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It's not a ridiculous assumption to think that The Dark Knight will be a good, maybe even great movie. But let's not lose our heads in the hype, okay?

Count Bleck thinks that getting lost in the hype is pretty awesome!

Do you think trading objectivity for hype-highs is pretty awesome as well?

Yes, because objectivity is just for snooty fucks who want to seem smarter than everyone

Seriously do the research, director, writers, cast, music, the few clips that we've seen and ask anyone who's seen the film or read a review, everything points to best movie of the year at least

I wouldn't trust anything the people who actually made the movie say about it. Keep in mind that Joel Schumacher thought Batman & Robin was good.

I wouldn't trust anything the people who actually made the movie say about it. Keep in mind that Joel Schumacher thought Batman & Robin was good.

Talking past works

It's not hype either. I've been watching and waiting for this film for two years, everything I've seen leads to classic. There's hype for crap like Transformers and then there's this

Go watch it and tell me I'm wrong in two weeks

Also this is going to rape the box office for lack of a better word


I think it's going to be a good movie. I tend to have low expectations for films. There's massive amounts of hype and I'm definitely excited to see it, already have midnight tickets and IMAX tickets the next day. I just can't believe this Oscar buzz for heath ledger. Comic book movies don't really win Oscars but maybe that can change but hopefully only if comic book movies are taken to a new level.

I'm not sold on Heath Ledger. Never was, probably won't unless he does an impressive job throughout. Still strikes me as one of the worst Batman version outside the Adam West one.

Ledger suits being a pretty boy the best.

And why does Alfred and that car engineer spout witty banter like they're teenagers?

Other than that, it's all nitpicking. It surely can't be as bad as the way they butchered Ra's in the first movie.

Yeah, I remember when they were narrowing down their choices and Paul Bettany was still a likely choice for the role. Great actor, and I think he would have done a great job, voice, look, and all. Pretty disappointed when they gave the role to Ledger instead.

Talking past works

It's not hype either. I've been watching and waiting for this film for two years, everything I've seen leads to classic. There's hype for crap like Transformers and then there's this

Go watch it and tell me I'm wrong in two weeks

Also this is going to rape the box office for lack of a better word

It's got way too much to compete with to "rape" the box office. It will do well to be sure, but with Hellboy II hitting before, and X-Files 2 hitting after, Dark Knight won't be getting unheard of numbers.

Frankly, I'm more excited to see Hellboy than I am for Batman.


Lol @ targeted advertising. I was looking at this thread without loging in and they were selling "Dark Knight" ringtones at the bottom of the screen.

And I also love how people are getting up in arms about this film. It's going to be great, no doubt. I'll have to watch it before I believe this oscar nomination nonsense. But if Hellboy 2 and X-files 2 are coming out at the same time, I don't see why this won't make a big box office splash. I mean it's a DECENT BATMAN MOVIE! Those occur once every decade or so, right? (Batman Begins of course was an exception)

I'm more excited for the ending of Batman RIP.

OK not really.

But I read comics and you don't.

I was kinda more interested in who the new Spoiler was.

I can't wait for Batman RIP to pick up. Although I forgot my books at my friend's place so I won't be able to read them for a while.


The only thing about this movie is that I have qualms about Harvey Dent. I'm not sure a character like him is actually necessary unless they're building up for a possible trilogy that may or may not happen because Chris Nolan is acting like a fickle bitch about the third movie rumors. But after my personal disappointment with Ironman and Hulk, I think Dark Knight and Hellboy 2 should lift my expectations a bit.

The only thing about this movie is that I have qualms about Harvey Dent. I'm not sure a character like him is actually necessary unless they're building up for a possible trilogy that may or may not happen because Chris Nolan is acting like a fickle bitch about the third movie rumors. But after my personal disappointment with Ironman and Hulk, I think Dark Knight and Hellboy 2 should lift my expectations a bit.

They are somewhat retelling the Long Halloween.

Harvey Dent is kinda needed for the third movie.

That was pretty much announced.

A couple of years ago.

The only thing about this movie is that I have qualms about Harvey Dent. I'm not sure a character like him is actually necessary unless they're building up for a possible trilogy that may or may not happen because Chris Nolan is acting like a fickle bitch about the third movie rumors. But after my personal disappointment with Ironman and Hulk, I think Dark Knight and Hellboy 2 should lift my expectations a bit.


Yeah I gotta chime in and agree with everyone. There's a lot more to Harvey Dent than just Two-Face. Harvey was one of Batman's most important allies early on in the Caped Crusader's war on crime. You should really read The Long Halloween to get a good sense of this.

These aren't the old Batman movies from the 90s where we say "oh this movie's villains are going to be such-and-such." It's not about that. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are about Bruce/Batman growing as a character. Harvey Dent--and his subsequent transformation into Two-Face--is an important part of Batman's history.


Two Face is an interesting villain because he basically IS Batman. He suffered at the hands of crime, and the consequences changed his life. However, he took the path of a criminal instead of a vigilante. But he is like Batman, a sane side (Bruce Wayne) and the insane real side (Batman). You have to realize that Bruce Wayne is a construct of the mind of Batman, and not the opposite. And Harvey Dent was a construct of the anger inside him (can't remember the name given to that personality) that he used until the acid incident.

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