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OCRA-0009 - Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream

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What is the filename limit now that our old friend 8.3 is history? I, too, tried playing it on Windows Vista and had no problem.

yes, but did you try playing it from C:/Documents and Settings/Whateverthehellyourusernameis/My Documents/My Music/Overclocked Remix/Albums/Final Fantasy VII - Voices of the Lifestream/Disc IV - Order/4-09 bLiNd, Fishy, pixietricks, Sixto Sounds, Steffan Andrews, Suzumebachi, tefnek - Black Wing Metamorphosis (One-Winged Angel).mp3 :?:

MOST releases of albums in MP3 format (like game music and stuff) follows the track number - track name convention. I'm not saying it's a standard--it's a convention, and I think it's a good one.

I think ID3 tags are enough. Practically any MP3 playing software and hardware supports tags. People saying "OCREMIX MADE THIS" will be ignorant regardless.

I suppose I can see that, though most of those album releases you're talking about are all done by ONE artist (making an artist entry in the filename irrelevant to begin with), as opposed to these multi artist compliations and collab tracks found on albums here (where they're arguably more necessary). While I do really like the above idea of just putting "various artists" whenever there's a collab, I can also see how just omitting the artist would keep it much more consistent, so I'd definitely agree there. Still, I do also think it'd present a problem when you'd just want to listen to or sample a particular artist from the album (particularly if it's as large as VotL) especially before adding it into iTunes or an equivalent program (as I always do before adding something into my collection).

D:\AUDIO\MP3\@Games\[ARG] Final Fantasy VII - Voices of the Lifestream\4-09 bLiNd, Fishy, pixietricks, Sixto Sounds, Steffan Andrews, Suzumebachi, tefnek - Black Wing Metamorphosis (One-Winged Angel).mp3

works fine

Your answer should have been no, and you obviously missed my point.

A lot of people were having similar problems with Black Wing Metamorphosis in particular, including one of my friends. Like DarkeSword said, the file name for that track is too long because it credits 5 remixers. Just rename it to something shorter..."Various Artists" instead of the 5 remixers.

As I told in my first post, I couldn't do a thing with the file. But it is fixed now. Foobar2000 saved my life, I had a "EDIT" plug in and It managed to move it which Windows wasnt able to. Then it worked just fine I copied it back as it was and it is working just fine now.

If there is too many artist you should put them in id3tag "composers" instead and come up with a "group" name into Artist field instead and/or onto the file name.


Also, on the subject of file corruption, I think I ran across two MP3's in the project that had data "blips" in them from something. I think Haroon's track had one somewhere in it, and there was another one as well (I think in the first few tracks on the first Disc). I'm playing them on my Zen Vision W, and I don't see why it would have an issue. I'll have to play the tracks back on a computer sometime to see if I can replicate the bad spots.


The path is too long. The file name is only the last part of the path reference; the total number of characters is the problem, as already mentioned.

A typical (MicroSoft) Windows application would use the MAX_PATH constant when dealing with paths. Here's the definition used by these applications (and most likely operating system dialogs):

/* windef.h -- Basic Windows Type Definitions */

#define MAX_PATH 260

That would mean most applications are limited to a path reference of 260 characters, however, most programmers seem to assume it's 256 characters and hardcode it--and few seem to adapt the file path buffer size dynamically.

A contributing factor here would probably be the typical prefix "C:\Documents and Settings\Name\My Documents\whatever" (also depending on language adaptations).

suzumebachi's path is 203 characters.


Well, I've only gotten the time to listen to it from start to finish once, and it was mostly very good. (I had a few randomly selected tracks on a cheap, portable media player.)

The fade-out endings on some of the songs.. Well.. I recall the fade-out endings gave me some preview-like feeling of the "album," but this was at the start. I have mostly good feelings about how this project turned out.

There were perhaps two or there tracks that gave me a "WTF is this doing in here?" and "err, was this really done by this/these artists?" (in a negative way). That was me being brutally honest.

I'd say I enjoyed 98% (figuratively) of the music; not as fan arrangements, but as music on its own with FF VII as a bonus. Lots of detail, of course, and JENOVA references. Batman. The Adrenalyne Kyck--nice touch with the vocals; a breath of fresh air.

Oh, and I'm fairly sure there was one Aphex Twin-inspired reference in one song. As I said, I've only listened to it once from start to finish, and some random tracks. IT'S 3H 26M 24S!

Very good! Too many songs, though. ;)


1. Only download music by bladiator.

2. ???????

3. Profit.

Yes, I once was a loser and I downloaded some bladiator music. My acne cleared up, I won the lottery, I have a hot girlfriend who is also a model, and my life just keeps getting better.

I plan to donate money to bladiator and you should do the same.

(I want my 15% cut)


So, I walked into a Gamestop today and was spending a bit of time browsing, when I heard a familiar song in the background... "Son of Chaos". I had to get closer to the sound system to be sure. I asked the manager who made the playlist, and he said he did, and I asked what it was and he said "oh that's from OCRemix.org!" I asked the second question, of course, because I wasn't sure if he knew the source of the music (hey, some people don't.)

Anyway, I introduced myself and Jill and he was thrilled to have us there. He's apparently a huge fan of OCR and VotL - he grabbed it the day it came out. Other mixes played (while I was there) included "Airships Make Me Happy" and "Adrenalyne Kyck". I'm sure he had more queued up, but I didn't have a lot of time to spare.

Good to know, eh? :)


Consistently better stuff than what I usually find on OCRemix... I love this release already, and mostly because of the Crazy Motorcycle remix (hats off to tefnek, he really captured the spirit on this one, I listen to it all the time - it's great with a subwoofer... I cannot write well enough to convey my feelings of awe for this song. Sadly, these don't carry on to most of the other songs). I think the One Winged Angel remix was very interesting and yet somehow managed to convey the 'omfg you're in trouble' feeling. The only gripe I have with it is that the vocals aren't very clearly enunciated and sometimes feel like they're behind the beat.

Valse for Aeris was way too long. Also everything was legato, so take some tips from J. Strauss II: get more pizzicato in there. This song definitely needed it... otherwise a waltz can become rather boring. Still, it made me think of FF8 and Rinoa, so that elicited a chuckle from me. If you fix some long boring sections I'm sure I'll like it. I don't mind an upbeat Aerith's Theme. Blind's remix JENOVA Celestial had a very nice atmosphere, but he didn't have to stick with the melody all the way, which sounded kinda strange. I think he should have developed the melody in a totally different direction and not just stick to the script. Suco de Melancia also sticks a little too close to the spirit...around 1:20 the song sounds like the soloist who was supposed to play for that section was sleeping and didn't make it on time; 1:50, the vibraphone (electric piano?) solo was too damn short. If you're going to use the standard theme but change the melody just a teeny bit, make it sound like it's a real jam for Christ's sake. No real band would play a solo that lasts 10-20 seconds.

Short Skirts is an awesome, very chuckle-inducing remix of Tifa's Theme. I don't know what more I can say about it, because I like it a lot.

Also, does anybody know if Bladiator is nice enough to provide me with the sheet music for 'Golden Ivories of Gaia'? I especially love 1:13. What's that part called again? Is that part of the Main Theme? 1:50 also was an especially nice arrangement.


Okay, so I'm trying to torrent Voices of the Lifestream, right? This isn't the first album I've done - I also torrented Chrono Symphonic and Project: Chaos. So I didn't think this would be a problem. Well, every time I try to start, I get this error message.


Has anyone seen this before, and does anyone know what I can do to fix it?


The filename for Black Wing Metamorphosis is waaay too long since it has so many artists, and it doesn't help that you put it in a folder that's 10 levels deep. The solution would be to move it into a much higher folder level (e.g. C:\) and try again, although that in itself might be an ordeal (a lot of people have had trouble moving the file because of the long filename).

So, I walked into a Gamestop today and was spending a bit of time browsing, when I heard a familiar song in the background... "Son of Chaos". I had to get closer to the sound system to be sure. I asked the manager who made the playlist, and he said he did, and I asked what it was and he said "oh that's from OCRemix.org!" I asked the second question, of course, because I wasn't sure if he knew the source of the music (hey, some people don't.)

Anyway, I introduced myself and Jill and he was thrilled to have us there. He's apparently a huge fan of OCR and VotL - he grabbed it the day it came out. Other mixes played (while I was there) included "Airships Make Me Happy" and "Adrenalyne Kyck". I'm sure he had more queued up, but I didn't have a lot of time to spare.

Good to know, eh? :)

Woo! :D

I'm so pimping this at my local gamestores (they all know me :( I'm there too much) and see if I can achieve some similar result.

  • 3 weeks later...
So, I walked into a Gamestop today and was spending a bit of time browsing, when I heard a familiar song in the background... "Son of Chaos". I had to get closer to the sound system to be sure. I asked the manager who made the playlist, and he said he did, and I asked what it was and he said "oh that's from OCRemix.org!" I asked the second question, of course, because I wasn't sure if he knew the source of the music (hey, some people don't.)

Anyway, I introduced myself and Jill and he was thrilled to have us there. He's apparently a huge fan of OCR and VotL - he grabbed it the day it came out. Other mixes played (while I was there) included "Airships Make Me Happy" and "Adrenalyne Kyck". I'm sure he had more queued up, but I didn't have a lot of time to spare.

Good to know, eh? :)

That just made my week - seriously, I'm like trippin' now.


I don't remember if I ever posted in this thread or not, but I just wanted to say this project absolutely KILLS. It took some time to let the whole project sort of gestate in my brain, because there's just so many joygasmic, aural sensations to be had. I love it all.

Good work, everyone!!


After listening to the entire album a couple of times, I made a "favorites" playlist with some of the tracks (primarily from disk 1), because I like to listen to songs in sequence, but I couldn't stand the wait when listening to the whole album, for my favorite songs to come up again.:-)

However, as I've listened to the entire album playlist again several times, I've often said tom myself "I totally love this track. Why isn't it in my favorites playlist?", so many times in fact that my "favorites"-playlist now consists of the bulk of the album (roughly 3 quarters, and if I continued this way, it'd surely grow) So I've reached the point where I could just as well listen to the entire album instead. That's quality! :grin:

Oh, and seeing as "Adrenalyne Kyck" doesn't have its own submission/review thread, I'll use the opportunity to compliment on it here, spesifically the use of the vocals. There went a shiver down my spine when I first heard that part of the song, and subsequently when I (by serendipity) discovered the source (an old interview with Nomura) of the lyrics. Both a great choice of text and well performed. Two thumbs up!

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