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I don't play many of the games he normally reviews, and I know that picking apart games is kinda his shtick but are these games nearly as bad as he makes them out to be?

I learned something very important from this week's review. and that is....

that Yahtzee uses a script. I thought he didn't. he does. and that's OK.

He referenced that fact in a much earlier review. He even posted the script as the background in one of the shots. I'd look it up, but I'm right about to go to bed. I'm pretty sure it's one of the first 20, if that helps.

That's because Zero Punctuation, as awesome as he is, really isn't too much more than an entertainer. It's not as funny to focus equally on what is good about a game and what is bad - simply bashing on what is bad really makes for a funny video. It's sort of the Rush Limbaugh of VG critiques - you present a one sided argument very heavily for the sake of entertainment. It's fun to listen to and the points can be perfectly valid, but at the cost of a balanced review that knows what's good and what's bad about the subject at hand.

Egoraptor's review, on the other hand, took a look at the good and the bad and gave it praise when due and faulted it as much as it deserved. A balanced review is quite a bit more useful than an unbalanced one when it comes to being informative, and it's possible to make that just as entertaining (Egoraptor's voice is pretty iconic & easy to make anything funny, really, so he cheats :P).

Not badmouthing ZP, just saying how it is. I still watch what he puts out 'cause it's quite entertaining.


I find it odd he thinks just because the graphics were "2D" (they aren't really) the SNES could handle it... the backgrounds have really nice artwork and combine with polygonal cloth patches and vector-like uh yarn graphics. No way SNES could handle that. The game's graphics are praised by pretty much everybody, its about the only thing good about the game IMO.

But the lack of the ability to die, or use hardly any special powers in the game really makes it a kinda snore fest. Coop is also completely useless compared to other Kirby titles

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