Ginnsu Posted December 10, 2002 Posted December 10, 2002 Tomb Raider 'Adventure Is in the Air' Besides the fact that some remixers seem to be conspiring together and starting their mixes with the same ambient cave dwelling scene to mess with peoples heads... this mix is great. The atmospheric wind and wind instrument gives this piece a very breezy feeling which I find myself very attracted to. Those guitars at the climax are a well done and most welcomed addition, although late in the song. This piece seems to have a slow build up and a quick drop off after the climax. I would have liked to have seen it longer, but then I want practically every song I listen to, to be longer. While the beat is steady, the breaks that let other instruments take hold, and the excellent sound makes the drums very appealing. Love this mix, EmptyMy, great piece of work. Quote
Kajed Berd Posted December 10, 2002 Posted December 10, 2002 I liked this little number, kinda gave a jazz vibe though, not saying that's a bad thing I really liked this, I wonder how well Mr. EmptyMy would do on a Chrono Cross track? HEH! Anyway, kudos Misseur EmptyMy... Quote
sgx Posted December 12, 2002 Posted December 12, 2002 Wow. This is much sweeter than I expected. Very smooth sounding and very well produced. Samples are all top notch. This song builds slowly, getting the groove mooving, then when the rest of the instruments bust in and the song gets even more interesting. Cool guitar and great piano. Great ambient sounds. Kinda short. I wish it went on for longer because it's good. Unfortunately, this seems like a song that people will pass by because Tomb Raider is definitley not known for its music. Don't pass this up. It's awesome stuff. Quote
krispy Posted December 12, 2002 Posted December 12, 2002 I loved this when you first sent it months ago, and still do. For samples, this is awsome quality, but i still have that qualim with length , overall I still lvoe it though. Quote
DarkPrimus Posted December 12, 2002 Posted December 12, 2002 Like just about everyone else here, I had no idea that Tomb Raider had even had music. This remix, however, almost makes me want to play it again to hear the original. But the game isn't good enough. Simply awesome. Quote
EmptyMy Posted December 12, 2002 Posted December 12, 2002 Thanks guys. I just love good feedback... especially since this is like my first remix (or rather the only remix I've finished), and I wasn't sure if it was good enough. Thanks. It IS short... but I was so tired of me never finishing anything, so I let it be. Oh, and for you who don't remember the original title music. I have uploaded it for you. I'll prolly take it down soon, though. As you can hear, the original had this cool choir, and is sonically superior to mine. By far. Longer, more epic. But it lacks the bassline, which I invented to make my remix groovier. Quote
reelmojo Posted January 15, 2003 Posted January 15, 2003 How could anyone forget this song from Tomb Raider??? One time I looked forever for the mp3 of this song and then realized that its on the cd of the game itself (d'oh). Anyway, I really REALLY like this mix. Its different from the original, but still stays true to the same feel. I like the empty cavernous feel the beginning has, like I can picture Lara walking through the Cistern after the water was drained and little drops are still falling around her here and there... I guess there's only one way to say it... NICE WORK! Quote
metal_kitsune Posted September 13, 2004 Posted September 13, 2004 whenever I'm feeling stressed, I throw this track on. the building ambience of the wind, flute and bells blend beautifully into the main tune, setting up everything for that sweet guitar riff. my only complaint is that it's a bit too short for my liking. oh, well, that's why they have the "repeat" button, ne? Quote
FinalGamer Posted January 29, 2005 Posted January 29, 2005 This was amazing, this song is really warming with its flute and guitar coalescing together. It speaks of climbing rocks and delving into deep caverns, like what the first Tomb Radier was REALLY about. The first game's theme music was so calming, and this song enlightens me to that memory once more. Quote
Mairuzu Posted July 20, 2005 Posted July 20, 2005 Oh my god!! A Shakuhachi!!!! Please tell me you don't have one and its just samples or i'll be really jealous!! I so want a Shakuhachi! The remix is really good, yea its short, but it works Quote
Nugget Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 This... is pure genius. Absolutely superb. I cannot belive someone has finally made a Tomb Raider ReMix. Its about bloody time, too! 5/5. Bit short, but that is indeed what the repeat button is for. Quote
The Orichalcon Posted January 14, 2006 Posted January 14, 2006 This... is pure genius. Absolutely superb. I cannot belive someone has finally made a Tomb Raider ReMix. Its about bloody time, too! 5/5. Bit short, but that is indeed what the repeat button is for. It was made over 3 years ago Quote
Nutritious Posted July 20, 2007 Posted July 20, 2007 This is one of the first mixes I downloaded from the site. Despite its short length, I still really enjoy this track. It's got a great bass groove. He achieves a great overall feel once everything kicks in. Recommended. Quote
Inv1ctus Posted October 6, 2007 Posted October 6, 2007 i think the ambient noise is somewhat important to this track, because a lot of tomb raider was walking through very mysterious environments, which is what made the game so fun. Also, i really like the flute part which is rich in tone and though simplistic, is well fit. To me i think imagery of a song is always important. The first thing i thought of listening to this song was Ms. stunning Lara Croft walking carefully through a cave opening, gun poised for action, ready to jump through some crazy trap. All in all, nicely done. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted February 11, 2008 Posted February 11, 2008 I never really played the tomb raider games except for a demo at a kiosk, and I don't remember any music at all, and I thought the game was pretty bad too. I guess under normal circumstances that'd have me skip over this one, but TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY!!! Great ambiance, and a solid groove, the winds sound great, if a bit piercing on these cheapo phones. I'm digging the wide sound you have going down, with a lot of texture on the left side. The beat is pretty subdued but still lends forward motion, and things are generally filled out well. The arrangement is pretty short, but I think it is more of a really nice expansion rather than a re-imagining (this is all conjecture, I have no idea what the original sounds like), so it being concise is fine. Quote
_heartilly_ Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 This is really a good track. It's very relaxing and ambient. The wind and water-y sounds (from the actual game if I'm not mistaken?) at the beginning immediately bring to mind the early levels in the caves (as well as others), and then coming in over that is the Tomb Raider theme tune which I love so much, and adds a sense of mystery. The bass and the guitars gradually come into it more and really add to the more adventurous side of the game. An excellent track. My only real complaint is that it felt a little short, but that's a small issue. And is that a TR bat I hear at the end? Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted September 22, 2009 Posted September 22, 2009 Whoa, this is an excellent piece. Very 90s. Regarding length, I like how concise it is personally. It takes exactly the time it needs to do what it does. This is a keeper. --Eino Quote
Samildanach Emrys Posted November 22, 2011 Posted November 22, 2011 The title screen theme is one of my strongest memories of the original Tomb Raider. Nice choice. Having said that, this remix doesn't seem to bring much to the table until about halfway through. Quote
WesternZypher Posted September 21, 2012 Posted September 21, 2012 Ahhh! Another one-mix mystery! So sad how this site is full of these : ( If this we were re-upped today, would it get a pass? I'd hope so. Love the ambient setup. Quote
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