Joe Redifer Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 F-Zero 'Mute Radiology' To say the intro is long is an understatement. I'm not a big fan of intros that are longer than they should be. But fear not for it eventually does start to get going! The sound of some of the instruments in this is a bit agitating. The percussion is good and the bass is nice, but to be honest I can't really find anything else I like about this ReMix. Oh well. Quote
skawttieboy Posted July 7, 2002 Posted July 7, 2002 I like watching my winamp Equalizer at the beginning of this piece, it's pretty cool watching it go down the line. Overall, a very nice remix IMHO. Intro is long, but hey, nothing wrong with a long intro here or there. Good remix! Quote
NSR::Neko Posted August 22, 2002 Posted August 22, 2002 More of DJP's extreme "I have loud snares" stuff, here. Honestly, I love the phase warping and panning on this, not to mention the oh-so-distracting flanging that goes on during this mix. Wow. Then again, the first time I listened to this was when I had the volume cranked, and I was wearing headphones. The snares and synth leads destroy your ears. Thank god DJP is equalizing and normalizing now. All in all, get this mix just to here the wackiness that goes on around the [somewhat long] intro, and occaisionally during the song itself. Good shtuff. Quote
Kevin Hansen Posted September 23, 2002 Posted September 23, 2002 Honestly, I don't seem to understand why some people dislike this remix. Firstly, I think the intro is well done. It's kind of nice to have a remix where it doesn't hop right into the melody right off the bat. Speaking of which, it's also nice to have a remix that takes some liberty with the melody. All in all, I like this remix. Quote
Blak_Omen Posted January 18, 2003 Posted January 18, 2003 djp does it yet again with another masterpiece creation - this is one of my favourite mixes from him, and with good reason too. I think he captures the feel of F-Zero, hi tech in fast cars, very well, and though I just can't seem to describe this song in words, it's best for you all to experience this yourselves. It's worth the download, and then some. For some reason my Sony headphones bring the song to a whole new 3D dimension too - if you have headphones might I suggest you use them for this piece. My only gripe is somewhere in the middle some random sound (I'm assuming it's from in-game but I haven't played F-Zero for a long time) plays quite loudly, but it quickly goes back to the theme. That part might have been done maybe not so rashly, but it detracts little from the overall quality of this mix. Great work - keep it coming. ^^ Quote
SlashEdgewind Posted February 13, 2003 Posted February 13, 2003 heh, I'm sure it sucks writing comments for your own remixes,but this is great, although I think it took to long *or maybe I'm just impatient* to get to the actual theme of mute city, unless I'm missing something. Good stuff. Quote
PerLichtman Posted February 13, 2003 Posted February 13, 2003 Okay first off this one of my favorite remixes on the site and certainly the best thing I've heard DJP do i.m.h.o. I like the intro, I like the high energy of the piece and the way that the effects effectively raise the energy of the piece and actually add to it... I have qualms with many other remixes on this site where the effects are used as an interlude to steal the momentum of high energy song or are used in a manner that seperates themselves from musical form. In this piece the wild flanging, filtering, etc. are all used in a manner more along the lines of extreme articulations and lend the piece the most vitality that I have yet seen DJP put into a fast piece. I liked this version of the mix so much that I ended up going back to play F-Zero and am currently working on my 3rd or 4th remix of the same piece which I probably won't release unless I can attain a similar level of energy as that reaced in this one. DJP has added to song with his effects, with his intro and musical deviations from the original and has created my favorite mix of this very cool track. Quote
PassivePretentiousness Posted February 25, 2003 Posted February 25, 2003 GAH... I'm not sure if I'm in love with this one. Djp tremendously overdoes all the (them) techno stuff in both volume and pitch. This is one song though that doesn't have that many other remixes to compare it with, which works in its favor. After the "oww my bleeding ears" intro, the song does bob along nicely with its classic melody. 4/8 Quote
the warlock Posted February 28, 2003 Posted February 28, 2003 Good stuff djp. This is a piece that ive liked for a while now. Great intro and the balance of sound and quality is superb. This is very nice... simple as.. Quote
Chrisrj Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 Maybe it's just the fact that this was not only the 1st mp3 I downloaded off this site, but the 1st mp3 I've downloaded ever that makes this mix special; but I truly find nothing wrong with it. The lead sound is a little weird, like an overly-driven guitar or something, but otherwise, it's not bad IMO. 8/10 Quote
C-Beck Posted April 16, 2003 Posted April 16, 2003 Phat remix djp i love it, upbeat, great tempo, the intro lets you know that it's unlike any other remix on this site. It's extremely unorthodox and unique, but those qualities give this remix an edge that MANY songs just don't have. This remix brings back some really old memories of playing this game, and i think it's awesome. Keep mixin' djp. Quote
Zimmerman Posted July 2, 2003 Posted July 2, 2003 This ReMix really does the Mute City theme justice. I, personally, like the intro, but I can see how some would find it too loud, and I don't think that it's overdone at all. It fits very well with the game. I don't particularly like that little weirdness around 2:14-2:16 because I have no idea why it's there. It just sounds added. I always found it odd that the "city with no sound" had the coolest music out of all of the tracks that I played. My cart kept loosing track of my scores and such, so I never got very far unless I played all the way through without turning it off. I also kept loosing my low times on all of the tracks, which was VERY frustrating. Quote
{ATS}Forsaken Posted July 12, 2003 Posted July 12, 2003 great song ,does the level fine, sorta reminds me of that game Battle Cars or something like that. any way my faveirote part has to be the first 2 minutes, specially at 24 seconds into the song when the simbols sound off, thats great, love the simbole work man Quote
Corporal Eschebone Posted July 15, 2003 Posted July 15, 2003 Kinda good, but the Mute City theme could have been mixed better. I really don't like the "weird" aspect of it, and it doesn't have enough of the original mute city theme in it. Approval Rating: 70% Quote
njsykora Posted August 6, 2003 Posted August 6, 2003 Personally I can't see why djp was so unsure about this remix. It captures the spirit of the F-Zero games perfectly and is one of my favorite mixes. On the intro, it builds up to the central part of the song and does it's job to the best of it's ability. I can easily see this as a tune in F-Zero GX. Overall 92% Quote
I_am_Torgo Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 F-Zero tunes need more ReMixing... This is a perfect example of why. Sure, it's nigh a minute and a half until the actual song gets started, but I think the intro is just plain awesome all the way through. It's actually after the actual tune gets started that I like the song less (but only just a very, very little bit). The irony. Someone made a eariler statement that the song is a tad on the painful side if you got some headphones on and the volume cranked up. I can agree with that sentiment. I like this one loud, though. I can't help it. Another favorite of mine, this is just an excellent mix that gets the adrenilene going, and the intro is a perfect build up. Score: 8/10 Quote
Shenlon Posted January 5, 2004 Posted January 5, 2004 Ugh... definitely do NOT listen to this with headphones. Very painful. Still, interesting mix to say the least. The intro is a bit long, but I still like it. It's not so long that I forget that I'm listening to a Mute City mix. I give it an 8 out of 10. Quote
IC Posted April 25, 2004 Posted April 25, 2004 I don't see what the big deal is about the intro, here. For one, it's awesome. Two, it is from the original song. Three...well, it's just frickin' awesome. It's definitely my favorite part of the song. I'd give it a 9/10 and the rest a 7/10. The song does have some awesome stereo effects with headphones, but that part around 2:15 is ugly. Makes me sick. Overall: Good mix, great intro. Quote
Vash the Stampede Posted May 8, 2004 Posted May 8, 2004 Kickin tune we got here!! Very pumped up, very good mix!! Kudos man!!! Quote
Kona Posted September 2, 2004 Posted September 2, 2004 OMG OMG i <3 u djpretzel. U never dissapoint me *Saves song to desktop* i give you a 100/10 Quote
_glitch_ Posted June 20, 2005 Posted June 20, 2005 w00t! I was searching for F-Zero tunes when I found OCR. I love it! Here's my take on this gem. The intro is the best part. It really has an awesome beat. The main body of the song is somewhat dull, but the end is great. I love the channel switching. It's kind of hard to notice without headphones. Some time ago, I burnt this song to CD and was listening to it with my walkman for the first time with the volume cranked up all the way. That one part (I think it's a 2:12) scared the crap outta me! It's a nice chage from your standard melody-harmony-base-beat remix, and I give it a 10/10. _glitch_ Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted June 20, 2005 Posted June 20, 2005 I haven't heard a single Mute City remix before this ..DJP certainly hammers the nail down in this one Good stuff ! Quote
hjalfi Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 Aaaaaahhhh.... what the hell is that? I was listening to this on headphones and my ears suddenly oscillating! Is that the phase switching effect? Because if so, it's really uncomfortable... Quote
TX-419 Posted November 24, 2005 Posted November 24, 2005 Wuh. To all headphone-bearers: Beware stereophonic phase switching! It didn't necessarily hurt my ears, but it does make you feel very unbalanced. Try not to listen to this while driving (Wearing headphones while driving is a ticketable offense anyways)! That aside, this is definitely not your run-of-the mill techno. It starts out strong, droops a bit in the middle, but picks up the slack at the end. Though disorienting, the various sleight-of-ear tricks are quite enjoyable, and add the unique twist evey piece of OCR techno needs, what with all the existing techno on this site. Quote
hjalfi Posted November 24, 2005 Posted November 24, 2005 I've actually just listened to this again on speakers, and it's actually way cool. As, you say, the middle's a bit disappointing, but the beginning and end are imaginative and well done and the phase tricks add an amazing sense of space. Alas, I mostly listen to remixes at work, through headphones, so this won't be going on my permanent playlist... Quote
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