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So...the game is coming out pretty soon. I'd thought we have a nice discussion about it.

So...yeah...something awesome that had come to my attention is that the game in many ways channels the spirit of Super Mario Bros 3. References are abundant, including airships, remixed music, the suit system, and hopefully more stuff we don't know about. I will seriously cry like a baby if any of the old Mario Bros 3 suits make it in this game. Other than the suit power-ups, we have our fire flower, which is finally coming in all 3D glory.

The thing which worries me the most is whether or not this game will make me dizzy. It's very hectic walking upside down and jumping to other planets. Seems that I'll definitely miss out on areas if I'm not too careful. The automatic camera seems to work fine, though. I haven't seen any complaints about that so far.

Additionally, I hope this game doesn't turn out to be a cakewalk like New Super Mario Bros. I've always noticed some challenging areas in the Mario series, and hopefully Mario Galaxy offers some hardcore areas for us.


I'm sure there are many people on this site that could answer these queries.

The game has been leaked on the internet for a while now, so are you looking for spoilers? Or are you interested in pre-release chit chat, hopes and dreams. Yooou should probably clarify.


As far as I'm aware there is no SMB 3 Suits. That would rock if there was a Tanooki Suit in Galaxy.

I'm suprised noe one made a thread earlier about Galaxy. I was going to but forgot to.


Having played it on a few different occasions at my local Gamestop, I'm happy to say that this is the Mario game I've been waiting for since the N64 days. I love the Galaxy theme and everything else about the game so far, especially the music!

The first few planets or so are addicting to play around on and are even challenging enough in their own right. That said and from what I've heard, the game gets much harder, though not frustratingly hard. I guess it's balanced just right, even for hardcore gamers.

I'm excited and I can't wait to get my copy!


Only played it for 5 to 10 minutes. I like the music too. Graphics are pretty control is very smooth. When I get my copy, I'm turning the lights off and the music up to get that space atmosphere. Yes, music is very much like a space-opera.

All hail Fire Mario!


I'm that way with all my games. If Mario Galaxy takes most hardcore gamers 20 hours to beat, it'll take me twice that long because I like to play around and savor every moment of the game. To me, there's nothing more depressing than finishing a game in a few days.

So yeah, I'm milking this one all the way through.

Woot only 5 more days! I hope the game takes at least 40+ hours to beat but that's because I always enjoy Mario games and I want to enjoy them for a long time. :P

I hope it'll be along the lines of Mario 64. Sure, you could be it fast in a way, but collecting every star and exploring every inch of each world is what I enjoyed.

I hope it'll be along the lines of Mario 64. Sure, you could be it fast in a way, but collecting every star and exploring every inch of each world is what I enjoyed.

I personally believe this is the sequel that we have all been waiting for since Mario 64. As much as I loved Sunshine I ddin't see it as a true sequel.

I personally believe this is the sequel that we have all been waiting for since Mario 64. As much as I loved Sunshine I ddin't see it as a true sequel.

Blasphemy! Sunshine? a sequel? Sunshine was Luigi's Mansion with Mario and no ghosts. Blah. Rant over. Sunshine was fun though. And it gave us the underwear pirhana. I always knew they were kinky. Just look at those lips. ANYWAY....

Mario Galaxy is win. When I get a Wii, The first games I'm getting are Brawl, Galaxy, and Fire Emblem. AND whatever my wife wants.... 8O


This game looks pretty epic from everything I have seen of it so far. The graphics look awsome as well. My brother will be getting it on day one, so I'll be playing a lot myself. I'm not as into 3D Mario games but this one looks very promising.

I wonder why Nintendo didn't choose to release a preview channel for Galaxy like they did with Corruption.


4 more days than you for us, in Europe. (or 3 if my favourite sellor does like usual)

I like that. I won't be reading mario stuff on the net waiting desperately for my copy of the game...

Mario, we are waiting for you, I love the music in the ghost house, and there was a part with loud violins, double bass...

As you said, lights off... And music time.

Oh right, it's a game, too :<

Blasphemy! Sunshine? a sequel? Sunshine was Luigi's Mansion with Mario and no ghosts. Blah. Rant over. Sunshine was fun though. And it gave us the underwear pirhana. I always knew they were kinky. Just look at those lips. ANYWAY....

Mario Galaxy is win. When I get a Wii, The first games I'm getting are Brawl, Galaxy, and Fire Emblem. AND whatever my wife wants.... 8O

Excatly! Like I said I really liked Sunshine a lot, it just seemed......rushed. Which is odd for Nintendo.


I personally am very excited about this game. Considering the Wii is a "souped-up Gamecube" the graphics are really amazing, and the gameplay is just what the doctor ordered IMO.

Hard to believe the team that made the quickly-forgotten DK Jungle Beat could pull this off.

I personally am very excited about this game. Considering the Wii is a "souped-up Gamecube" the graphics are really amazing, and the gameplay is just what the doctor ordered IMO.

It's not hard to believe the team that made the awesome and underappreciated DK Jungle Beat could pull this off.


Check out the Eurogamer review if you have any doubts. This game is gonna rock faces.

I've been hearing that a couple of retailers offer a special edition collector's coin if you have the game on pre-order. Hopefully, amazon.com has that offer since I pre-ordered it from there.

They do. So does Target. I would be all over that deal at Toys R Us, but the nearest store isn't exactly near and I never shop there so I don't want to make two long trips to buy the game and spend another $25 when I can just walk over to Target and save $5 with my discount.

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