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Doom II 'Blood Bath'

This is an interesting piece of music. Not half as spooky as Ghetto Lee Lewis's orchestral instrumentation for "Friday the 13th Panic at Camp Crystal" but it's got a creepy theme all the same. I love Mazedude's use of guitars and panning. The organ is definitely the main source of the creepy feel in this one, but the other instruments are definitely not lacking in that respect. I would have to say that I think this is probably Mazedude's best work here on Overclocked. Excellent work Mazedude.


this is definitely a good remix of adrian's asleep, from... crud, i forget... bloodfalls, dunno the map number. probably one of the better doom2 remixes i've heard (although some of the stuff at kinkiness.de was pretty cool). the intro sort of makes me think of iced earth's burnt offerings... although that could be because i'm obsessed with that band :P

this is definitely a good remix of adrian's asleep, from... crud, i forget... bloodfalls, dunno the map number.

I don't hear anything from the bloodfalls level (level 25 by the way) but at least in the end this sounds like the Pit -level. Anyway, didn't really like this mix. Too unrecognizable. And I know my doom, you know. ;) Actually I still haven't bumped into a really good doom mix.


I hear some Doom 2 in this one, though not too much. I don't really care, however, as the remix totally kicks ass :D It starts slowly, lightly then fluidly glides into the heavier parts. It gives me the mental image of some immense, dark, tunnelly place, and a couple of explorers with only flashlights to light their way. Slowly exploring the mysterious place, first full of wonder and questions, then realizing what they've stumbled upon.... Dunno, I might just be wierd, but that's what I see if I close my eyes while listening to this :D

Silly rabbits, I used a LOT of Doom 2 themes in this one. 'tis a Medley of sorts. Kinda my little game here to see if anyone can correctly count the number of levels I worked into the mix. Go for it.


I seem to be the only one who recognizes the themes!

Anyway, I wouldn't say that this is Mazedude's BEST OCRemix, but I do think it strikes a good middle ground between something like Barrels O Fun and something somewhat softer and more subdued. This is really truly his best Doom remix though...it combines industrialism with muzak with techno with just about all styles in an all out medley...you can just tell that so much work was put into all the technical and musical elements of this remix.

In short, it's very very good.

EDIT: I think I've found 7 or 8 DOOM2 themes in it. But I can't decide about some of them, so it might be less than that.


Doom is one of the FEw shooters that i play and i found this remix to be... like a way point to the game . i loved it very much and shall be a honored piece in my folder of remixes that i have. i must condone proper props to the person who did this remix

  • 2 weeks later...

Mazedude, I wanted to ask you: Why did you blemish your work by inserting a clipping noise at around 2:15? I could be mistaken, but it sounds like those clipping noises you hear from mp3 commercial songs downloaded from public P2P networks.

I really enjoyed your medley, but I was wondering if you did that on purpose.

  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. I must say that I was doubtful of Mazedude's talent as a remixer, since I had only listened to his BubblyClouds mix, but WOW! There is NO FREAKING WAY I can doubt it now. This thing is WILD. I love those awesome guitar-like synths and soundfonts and stuff... It's so violent and powerful, and yet so calm at the very beginning and ending... I love it. This is going to be one of my favorite mixes for a while...

Again: WOW. WOW WOW WOW. OMFG. The cool industrial percussion is awesome too. I need to get my hands on some of these instruments, Mazedude. HAND THEM OVER! Oh, and good piano too. =) Absolutely, positively amazing.


Hmm - there shouldn't be that clipping noise you mentioned at 2:15 Ryckster - try redownloading it from http://listen.to/mazedude and see if it's still there - coulda just been a downloading glitch. It happens.

As far as releasing my samples - oh ho ho... I only do that if asked REALLY nicely man, I fashion a ton of those completely from scratch. And, some I take from CDs and flip 'em around, add effects, etc...

And some I steal. Those I don't mind sharing. Just e-mail the Mazedude@aol.com and cross your fingers.

As to the rest of the comments - thanks a bunch guys. Keep it up and I might do yet another Doom 2 mix one of these days, bwuhahaha!



  • 2 months later...

I just came back to this place to see if Mazedude was pulling any new tricks up his sleeve (now that I have dial-up internet, heheh)... and damn, DAMN!!! This song is so f@*%in' cool -- OMG! What a great example of artist depth and talent we have here. Gotta love the way this song unfolds and progresses; introducing new instruments like there's no tomorrow. If you love complicating, layered patterns that will have you digging for secrets with your musical mind for hours... this is DEFINATELY Wh3R3 1T 15 @ y0! And WTF is up with that off-beat wind-up rattlesnake percussion and bullfrog bass? LOL... I love it! This song totally reminds me 'Driver Down' by Trent Reznor (but twice as cool!). Is that the bass from level 6 I see kicking in at 2:42? Oh, HELLLO mister treble from level 29 at 1:10 -- nice of you to join us! And how many times do we have to mutate that intro theme throughout the song before people will figure it's the first verse from level 25? haha. Of course Mazedude's not going to throw in Level 9 again since he already made and entire remix of th... woah, good morning 3:12! Looks like I'm too stupid to figure out where anything else came from --- so I'll leave that to your musical eardrums to explore. :)

FREAKIN' AWESOME song Chris dude! So how many thousands of hours did it take you to get all squash all that immense quantity into that little mp3?!? Damn! This kicks @$$! You RULE Man!!!

- Chris

  • 1 month later...

From what I can pluck out of this kickass mix, there's at least 5 levels incorporated. Here's what I can pull out:

Starts off with Bloodfalls (Map 25), Dead Simple (Map 07) appears soon, then the middles too complex to pluck anything out without a lot of repeats. Near the end you hear The Waste Tunnels (Map 05)and The Pit (map 09), and the final notes after the slow down are from Barrels o' Fun (Map 23).

What's right/wrong Mazedude?

  • 1 month later...

It's a good song, with a wide range different instrumental effects. My only complaint is the excerpt from MAP09. After Gothic Sandy, that tune feels like it's been beat into the ground, and even though the mix has very little to ground it in the original song, I think it would work better without the Gothic Sandy part.

  • 1 month later...

Hellloooo... I'm new here. I seem to have stumbled upon your wonderful remixes, and thought I'd sign up. :)

Doom happens to be one of my favorite games! I still make maps for Doom, despite the fact of its age. I know very much about Doom, so I thought I'd review this.

This remix is wonderfully evil. I mean that in a good way, too. This music is a perfect rendition of MANY Doom songs.

Here are a couple of the obvious ones I heard:

1.D_IN_CIT (Map09 music)

2.D_ADRIAN (Map25 music)

3.D_AMPIE (Map23 music)

There might be more, but I don't think I am listening close enough :P

I just want to say this mix is most excellent, and I feel it captures the feel of the Doom franchise much more than my Doom mix.

Great work, that is all.

But Scott, for me your Remix it's very good! :wink:


Yeah Scott, we still love ya and your awesome remixes!!!

I absolutely love Love LOVE this piece. Everytime I listen to it, I get this image of our Doom heo taking this rickety ol' grate elevator down to the pits of Hell...(don't ask)

Mazedude, if by some amazing and highly unlikely chance that the gods give me the chance to write a blockbuster, I so want you to do the music for it!


J. :twisted:

  • 1 month later...

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