djpretzel Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 Very nice, if a bit disjointed and medley-esque. Quote
Liontamer Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 Loved it. Just a really solid, well-executed piece, so I'm glad I tugged on zyko's arm to get this submitted as part of the Bad Dudes/Halloween festivites. The sound quality of the dog growls was weak, but that was about it. djp's comments about time slipping by as you listen to this were definitely accurate for me. I'd argue this is weed's best work yet. Really glad to see this up here, hopefully lots of others will enjoy it. Quote
Gaeamil Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 Hmmmmmm. A little too "out there" for me. But it's one I'll save in case I really feel the need for something odd. Quote
Aninymouse Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 This one is most excellant. Zyko (or as he addresss his messages, "weed") has always been a favorite of mine. He really has a flair for the ambient/experimental. Most of zyko's songs that I have I can just put on loop for an hour at a time and not get bored. I don't know what it is, but it can only be a strength in my book. I own *coughgalbadia* the Twilight Princess OST in its entirety, but I'm not sure exactly what themes were borrowed and expanded upon for this remix. Heh, that's to be expected, though. I think I've messaged zyko about two other remixes he's done for this reason, heh. Even so, it still feels like a tune from the Twilight Realm (I think I recognize the intro as something that would play in the Twilight), since he really captured the essence of the mix. Quote
LionheartAce Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 You know for some reason this makes me think of Aurora Borealis... and I like that! It's an excellent remix for my tastes. Quote
Harmony Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 Cool stuff. This is what I would hope to sound like if I decided to start making ambient/minimalist/weedesque music, so I'll keep it in mind for future inspiration. 'Course I'd have to buy a bass...and a tambourine...and a doumbek(?)...or are some of those sampled? I can't tell, which makes this mix that much more satisfying. Everything is weaved together beautifully, I've got nothing but love for the dynamic variety, and nothing but praise for zyko. Quote
DarkClark Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 This remix was extremely well done. I felt transported to another world! I felt immersed in all things Zelda. As for the technical side everything seemed in order and sounded beautiful. The only fault I could find (yes I'm picky:-P) was that the growl sounded somewhat.... lacking. Yes, the growl could have been more "real," but other than that.... a WONDERFUL remix. I think more people should try this far fetched yet INTERSTING style OCR! Quote
Antipode Posted November 3, 2007 Posted November 3, 2007 Trippy, cool piece. Really interesting use of material. I'll have to relisten again later under, erm, different circumstances. Quote
SnappleMan Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 This song is fantastic! I love the instrumentation, performance, and overall sound. More importantly, though, is the fact that everything is so cohesive and flowing. I have to disagree with Taucer up there, because I don't hear any blatant split into another song. Knowing the source material makes you listen for those types of changes, but if you can listen without that bias then you can get to the heart of the song, and that to me, is a vision of how zyko thinks about the music. Everything introduced at the beginning makes sense and is resolved at the end. This song seems to be more about the complete package than the parts which make it up, which are used as tools for telling a musical story that doesn't just lead you from A to B, but presents different musical conflicts all throughout which all come together and form that point at B. Quote
zykO Posted November 5, 2007 Posted November 5, 2007 wow, thanks for the comments! i was afraid i had rushed through this track too quickly as it was finished in less time than i am even accustomed to. a few comments: the piece arranges actually only one theme from the game... it is the midna theme that is reiterated several times as different songs throughout the OST... rather than remix any particular incarnation of it, i focused on the character midna instead... yielding what you hear the percussion is live! i don't think i have the patience to sequence realistic hand percussion, to be honest... i am a very impatient drum sequencer. yes harmony, that is a doumbek... in egypt we call it a tabla but (and there is an epic, years-spanning debate between virt and i concerning this) that is an invalid moniker. sometimes, it is also referred to as a darabuka (i believe doumbek is the more specifically turkish nomenclature) not sure if taucer meant that it was a medley because it surely isn't... it only reiterates the same short thematic phrase over and over again a hundred times hehe. snappleman, i'm sure he was referring to the stop and go nature of the track which, as you know, is pretty much my calling card. disjointed only remotely begins to describe everything about my music and i =) Quote
OceansAndrew Posted December 10, 2007 Posted December 10, 2007 This is a track that you really need to listen to several times to really appreciate; a 3 minute pop song this is not. The variation on the theme is awesome, and for the most part, the sound effects were great, except for the farting in the tub noises about halfway through. It didn't seem to fit with the rest of the music, but maybe I am missing something. Otherwise it really is an epic journey through sound and I'm amazed that the quality in encoding is still there even though the track is so long. Nice work Quote
Jaybell Posted December 22, 2007 Posted December 22, 2007 That mallet box/music box/xylophone/whatever it is sounds really, really fake. BUT APART FROM THAT, this remix is masterfully atmospheric. It's just so engrossing, and it takes me on a journey every time I listen to it, as cheesy as that sounds.. The mallet box gets in the way a little, but overall, it's not enough to detract from the overall piece. Quote
sythiar Posted January 31, 2008 Posted January 31, 2008 I believe what I like most about this is the very subtle vocals. Some of the guitars in the back remind me very much of Mike Oldfield most of all. Since I'm a great fan of New Age and generally World Music, this song is very much to my liking. Also everything seems to flow from one part of the song to the other. I appreciate it that the build of this piece does not really have and does not need any dramatic pauses - I believe if it did, it would destroy much of the over all fabric and feeling. My only negative thing I can say about it is that it takes a good long while until it gets going. As much as I do appreciate a slow paced song and instrument build up, the beginning just offers too little to keep the ear entertained and it only really becomes interesting in the second half. Quote
The3rdMan Posted March 10, 2008 Posted March 10, 2008 Yeah, definitely Mike Oldfieldesque. Tubular Bells a la Zelda. Quote
Antipode Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 I just remembered this and relistened and it was still really really cool! I was also hit by a really strong starcraft vibe (the Zerg play music) for like the first third that I didn't notice before. I always love it when people mash up totally different styles, so this is great stuff! Quote
z130 Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Yep. I definitely feel the Cirque du Soleil vibe in here. Great piece. I think I actually listened to it earlier this year, but due to my short attention span, I only skimmed it and decided it was weird. Oops. Quote
ashogo Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 wow, this mix is amazing. Heavy on the atmosphere and just really transporting-this is what I love. The man's vocals in particular really fit the tone of the piece. This is the kind of track I can just put on repeat and listen to for hours; thanks for the great mix! Quote
_heartilly_ Posted June 6, 2009 Posted June 6, 2009 This is an amazing mix! I'm fairly new to the site so I haven't heard much of zyko's other pieces, but he's definately somone I'm gonna look into more. The mix itself really captures the essence of the Midna and the Twilight Realm and zyko's done an amazing job here. I felt all the different sounds worked really well together and the male vocals were perfect. One thing though? I loved the first growl at the end of track that only lasted a second, but I felt the longer repeated growl that came like, 10 seconds later was a little flat? But that is a small issue. Overall, a brilliant remix from a great game! Quote
WesternZypher Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 As others have said, atmospheric, transporting, portentous...I find it all a little creepy to listen to in the dark. **turns the lights** That's better. Quote
champ the hippie Posted January 10, 2012 Posted January 10, 2012 dear me. while there are no words for what i've just heard, i'll certainly give it a try. this mix is simply astounding, and pretty darn near perfect. each and every element i heard seemed to suit the mood and environment you create perfectly. i was unsure of how midna's lament would translate into guitar, but the translation was flawless. well done indeed Quote
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