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This is definitely a powerful trance remix...very driving and full of energy, almost to a fault. The soundscape got a little too thick and somewhat abrasive at points, but I suppose thats where a lot of the energy of the track comes from. Not bad stuff at all though, you definitely know how to make a song hit hard!


Oooh more psytrance from an awesome source. It was def interesting to see where you dudes took the source as it has many parts that could be reinterpreted so many ways.

The FX were well placed. Glad to see the brooding chords played on some strings. Def like the FX put on the strings it matches the feeling of the chords. Guitar was def a nice touchand blended nicely. Def the perfect element to introduce to push the piece forward structure wise.


Wall. Of. Sound. There is a LOT of mix here. Somehow you managed to separate channels enough to keep things from muddling into each other. This is an extremely powerful mix, there's a lot going on. I hear at least 4 to 5 different channels at any given time. But the beat is definitely driving, very energetic. I appreciate the breather at 4:05. Oh. EXCELLENT use of sound effects. They somehow fit in with the music. This is a great example of loop layering and variations. Good work all round, and I hope to hear from you both again.


I gotta jump on the "bad ass sound effects" bandwagon, and I am possibly the most anti-sound effect guy I know. They are perfectly used, with great restraint, and really get you ready to get down. Great layering of synths, and the kick especially is poundingly intense. I'd have preferred the kick rhythm to be mixed up a bit more, but there is so much going on in the rest of the song that perhaps making something rock solid like the kick is required.

Are those starcraft sound effects about 3/4 through? :-)

Guitar playing is really good with a beefy tone and nice phrasing, and it fits well with the epianos and stuff.

Kickass mix guys, I love it.


Oh fuck yeah. This is my type of stuff right here, Very electro-industrial.

Boo YAH! Stomp it out!


This has rocketed to one of my favorites. Electroindustrial minus the sometimes annoying distored vocals.

  • 3 weeks later...

I can only join the previous posters in saying that this mix has a great energy. Moreover, while I'm usually opposed to vocals which are distorted to the point where you don't understand what is being said, I really like 'em in this one. Adds a lot to the atmosphere.

Nice work.

  • 2 weeks later...

Never heard the original or played the game, but this rocks my socks. It just never gets old; been returning to the track constantly since it was posted and looping it over and over every time and it only gets better. I may have to go so far as to say it's probably one of the top ten mixes I like best on the site. Somehow it feels like it would make a perfect soundtrack to what goes on inside my head most of the time, and that's probably why it feels so comfortable and right.

Two thumbs up, one to each of you!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

With the voices in the beginning the track gives off a vibe like a Linkin Park song. As a remix of the source track I'm not much of a fan, but as a remix in general it is really well done and interesting. One of the better trance mixes on the site. I had forgotten about this remix. The track gives off a feel of Starcraft or another space-like game at times and has a generally unique feel. Very nice. I'm sure I hear Starcraft sound effects in there at some points...

  • 3 months later...

The soundscape makes me feel like I'm at a stressfully busy air base, set in a desertous wasteland, watching jets rip and roar in a sky-to-outer-space air show. Sound effect-wise, it's thanks to the radio-garbled voice clip, the Doom/Starcraft machinery, and the broken oxygen tank at 0:25 that pushes the mix into full throttle. There's also the overall reverb, particularly on the lead synths, constantly emitting aural heat waves.

Even so, it's not all same-y or hectic. The leads flex their vowel enunciations, percussion players pop in and drop out, and even the raw, gritty guitars change some of their notes around to sound downcast at 2:28 and imploring at 4:27. The piano is perhaps the most influential, adding a dash of gentle reassurance amidst the chaos.

A head-bobbingly sonic boom-ish take on an otherwise mellow and mysterious source tune.

  • 7 months later...

While this isn't grabbing my attention as much as for the other reviewers in this mix, I can see a lot of good things going on here. The sound effects are surprisingly good, and I'm usually skeptical on those sorts of things. The melody keeps a nice darker tone that works with the repetitive line you hear throughout and the percussion. I would have liked some panning throughout, and I personally like a little more change up/less repetitiveness, but that's personal taste kicking in.

Nice work on this.

  • 2 months later...

This mix works a lot better once you know all of the ingredients. A first time listen can be a bit dicey, as it comes very close to selling itself as a repeating trance line. I don't have anything against that, personally. But compared to what this eventually develops into, it would have been disappointing.

Thankfully, things become much more varied and expansive about midway through and things sound nice and punchy. There's a lot of power put into the beats, which I like, and the sound effects (unmistakably from Starcraft) are adequate punctuation and bring some extra heat to the limited arrangement.

It's not the most developed mix out there, but its full of a dark sort of energy and gets fuller in diversity as it goes along. There may be some trouble in the balance of the piece, but there's plenty of traits here that excuse any misgivings.

  • 8 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01630 - Xenogears "Torn Apart"

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