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  Radiowar said:
yeah they're called posted remixers


That's my line, cheater.

  CH said:
*picture of llamaworm*

I want one.

Some plagiarists can be so amusing. They're so lazy they can't even write their own comments about what they stole, so they have to steal the creator's comments. I've caught two people plagiarizing a terrible fanfic of mine.


By the way, I resent the implication that llamas are somehow not the definition of awesome.

Proof that llamas are awesome: once, my brother and I (along with our dad, our cousin, and two guides) were llama trekking (hiking with llamas coming along with us to carry our packs), and my brother was harassing one of the llamas. It reared back its head and sneezed in his face. He, paused a second for his brain to process the situation, then ran away screaming. It was the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen.

His hair was completely drenched in llama snot. He had a layer of snot covering his face. Snot in his ears, snot in his mouth, snot all over him.

Oh my god that was epic.

Anyway, carry on.

  Geoffrey Taucer said:
By the way, I resent the implication that llamas are somehow not the definition of awesome.

Proof that llamas are awesome: once, my brother and I (along with our dad, our cousin, and two guides) were llama trekking (hiking with llamas coming along with us to carry our packs), and my brother was harassing one of the llamas. It reared back its head and sneezed in his face. He, paused a second for his brain to process the situation, then ran away screaming. It was the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen.

His hair was completely drenched in llama snot. He had a layer of snot covering his face. Snot in his ears, snot in his mouth, snot all over him.

Oh my god that was epic.

Anyway, carry on.

Maxis had a thing about llamas, too. I always loved that about their games.

  DjSammyG said:
I'm way too lazy to check the credentials on this one. What's the story, morning glory?

It's tweek posting under an Alt Account.

Unfortunately Tweek is not nearly as notable a mixer as me (wow that sounds really conceited even though it's not meant to be), and the ID3 tags don't give anything away, so it's definitely not as LOL.

  Antipode said:
Other than Fantasia 2000, that was the only good Disney-made movie in like the last 10 or 15 years.

Not true. Although, the Emperor's New Groove is probably in my top 10 all-time favs.

Ratatouille was good. I've heard Enchanted is awesome. I kind of liked Treasure Plantet as well. Also, the llama worm creature reminds me of those green--what are they called again, kelet? something like that. Let me consult google:

this thing - 2f3e73b50dd53b39681a9ddf58966490.jpg

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