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A wonderful Christmas Present from Disco Dan. And of course, the best part is it's orignal and unexpected. It's quite a shift from all the fast paced Mega Man Remixes he does.

Very very beautiful. I love the pads and the minimul break in the 3-4 minute section. The piano melody sounds very nice, a favorite instrument of mine.

Keep up the good work, Dan the Man, Merry Christmas, Happy Hunaka, and yeah!

Shutting up now.


Smooth, relaxing, and nostalgic.

The beginning is great -- slow and teasing. You don't know what you're gonna get. :) The rest of the song is just amazing -- I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't heard it yet but the piano is fantastic!

A must have to any fan of Chrono Trigger or music in general...


Wow. This is some great stuff. It's so good, it could be in the next Chrono game. It completely has the same emotion that's displayed in the game, but with a different style. . . I really don't know how to explain this mix. If you already havn't, you'll just have to hear it for yourself. . . well, what are you waiting for!?


8O My bloody god. Disco, you are a genius. I am very IMPRESSED. This is a work of art, ol boy. I liked your megaman submissions but this puts them to shame. Masterful work.



I really liked Green Amnesia, and is definately one of my favorite Chrono Mixes so far. I think you should do another one for CT, just as long is it's not schala or zeal because I think everyone has enough of those.


This is so... beautiful. *wipes tear from eye* :cry: It's as though this is the first time I've ever heard this song. Im gettin a little choked up. All I have to say is, if you DON'T like this song, then there's simply no hope for you. You might as well just go play with your Pokemon cards. Or something. Disco Dan is The Man!


One among a short list of remixes that successfully, rather than take the song in a new direction, recreates it in a way that it sounds like it SHOULD have been the one on the game cartridge :) Beautiful, mellow, and very likeable, I doubt anyone would have any objections in this song - except, maybe, that "boop" sound when it goes up four notes and repeats.


Okay, Disco Dan is a remixing god; we all know that. Now, here comes an incredible arrangement of the "Memories of Green" song. I swear, Disco Dan should be the arranger for Chrono Break. That's how damn fine this song is. I'm not going to waste your time describing how much I like it. Download it now! :D

  • 1 month later...

I'm going to indulge myself a bit here: Dan the Man in the Can with the Plan had done it aGAN!

Very cool, relaxing, and beautiful throughout. Good wrok, keep it up.

  • 2 weeks later...

i have usually been pretty neutral about Dan's stuff. i can obviously recognize his talent and ability, but he hadnt done anything that reeally struck a chord with me.

I was blown away by this mix. First of all, the production is ablsolutely top-notch. the samples are all great. but more importantly, it's arranged so effectively and beautifully that it really conveys emotion, as well as musical goodness. I like the minor 9 that is used in the beginning and end. nice.

Definately a keeper.

  • 3 weeks later...

not much to say other than its good at the begining at great around 4:39 and beyond...even though its more syth orinerted it still seems to sound better than or piece. I think this is one of my favorite songs with no exagguration. creates a atmosphere thats very hard to come across.

  • 1 month later...

This is one of my favorite OverClocked Remixes. The song is slowed down so it can last longer, and in a way that works out rather well. And who would've thought that this song could sound so good redone into this style?

  • 2 weeks later...

I do not like the trumpets at the beginning. Personal preference. That said....

HOLY GOD THIS REMIX IS F-IN' AMAZING! I listened to this remix for about 3 hours straight when I first downloaded it. It's very chill, very smooth, very very very very high quality, and pretty as all hell. The bass fits, and the melody is wonderfully changed up, and the double-time is perfectly timed and fits seamlessly, SEAMLESSLY in with the rest of the mix.

Whoever you are Disco Dan, may you be blessed with all the good things in life for blessing us with this remix.

  • 1 month later...

Excellent. Beautifull.

Before I downloaded this mix I was really opposed to hearing anymore remixes of the Chrono Trigger main theme. I love it, but there had allready been so many remixes of it done, I didn't think any new remixes of it, no matter how good, could really do enough new with the exhausted scource material to warrant yet another mix of the same song.

Well, this song sure proved me wrong. This song proves, no matter how many different remixes of the same song you allready have, if someone makes another really good one, it will still be a worth the download.

By the way, it's nice to see Disco Dan departing from his style a bit, and covering non-megaman stuff. I'm eager to hear more.

  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Possibly one of my favorite mixes of the CT Main Theme I have ever heard. It simply has a warm sound to it that brings me back to the days where I was first playing the game... (I have beaten the game over 1K times, so I am quite sick of the original songs now.) I would have liked it if it stayed on the piano as the focus for the whole song. I didn't like 'Instrument X' thrown in there. But oh my gosh, I am obsessed with the main theme of CT. Thanks for the Mix, Disco Dan. A classic.


Possibly one of my favorite mixes of the CT Main Theme I have ever heard. It simply has a warm sound to it that brings me back to the days where I was first playing the game... (I have beaten the game over 1K times, so I am quite sick of the original songs now.) I would have liked it if it stayed on the piano as the focus for the whole song. I didn't like 'Instrument X' thrown in there. But oh my gosh, I am obsessed with the main theme of CT. Thanks for the Mix, Disco Dan. A classic.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Now this is something one could go to sleep to. I absolutely love this rendition of this crono trigger (/crono cross) theme. The piece is almost like one dreamlike journey or state of mind. The bass fits perfectly with the other instruments. It has a wonderfully smooth quality about it. Everything fits together flawlessly. Beautiful.


  • 3 months later...
Now this is something one could go to sleep to. The piece is almost like one dreamlike journey or state of mind.

My sentiments exactly Blue - in fact I did fall asleep to this last night.

Disco Dan, WHERE ARE YOU. The peoples of the world/OCR demand more Disco Dan. Seriously though, the next time I see Disco Dan on the front page of OCR, I will probably cream my pants.

As for this song? One of the best OCR songs... in the history of OCR.

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