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Contra 'Bases Loaded'

The drums in this one kick some major booty. I'm starting off with a bang for this review, because I honestly don't know what else to say. I found the synth to be some what overbearing, and other then that I don't even have anything to complain about. Not an incredibly excellent, new, or awe inspiring mix, but then again it's not too shabby either (well, at least not for me.) Good job DarkCecil and Injury, keep it up.



This was pretty damn repetitive. Like, not even, (in my opinion) in the enjoyable sections. I mean, yeah I've done the same, and looking back, I sort of regret it. I was listening to this and hearing the part between 0:00 and 0:26 and then again between 0:40 and 0:52, and then yet again between 1:26 and 1:52 (this section being the longest and most irritating (for me, anyway) part). Just the synth and a bass drum, beating my ears to death. The parts between 0:26 and 0:40, 0:52 and 1:26, 1:52 and 2:06 are almost enough to redeem it. Then there's the clipping at 2:06 through 2:18. And then ending on that weak part, leaving the bad taste in the mouth.

It's like one of those songs that is basically only good because of a shining moment, like Styx's "Mr. Roboto" which is only worth listening to for that first 30 seconds. It's a shame too, because I saw the names behind this remix and was expecting something more ... grand, I guess. Something less blah. Like the artist, just don't like this particular piece.



I enjoyed this remix when I first heard it about 7 months ago or so, and it's still pretty enjoyable. I'll agree that it's quite repetitive (but so was the original), and I'll also agree that the drums are pretty groovy :o More could have been done with them, but that's always the case (at least, in my eyes, it is). Nothing seems too out of place, and aside from the repetitive nature of the song, there isn't much wrong with it.

Not stellar, but pretty decent.


This remix wasn't everything I had hoped for, which is a pity, as Contra remixes are sadly few and far between. It wasn't the repetition itself that bothered me, but the fact that the mix is a short one makes the repetition all the more glaring. There doesn't seem to be any real notable part of the mix that makes it especially worthy of listening to again.

Also, as a side note: This isn't Contra's boss music, but rather the music to the 3-D stages, Levels 2 and 4.


Well, not every remix can be a soaring arrangement with an amazing

thematic interpretation of the original 4 bar ditty from the game. We've

had several tracks on OCR of short repeditive themes that have been

reworked, or at least mostly non-reinterpreted, into a richer and thicker

sound. For example the Weapon Get music from Megaman, any

Pac-Man remix, and probably a handful of others. On the flipside though

we have seen some very neat arrangments of short tracks, such as

Gux's "It's Boss Time!", which is basically the exact same thing as this

track as far as arrangement goes. I still enjoy having some upbeat

background music when I'm doing other stuff.. sometimes I remix

isn't really meant to be front and formost.


Ok, had this been a first-time submission, I might expect something of this calibre. And then, I'd say "for first time remixer, this is pretty good." But this is Starla, and we've heard some good stuff from her in the past. As for DC13, I don't really know much of his stuff, so I can't really say on that note, but the names behind this mix create an image that implies quality or at least experience. I didn't really feel like I was getting much of either of those on this mix. As for it not being front and foremost, I'd like to think that this site IS a showcase for the front and foremost remixes on the site, and not just a storehouse. But, I could be wrong.



Yeah, this mix was put together about a year and a half ago. If we had done something like this in present times, there'd probably be much more to it. Regardless, it's a fun upbeat mix, and my only piece I've ever done with FruityLoops. I agree with the repetitivity, but hell, it's still enjoyable to listen to. Others may not think the same way, of course ^^


seriously, this has got to be one of the better Contra mixes out there, to tell the truth, there ISN'T very many mixes of this super popular shooter! And no, i don't find it too repetitive, actually, if i'm right, it only cycles 2 times fully. Also i thought the mix had a nice ending too!

And ya, this isn't the boss music, it's the music for the corridor stages! Funny, cause i swear some of those drum beats at the starting sound like footsteps running down an echoey metal hallway JUST like the game!

anyways, if this one sounded this good, imagine what these two coulda done with the other stage tunes, better yet, Super C, that game had niiiiiiice tunes!

Ok, had this been a first-time submission, I might expect something of this calibre. And then, I'd say "for first time remixer, this is pretty good." But this is Starla, and we've heard some good stuff from her in the past. As for DC13, I don't really know much of his stuff, so I can't really say on that note, but the names behind this mix create an image that implies quality or at least experience. I didn't really feel like I was getting much of either of those on this mix. As for it not being front and foremost, I'd like to think that this site IS a showcase for the front and foremost remixes on the site, and not just a storehouse. But, I could be wrong.


this remix occured right after ffl3 talon i believe.

it's ooooooold. and i wish i had time to fix it up before dc13 submitted it. but hey, if you want to listen to old stuff, ok



Just as a side note: This isn't the boss music from the original Contra game. This is from the pseudo-first-person-perspective stages from the same game. The boss music is -similar-, but not quite the same.

How do I know this? Heheh, oh come on, don't you remember those stupid squares you had to shatter before you could get at the 'eye' beneath and then blow that up so you could continue? If you've played the game y'all know what I mean, and how could you miss that WONDERFUL music? (I used to crank it as loud as I could during just those missions for pure intense 'fps' action, lol)

As far as remixes go, this one is incredibly good in my opinion considering what they had to work with. Keep it up!


Ive had this sitting around on the hard drive for months and months, and I still like it, but due to the time it was done, both remixers have improved greatly, so to have it posted now kind of makes it look bad. But even back then, its way above average compared to a lot of contra remixes ive heard. To be honest though , this has nothing on the vomitron contra :D

Just as a side note: This isn't the boss music from the original Contra game. This is from the pseudo-first-person-perspective stages from the same game. The boss music is -similar-, but not quite the same.

Yea you're right! hehe i guess it really doesnt matter, i still hate that tune. was way to repeatitive in the game.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

OK. Put the melody through some generic sounding synth and put a simple drum loop behind it and repeat a couple of times. This is uninspired at best. I really think this song could've been represented better. The tone of this song never changes and the bassdrum is the only thing keeping this song moving. If I would've heard this version of the song first, I wouldn't of chosen to cover it in my own band and I might've liked this mix better too. But since I heard Memblers and Dildox's first, this just doesn't cut it. I guess I was just spoiled by hearing Membler's version and it lowered my opinion of this mix. This song was just a time filler for my CDs and I'm suprised it made it here on OCR. :x

OK. Put the melody through some generic sounding synth and put a simple drum loop behind it and repeat a couple of times. This is uninspired at best. I really think this song could've been represented better. The tone of this song never changes and the bassdrum is the only thing keeping this song moving. If I would've heard this version of the song first, I would've chosen to cover it in my own band and I might've liked this mix better too. But since I heard Memblers and Dildox's first, this just doesn't cut it. I guess I was just spoiled by hearing Membler's version and it lowered my opinion of this mix. This song was just a time filler for my CDs and I'm suprised it made it here on OCR. :x

Yeah, it's short and repetitive. We could have done a much better job :( Sorry for the disappointment. Glad you enjoyed the percussion, though :D

  • 3 weeks later...

I have to disagree with just about everyone and say that I actually like this tune. Sure the song is repetitious. Playing the game and hearing the original will let you know that's how the original was as well. It improves the orginal and is a remix from one of the best franchises in videogame history (PSX version discluded). Until someone comes along with a better Contra mix, this is where I stand. Contra AMEN Reflux ain't doing it for me.

  • 9 months later...

Just perfect, a Contra mix, this brings back memories of the past: me cursing at Contra and all the sequels and whimping out and using the master code because i couldn't beat it, arrgh the pain, and the joy of beating the living crap outta the games with the code. it's a good mix overall in my opinion, so I'd give it a oh say a.....8/10?

  • 1 year later...

My winamp playlist was on random and this started playing, it just caught my ear and I all of a sudden started tapping my foot

It's a short but very trippy mix with an awesome bassline

  • 2 months later...

What others call repetative, I call some of the best darn nostalgia I could ask for. :D This remix is a blessed time machine, taking me back to some of my best NES gaming days, which I'd almost forgotten. You know what they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Some people can make glorious completely reworked music with vague relations to a game track, and make it sound great. Disco Dan is a rare master of such art, but I feel most people who take that approach tend to lose the feel that made the original great. For this reason, I prefer simple true-to-the-original remixes, things you could imagine actually hearing in the game if it were rereleased. And this piece of work delivers! I have completely lost track of how long I've been banging my head to this (it's on repeat as I type), all I know is I'm loving every second of it. Thank you, DarkCecil13 and Injury, for this awesome tune!

  • 2 years later...

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