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OCR00871 - Chrono Trigger "Lesser Kerubic Patchwork"

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Chrono Trigger 'Lesser Kerubic Patchwork'

I had to go back and listen to the soundtrack, specifically Schala's theme, to recognize that what Israfel has done with this piece fits very well. Obviously, Israfel's drum work is drastically different, I get the same ethnic feeling from the original song as I do from Israfel's excellent work. The reason I had to refresh my memory is because although I distinctly remembered the melody of Schala's theme, I had no recollection of the instruments used, or the drums from the original. It's interesting what we selectively remember sometimes. I must say that although the break beat drums sound "sampled," I love them. I just happen to love break beat, especially the way it was used here in Israfel's piece. Excellent music Israfel.


OMG... this is the best Schala mix. Severely original and interpretative... Seriously, the brass is simply fantastic... I hope I don't sound like too much of a fanboy newb here... but it's true.

The underlying beat is completely new to remixes of this tune.

Well... whenever djpretzel says something is "highly recommended" he's right. This is amazing. :D


Wow, this is great break beat. The Brass samples are WOOF! they blow me away and the make the song what it is. Very original stuff here. Something I wasn't expecting when I downloaded this (without reading DJP's Review.) Ah, nice use of strings too! wow, amazing. He's even got a slower part to it, nice! This is a keeper for me! KUDOS! I WANT MORE!


Good Work.

Exelent Work.



I'm surprised the judges were divided on this, especially given that this is absolutely stunning in every respect, get it now. I don't really have much to say, because the level of work this remixer constantly produces is nothing short of amazing. Israfel/MD is arguably the most underated remixer in our little community. If you haven't heard anything from this mixer, check this and Tears for a Moonlit Knight.


It maintains just enought of the central melody to be pretty delicious. The ethnic flavor of the instruments used to sing the main melody are an interesting choice as well. Even like the stereo effect of the drum samples--listening to this on a Pro-Logic II system is rather cool. I like how the song sounds so urgent at the beginning, then around two and a half minutes into it it slows down a bit with the main melody hidden no very far beneath. Very good stuff, Israfel!


One word... CINEMATIC

I loved this piece mainly because of the "ethnic" type percussion in the opening, loved it, and the way he mixed it all together, electronica and classical all in one, really stunning...

Kajed Berd


Good lord. Some one really turned shit up on this one. NICE. Although I don't really feel this conveys the same feeling as the original (and though I like GrayLightning's better), this remix gets much points for originality, and is a great listen. The song never gets boring, and the breakbeat is awesome. The only problem I find is recognizing the original. Other than that, well executed, and the samples are great. Highly recommended. HIGHLY.


*This* is what Amon Tobin wants to do but just can't seem to get right.

And for the different pieces "not fitting" together, that is only for dogmatic listeners who are already expecting a genre from the first notes of any song. This is just wonderfully created; I haven't heard a mix that is so daring and successful all at once. This mix will be thoroughly enjoyed for years to come.



Micheal you are da man!

Seriously you know I have always loved your masterpeices back on vgmix and I always wondered when it would make its appearances here on OC because I knew without a doubt you would be put here with some of the best artists to date. I throughly enjoyed your takes on FF7 One Winged Angel, FF6 Veldt, LOZ3 Church just to name a few off the top of my head. I sure hope to hear those also on OC in the near future because they rock!

Once again great job hope to hear more from you in the future


Just when I thought that the Schala theme could not be remixed any better, this piece comes along and raises the bar even more. Israfel made this sound primitive and full of energy. I didn't care much for the horns at the beginning, but I liked the high and low points spaced throughout. Magnificent!


One word can describe this remix - GODLY. I am a fan of all (well, most at least) musical styles, and this piece fuses orchestral, ethnic and what seems to me like jungle so well that it blows my mind. Although the Schala Theme doesn't really seem to stand out for me, it doesn't detract from the quality of this mix at all. The sound quality is excellanté.

You. Must. Download. This.


This is a fucking awesome remix. There's no way around saying it, either. It shouldn't have been close at all in the judges forum. First of all - the drum loop doesn't seem to super-fit when it first comes in, but when the actual melody comes in with that great ethnic lead, it fits perfectly and adds to an already great mix. Second, the samples are great and the arrangement is top notch. Apparently it's not extremely faithful to the original theme - but that's ok. It wouldn't have been as well executed and sounded as good if Israfel didn't take some creative liberties here.

There is no question that this is not only an OCRemix, but a cut above most OCRemixes. But this got in, so no worries - and I'm really glad it did. I'll be listening to this one for a looong time...

  • 4 weeks later...

Though I am not a big fan of CT, this mix is very nice. The orchestrated type sounding samps are nice, and the whole song flows beautifully. My only complaint is the breakbeats which sound extremely simaliar to those of Mixman Studio's. Great job over all!


Ah... the power of a great mix. This reminds me SO much of Danny Elfman's soundtracks... Planet of the Apes has that same rushing quality in the drums. Everything is worked in so perfectly on this piece. This is without a doubt one of my 3 favorite remixes on the site.


Um....ok...so, yeah...wow?

Hehe, this was fucking awesome. At first it sounded like something out of the opening of X-men the movie, then we go to a ramped up Metal Gear Solid theme, then into...oh holy @#$% this is Schala's theme!

I was seriously floored. I grabbed it simply cuz it said Chrono Trigger and it had a weird name (Lesser Kerubic...why can't I come up with seriously sweet names like this?). Then boom, ass connected with floor followed quite quickly by my jaw. So fucking sweet.

OK, rewind, let's start the song over. Can you see it? At first it's just a stately glide through the clouds...then you're plummeting in...darting left and right through teh clouds...fade as the sax kicks in to the title credits as the flick in Kingdom Hearts style all golden and shining...and at 1:47, you're out of those clouds you're suddenly flying around Zeal. Now at 2:34 you flit straigh to the palance and join Schala walking calmly through the palace as the Erhu (sp? whatever the ethnic instrument was) renders her theme with care. At 3:58, she pulls a door closed leaving you alone.

Ahem, back to reality. Sweet ass mix. Can I have more, PLEASEE!!!!! :D


I also had to listen to this song twice since I only skimmed through the first 30 second of it. Then I heard Schala's tune, it blows you away on how original this piece is. The part that got me hooked on started at 1:46. You can immerse yourself into this song when the grand and noble rendition of Schala's tune reminds you of the grandeur of Zeal. I would like to hear Israfel's take on a Zeal remix, if he can give Schala's theme much justice. I know there's many Zeal remixes but they're infectious. That's what we need, yeah, infectious music. *Hums*

  • 2 months later...

This song is simply amazing. It starts out slow like Schala's theme, but then the fast paced drum loop kicks in at about 0:16 to give the song some life. The change of the drum loop at 0:33 is somewhat sudden and could be done better, but it doesn't take away from the song. When Schala's theme comes in at 0:45, it manages to be the main focus of the song without overpowering the other instruments. The pauses/breaks/whatever in the drum loop are very well timed and make the song what it is. The beginning part of Schala's theme at 2:35 is quiet, but noticable. I actually didn't hear it until the 3rd or 4th time I listened to the song.

Overall, this song took a huge creative risk, and it paid off big. And for some reason, it reminds me a lot of the song at the beginning of Men In Black (which I haven't heard in years, so I have no idea what it sounds like any more).

  • 2 weeks later...


I love the intrumentations in this piece. Fighting music to me, but not loud and blaring painful fighting music, but rather the kind of music you would hear between two guys (or girls, or a mix of the two) that know their shiznit.

This kicks ass, asian desert style, y0! (And no, I don't know what asian desert style is, bexcept that it is most kick ass, or it is now, since I loved this song.)


holy manticles y'all this is the bizness foo. GET THIS: I WAS PLAYING TEH CHRONRO CORSS last nite and i though YOU waht could be bettar then this musik? YOU WAHT IS... g3t this: it's bettar than teh CHROSHAN RHCORS!! HAHAHAHA!

ok ya'll i was feeling up th mastercreature last night anda he told e to get this song that's why i rilly downloaded tit

  • 3 weeks later...

this is one of many mixes that showcase why i think israfel/michael dover is one of the best video game remixers out there. original ideas, daring approaches, amazing sounds and addictive grooves.

"lesser kerubic patchwork" is no exception. the new dramatic direction given to the piece, the beautiful ethnic sounds and perc, along with the catchy breakbeat (which, however, could have used some variation in spots) make this track an instant classic, and definitely a novelty among the many cliche remixes provided by most artists out there.

this track is something nobody should miss, or bash :) grand stuff.

  • 11 months later...

I wish I'd written this review a long time ago.

This remix is the best of the best. I mean, I like a lot of remixes on the site an awful lot, but in all the time I've been listening here, this is one that is never, ever boring or repetetive, no matter how many times I've listened to it or how familiar the whole thing becomes to me.

It is, of course, the best remix of Schala's theme in existence, and went a direction with the melody that I think augmented the dramatic sweetness of it (which is rare, and in this case mind-blowing, since the original melody was already pre' 'leet). Israfel, d00d, you are a fucking genius.

Two more things about this track: I sometimes street race on a windy mountain road nearby my house, and sometimes on the freeway, and this is one of my favorite tracks to do either one to, or to drive fast to in general. The other thing is just that I'm an aspiring screenwriter, and there's a particular screenplay that I wrote that, if ever produced, I would kill to get this song on the soundtrack of, no matter what copyright roadblocks there might be.

Heh. So yeah, it's one hell of an awesome remix, and Israfel should be made king of a medium-sized island villiage for calling it into existence, and DJ Pretzel as well for having created a forum for me to find awesomeness like this. God Bless you both.

  • 9 months later...
  • 8 months later...

When I first heard this, I was hesitant. The song sounded almost tribal. It seemed to have a goal, to come together and create something good, but I didn't know what.

Then, right at 1:45, it all made sense. Everthing in the song had been leading up to this explosive climax. It blew me away the first time I heard it.

This song never gets old and deserves extra 'points' for being original. Good work, Israfel.

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