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Is there a new one for today? Could someone post the link?

I hope he reviews brawl...!

Don't bet on it for awhile. According to one of his jokes at the end credits recently, Brawl doesn't even have a confirmed Australian release date yet. Going right along with the "arbitrarily tacking months onto release dates."

Anyway, the Zack and Wiki review was a little ho-hum, though it did get me to smile a bit. Though I dunno what problems he was having. A friend of mine owns Zack and Wiki and had no trouble with the motion controls. *Shrugs*

I was actually kinda 'meh' on this one, which is something I never thought I'd say about one of his reviews. I'm sorry to say my interest is waning in his reviews and it makes me quite sad.

It's just more funny when he rips apart a game that's very popular.

Don't bet on it for awhile. According to one of his jokes at the end credits recently, Brawl doesn't even have a confirmed Australian release date yet. Going right along with the "arbitrarily tacking months onto release dates."

Anyway, the Zack and Wiki review was a little ho-hum, though it did get me to smile a bit. Though I dunno what problems he was having. A friend of mine owns Zack and Wiki and had no trouble with the motion controls. *Shrugs*

To be honest, I hope he DOES review SSBB when it ACTUALLY comes out down here in Australia.

Then everyone in the rest of the world can go "WTF!?" at how ridiculously long it's taking for it to get released over here.

Aww, don't hate me. Heck, at least you guys CAN play the game.


I don't understand why it takes so long to get games out there. I mean, it's not like they have to translate it much from Standard or American English. -_-

Unless your ratings board takes forever and a day to get anything done. Which I doubt, otherwise that'd be the subject of why release dates are a pain there.


Having grown up on the King's Quest series...a lot of that review struck a chord with me, and I found it hilarious. I've lost count how many times I've killed Alexander in KQVI because I rubbed the wrong object out of dozen or more in my backpack against the wrong seemingly harmless, but actually quite deadly, object.

Underworld ticket-boss: "Next..."


After renting the game, I really don't think it's worth purchasing. The gameplay is nothing special, every character is obnoxious and the whole thing just feels a bit juvenile. There are dozens of better shooters you could spend your money on.


Yea, this new one is funny like the first ones he had that made me start watching him. Good to see he can still pull it out and make me laugh.

I wasn't that interested in army of two to begin with, so good thing Yahtzee is there to reinforce my view on the game.

Heh, bullets as candy, what a silly idea...


Perhaps this person had their corpus collosum severed. I've been told that those who have can draw two shapes with both their hands at the same time. Left brain/right brain disconnect and all that.



I'm amazed at this person's skill, and lack of attention span. How hyper does a guy have to be to play 2 games at once just to stay entertained?! (Lol, I'm just joking, sort of.)

Perhaps this person had their corpus collosum severed. I've been told that those who have can draw two shapes with both their hands at the same time. Left brain/right brain disconnect and all that.

Tool assisted. You'll notice the inputs into both games are identical - like doing a tool-assisted speed-run for two games at the same time, but with one shared controller. If anything this guy has a ton of patience and a LONG attention span.


I'm amazed at this person's skill, and lack of attention span. How hyper does a guy have to be to play 2 games at once just to stay entertained?! (Lol, I'm just joking, sort of.)

Tool assisted. You'll notice the inputs into both games are identical - like doing a tool-assisted speed-run for two games at the same time, but with one shared controller. If anything this guy has a ton of patience and a LONG attention span.

It's awesome how Sigma appears at the same time in both of them [ZOMFG SPOILERS!!!]

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