2 classes tomorrow. This game is what I've been waiting for ever since the Wii came out.

So far every review is saying it's better than Prime 2 and just if not better than Prime, I can't freaking wait.

And Darke, I can't wait to hear what you remix in this game.



I can't wait.

I'm so happy I only have 2 classes tomorrow. This game is what I've been waiting for ever since the Wii came out.

So far every review is saying it's better than Prime 2 and just if not better than Prime, I can't freaking wait.

And Darke, I can't wait to hear what you remix in this game.

Yeah, me neither. ;-)

i tried a 22% run.

its difficult without boost ball.

Didn't know it was possible to bypass that item (but I guess I never really considered it). I got stuck at the boost guardian for a few days... a rather strange mix of frustration and fun (but more fun!)

and the second because it's still fun as hell and it seems to be more important to the continuity and to understanding the third one.

That's odd, Echoes didn't seem to have much of a plot outside of all the Aether business. I guess it does flesh out some of the characters and things though (Dark Samus, the Galactic Federation)


I also loved prime 2, and to be honest the LESS prime 3 deviates from Prime and Prime 2, the better. Why fix what ain't broke? If the only reason it got a 9.5 on IGN instead of higher is that it didn't "innovate" compared to the first two, I'll be very happy.

EDIT: Yeah, FH, the reason I think it's important is just to get a bit of background on dark samus and all that. I know the game doesn't offer much, but I think it's important for continuity. And to be honest, all I'd really meant was that it was more important to continuity than the first Prime. I think both games are great and worth playing before the third.

Using the Prime 3 grappling beam may be one of the most fun things I've ever done in a game. It works ridiculously well and is enjoyable as hell to use.

Really? So THAT's why it's in all commercials and stuff. I'm watching an ad thinking: "You make a throwing motion, and then you make a pulling back motion... I GET THE IDEA!!!" Hopefully it's more interesting than simply pulling away shields though. I wanna toss small enemies at larger enemies! I want to latch onto a boss's fist and make it punch itself! I can dream....

ACTUALLY, a while back (before anyone even knew about the Wii remote), I had a dream about a "Metroid Prime 3" game where one of your main weapons was a Super Metroid-like grappling beam, but it was red, and you'd use it like a rope ("lasso" even) to grab enemies and throw them wherever you pleased. It came out of your right arm cannon though, so you just shot it out instead of throwing it... almost like a sci-fi harpoon launcher I suppose. You could do ANYTHING with it practically. You also controlled Samus' ship from outside, and I think at one point you made it shoot something (I kid you not!!!). The enemies included pirate-sized guys, and also swarms of small things. I think I was using some of the weapons from that Isolation demo ^_^ It was at a third-person viewpoint from behind/above the character, and had both indoor and outdoor scenes. I know you could turn and look around really fast, as if using a mouse (but you never know what kind of controller you're using in a videogame dream ><). Oh yeah, I remember the map was really confusing... mainly because it was all in my head and kept changing around! And if I recall correctly, you could somehow customize the look of Samus' suit...

EDIT: Yeah, FH, the reason I think it's important is just to get a bit of background on dark samus and all that. I know the game doesn't offer much, but I think it's important for continuity. And to be honest, all I'd really meant was that it was more important to continuity than the first Prime. I think both games are great and worth playing before the third.

Ah, makes sense. I guess Dark Samus's origin isn't integral to the plot... it just makes it a little cooler =p


i was pissed at work yesterday when i opened the shipment and all we got were the STRATEGY guides to the game

all i know is im gonna be the first to open a copy tomorrow morning and play it

gotta get my work done FAST!

Alright. 24-hour Wal-Mart. I am going to be a terrible customer and demand they give me my game just a wee (wii?) bit after midnight.

It is only fair.

You're assuming they already have it. I know at many stores like Gamestop the games often don't even arrive until late morning/early afternoon on Tuesday after a Monday ship date.

Really? So THAT's why it's in all commercials and stuff. I'm watching an ad thinking: "You make a throwing motion, and then you make a pulling back motion... I GET THE IDEA!!!" Hopefully it's more interesting than simply pulling away shields though. I wanna toss small enemies at larger enemies! I want to latch onto a boss's fist and make it punch itself! I can dream....

No idea about the latter two, but chunk at the Metroid Metal forums mentioned that he pulled down a wall while playing it at the local Gamestop. :o

And hearing that makes me illogically think back to the Haloid video. Like, I'd piss myself if you could grapple a vehicle and toss it over your shoulder or something.

I also loved prime 2, and to be honest the LESS prime 3 deviates from Prime and Prime 2, the better. Why fix what ain't broke?

No, they are broke. Level design for Original Metroid was fantastic, and was part of what made the game to be considered such an awesome dungeon exploring nightmare. It didn't have any forced linearity NOR fetch-backtracking. It was simply a labyrinth you had freedom to explore. In addition, it had pretty amazing settings, musical themes, and a creepy awesome sci-fi atmosphere. Backtracking was limited to being lost.

Comparing Prime you had the attempt of 3D realization of the 2D games. Much of the visuals were great in this regard, although it did lose some of it's subterranean/spacey sci-fi feel. What it suffered from was weak level structure, areas like "snow place" "lava place" "water place", with exploration limitations due to color coded doors. Backtracking was required to find hidden artifact locations. Direction was given by a hint system, your ship constantly detecting anomalies.

Go back to Super Metroid. Not only was it amazing visually(and still is) for a 2d game with some truly fantastic environments, but it was simply the best in level structure. Much of it was open for exploration except for the limitations of transversing its locations- be it bombing your way through hidden passages, speed boosting past closing gates or through walls, power bombs to clear runways for speed boost momentum jumps, grappling over water or acid, or just a power bomb explosion of the Maridian tube. First time through, the discoveries to find your way through Zebes was exciting- such as the super missile side blocks on the top of the Norfair elevator to Kraid, or your way through the wrecked ship until you restore power. Play it again and you'll find the map flows fantastically(and thus makes full use of its speed-run and sequence break possibilities).

Prime 2 was basically completion in sequence of three isolated zones, followed by fetch quests. Traveling a zone itself turned the item usage into something more like zelda, with a new weapon for each temple, and the requirement to travel the same areas in a dark version to make your way was more tedious than anything. Visually more appealing with even better sci-fi creepy environments than prime 1 in some places, it suffered from the monotony of the sickening dark aether.

There is more, on Echoes.

It even broke the metroid rule- Metroids are insanely powerful, the long running plot element of the entire Metroid series. Hence the name, Metroid. And the series is based on the fact that Samus has been the only person powerful enough to stop their threat. While, again, Space Pirates got an awesome visual upgrade and redesign from their prime counterparts in echoes, all the logs and behavoir of the Space Pirates changed them from an underlying and serious threat into a joke. "Do not keep Metroids as pets." Versus the Space Pirates constantly throwing new weapons and technology at you, up to the Phazon infused super space pirates, Omega Pirate, and the creation of Metroid Prime herself in prime 1. Add in an uninteresting and faceless enemy, the ing, the plight of a race that seems forced and bland and the two dimensional story of "light versus dark" and you have a grand disappointment. Even important pieces of the story, such as the Echo visor, feel unfinished, and Emporer Ing wasn't much of an exciting last boss. Thankfully the Dark Samus fights make up a bit for that.

Lastly, the biggest flaw of both primes- the control scheme. In the previous games, Samus was agile. Jumping, shooting, and timing was of utmost important in the original if you simply wanted to survive. In Super Metroid, its use of momentum and improved maneuverability, along with an introduction of a number of new moves and items defined Samus's run and shoot style.

Prime, lock on and jump sideways, blast away. It was the worst transition of all the metroid elements from 2d to 3d.

Having Corruption similar to the last two primes would indeed produce another failure like echoes. It was broke and needed fixing. Thank god Prime 3 seems to be the launch of the ultimate FPS controls, I'm so excited.

And hearing that makes me illogically think back to the Haloid video. Like, I'd piss myself if you could grapple a vehicle and toss it over your shoulder or something.

That movie is SO freaking cool. Anyone who hasn't seen it go youtube it. It's absolutely amazing. Up until the ending that is...

No, they are broke. [Whole bunch of stuff]

Very well said, it's like you took the thoughts right out of my head. Wait a minute... hey, where'd they go? Give them back!

But seriously, it's odd how game reviewers seem so oblivious to the Prime series' gameplay flaws. The Echoes reviews that all said "it's Prime 1, but longer and harder, and with better graphics!" set me up for a major disappointment, so that's why I'm anxious about Corruption...

YOU should be a game reviewer. Go forth, and... write reviews!

That movie is SO freaking cool. Anyone who hasn't seen it go youtube it. It's absolutely amazing. Up until the ending that is...

Even me? I've never played any Halo single player (and not much multiplayer either).

No idea about the latter two, but chunk at the Metroid Metal forums mentioned that he pulled down a wall while playing it at the local Gamestop. :o

When I first read that, I thought you were talking about a "Wii have a problem"-esque incident where the guy accidentally knocks down a wall in the store with the nunchuck! But yeah, grabbing shields, grabbing walls; same deal.

Is the 27th a worldwide release, or just the American?

It's a month or two later in Europe if I recall correctly.

yeah guys because prime 2 was not a carbon copy of it's predecessors than it must be absolutely terrible

As a stand alone game, it is not something you'd want duplicated.

Tedious fetch quests.

Obnoxious Dark Aether.

Frustrating control scheme- you move like a tank.

Bland enemy.

Poor level structure.

Weak plot.

MP2:Echoes defending sucks. The game was just not that good.

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