djpretzel Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Master_Yoshi Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 This song is the very definition of coolness. It's chill, relaxed, and takes something that I would normally find quite boring (Tifa's theme) and makes it enjoyable beyond belief. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 I think this just might top Dragon Song as being not only the single greatest remix on this site, but the one of the greatest pieces of music -- remix or otherwise -- that I have ever heard. Quote
JJT Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 What I love most about this track is that it carries so many different interlocking elements, yet still manages to feel spacious and chilled out. The way this song is produced really sticks with me. It carries with it some kind of sense memory that's hard to describe: traces of better days, a carefree boyish grin, a beer with an old friend. I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone else, but that's what I have dialed in as I listen. The drum sequencing and the crunchy organ sound are pretty damn good, and vig's cameo is everything I'd expect (in terms of quality). The only thing that doesn't sit well with me is that the cello sounds very much like a sample, whereas everything else is very convincing. Other than that, this is all kinds of solid, and definitely one of the more memorable moments in the project. Be sure to check it out if you haven't already. Quote
TCK Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 There's an out of place click sound at 0:12, almost like a metronome. It's also present in a few other places near the beginning of the mix, but it's nowhere near as offputting. It's also on the album version mp3 (haven't got the wav version, so I can't check if it's specifically an encoding issue). I don't think it's anything to cry too much about, but I figured I'd bring it to your attention. Other than that, I felt it was a nice take on Tifa's theme. Quote
ForumChibi Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 This is one of my favorites from the set, I'm actually listening to it now (it's stuck on replay since I'm too busy reviewing all of these to change it, LOL). I'm not sure how to describe it, I'm very pleased that I can distinguish Tifa's theme from this quite well, and I like the speed, feel, and rhythm it has. Excellent work. Quote
RepressedChaos Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 its an awesome piece, I laughed at the name at first because I thought it said, "Shirt skirts Shorter temper" lol Quote
ChloroPhil Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Tifa's theme was always one of my favorites on the soundtrack. Its probably because of that that when it first came on I started to feel disappointed. But the rearrangement and personal touch aspects of mixes are what make ocr, right? As the song progressed and went on though I came to like it and appreciate it very much. Good work guys. This whole album is awesome. Quote
big giant circles Posted September 16, 2007 Posted September 16, 2007 love the super sexy rhodes. i usually overlook dave's tracks when it comes to reviewing, mainly because of course, they're awesome, and i guess subconsciously i think it goes without saying. he's as talented musically as he is administratively. this track is right up there with love/ice cap hurts (haha, i really do love both) insofar as the groove is concerned. i'm particular fond of the drum kit and the bass. dave's always had a knack for an energetic bassline, which unfortunately, few people pay particular attention to. as for the guitar work, all i can really say is... MEH... and by "Meh" I mean, of course, it's aight... and by aight, i mean, yeah, it's cool too. <3 Quote
Hale-Bopp Posted September 16, 2007 Posted September 16, 2007 As I continue to listen to all the tracks, the thing I've been impressed with most is the vast amount of originality spread out amongst all of them. This track is certainly no exception. Unless I don't listen to enough remixes, I have to say I hardly, if ever, hear mixes likes this. Sometimes it feels rare when you get to hear a new remix that's both original sounding and cohesive. Variety seems to be the key word as the years pass on at OCR. Variety in musicianship, collaborative efforts, people involved, styles and the unique flavor each and every person brings to the table. There's sweetness in this track. The rhodes is an especially smooth and tasty addition. I really wish I could hear this performed live. To be there and soak in the surroundings. A cup of coffee and Short Skirts. That about sums up my morning, I'd say. Good stuff. Quote
vici_ruthless Posted September 16, 2007 Posted September 16, 2007 starting strange, mellow but haunted and just a tad disjointed, "short skirts" definitely invokes a moody vibe. the intro almost feels stifling and heavy or oppressive even. of course, this fits quite well with the scene in the game from which the theme was lifted. and, much like the game, the remix becomes lightened with unexpected optimism. bubbly yet still retaining the original quasi-eerie feel, the whole thing takes an intriguing turn towards the uplifting. what better way to audibly describe tifa? Quote
zircon Posted September 16, 2007 Posted September 16, 2007 As a bit of history, this song might have been the first one to go up on the project WIP boards back in 2006, yet was the last one to be finished. Dave gets props for that alone But seriously, ever since the first MP3 demo, I was really excited about it. The drum and bass sequencing is particularly awesome; there's a lot of nuance to the jazz drums that you just rarely hear. I think the Neskvartetten sound was successfully captured. The solos are also highly enjoyable, including Vig's well-played guitar wankery. The whole thing fits perfectly into the scene of Seventh Heaven. Quote
Crescent Shadow Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 I have to admit... I was a bit iffy going into this song...Jazz is one of those genre's that, while I don't exactly dislike it... there just hasn't been anything I've heard that I liked either. Not to mention that Tifa's theme is my favorite song off the original ost... sitting right beside OWA. So I went into this song pretty much expecting not to like it...But i was really surprised... not only did I like, but it didn't mess with that plesant feeling that the original music evoked... So heres props to DjP and made someone with no interest in Jazz seriously enjoy a Jazz piece. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted February 4, 2008 Posted February 4, 2008 Probably one of my top 5 favorites from the Voices of the Lifestream project, mainly because of the added descending chord progression; it's one of my favorite progressions, and to hear it in it's entirety, at about the perfect tempo is awesome. Shallow? Maybe a bit, but there is plenty more to enjoy about the mix. I agree with the consensus that the cello is a bit too exposed early on, but i think it blends much better as an ensemble instrument once some additional background layers are added in. I think live would have been the way to go for such a prominent part, but as is, it does a good job. The guitar has a great tone, just a light dusting of grit, and really nice phrasing. Very tasteful. Organ, vibes, and rhodes finish it off. Excellent. Very classy and understated. Check this one out, guys. Quote
paperCrane Posted March 12, 2008 Posted March 12, 2008 Most of DJP's mixes pull me in but this one definitely sits up there with Love Hurts and Fortuna Favors the Funk for me. Great rhythms, great playing, great sound. I especially love it when the bells come in. The combination of the bells with the rhythm guitar and everything else at that point makes for a very rich sound that still feels very laid back and approachable. I also have to agree with the other posts that the drums have a lot of nuance and fit the jazz theme perfectly. Check it out, and don't miss out on the great Funk mixes that DJP has done as well. Quote
sefirosu Posted May 3, 2009 Posted May 3, 2009 Great piece. Very nice, laid-back, jazzy feel. BIAS ALERT... I love the cello part throughout the piece. The piece sounds like a bit of what I like to call a "jam-session" maybe cause of the drum in the begining that sounds like a door closing or maybe by the staggered entrances by the different instruments, either way I love it all. Nice Work! Quote
metalsnakejuice Posted May 3, 2009 Posted May 3, 2009 A very laid back and relaxing remix, this really is one of my favorite songs on the album and l feel that its a great accomplishment. Quote
Mosou Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Your track is fantastic. To me, it's a masterpeace. I've never paid attention to the original track. I think it's a bit boring. But your version is wonderfull. I love the jazzy sound it has and you mange to put peace and even sadness in it. A call to introspection, it's extremely rare (even in remix whch are too often tasteless tecno-remix). THANK YOU SO MUCH for this track I could listen to it an entire day ^^ carry on your good work, I'm found of it Quote
MaxxAndrew Posted September 29, 2009 Posted September 29, 2009 I've been trying to write lyrics to this song for almost a year... This is a really good track. Just so everyone knows, the youtube preview doesn't do overall sound quality justice. Especially with the bass line. Vigilante has some great really moving riffs in this song, but the leading instruments are always overwhelming for me BUT that could be cause by the fact that I like to write lyrics, so I kinda cant share the space. Still, this song has, many of times, given me chills. Its just a nice groove with the melody and the progression(s). It is all very well done. Quote
lfroland Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 My brother DL'd the Voices of the Lifestream set, and I picked my way through them all to make a playlist about 1 1/2 hours long. At the top of my list? 'Short Skirts.' This song is radio worthy, my friends. It's incredible. The sheer talent exhibited, the cheeky title, the call-and-answer between the various instruments...I tell you, I listen to this mix at least once a day. It's relaxing, upbeat, and turns a pretty little theme into something amazing and mature. Job done extremely well you two! You're the reason I finally signed on to the website. Quote
SilverSwift Posted August 14, 2010 Posted August 14, 2010 Such a fantastic jazz interpretation, I love the percussion throughout in particular - as you said, there's a vast amount going on. Every section compliments the overall arrangement...brilliant, one of my favourites on the site. Many thanks! Quote
Free2shred00 Posted June 4, 2012 Posted June 4, 2012 Hate to be that guy, but this track was used as the soundtrack for a video by the erotic website Cosplay Deviants. This being one of my favorite tracks from OC Remix, I felt I had to share. Quote
djpretzel Posted June 4, 2012 Author Posted June 4, 2012 Hate to be that guy, but this track was used as the soundtrack for a video by the erotic website Cosplay Deviants. This being one of my favorite tracks from OC Remix, I felt I had to share. They violated our Terms of Service... and then each other? Without going into excruciating, or even somewhat awkward, detail, can you provide a bit more info? Quote
StreetFlare Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 They violated our Terms of Service... and then each other? Wait....what??? I love the mix, but eroge-worthy? I don't quite see it. Then again, this is a TIFA mix, being used by a website called COSPLAY Deviants....see what I'm getting at here? Quote
Free2shred00 Posted June 9, 2012 Posted June 9, 2012 They violated our Terms of Service... and then each other? Without going into excruciating, or even somewhat awkward, detail, can you provide a bit more info? Wow, this has to be the most awkward way of getting a reply by an admin (the freaking head honcho none-the-less) that I have ever seen... The video didn't credit you or this website either. Not that I remember at least. I am not a member to that website (or any such website for that matter), so I can't tell you if there is mention about the copyrights for the music elsewhere, but I wouldn't count on it. Seems like some low budget erotica website trying to take free music and use it as if it were under public domain. Might be something you would like to contact them about. I am not about to provide a link, but you should be able to google the website if you are going to take action against them. Quote
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