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In Japan [Faye] comes across as wannabe cute school-girl' date=' but America it's as a sexy vixen. I could never take Faye seriously listening to her in Japanese.

As for moé, yeah, Ed is about as close as Bebop got to that, with Ein being the mascot.[/quote']

I agree that Faye's voice is definitely better in the US dub.

As for moé, I really don't think that Ed is anywhere near close (though that just be because I think she's kinda freaky). Faye comes dangerously close to moé (minus stereotypical cuteness) despite the fact that I personally can't stand her, but that's just me. Many fans of the series that I've met have definitely got it in for her. I just happen not to.

Yeah, she's got sort of a tsundere thing going on, which is a type of moe I guess. I think she's too slutty in general to be really considered as such though.

LOL Which are actually two of the reasons I don't like her, though I'll admit that moé really doesn't find a way to impress me either. *shrugs*

I wish Code Geass had less fanservice. I find its schoolgirls with enormous firm boobs disconcerting rather than sexy. I mean, part of the reason I like the show is Karen, but its because of Karen's background and character not the cheap ass shots and tight-fitting outfits. Episode 5 of the new season was just ridiculous. Viletta in a bikini in the festival. *sigh*. I wish Lelouch would just kill all his school friends or something. My one complaint against the show would thus be gone.

There are plenty of successful serious anime. Just look at how long Gundam has been around. Gundam is typically only humorous by accident.

I don't think the fanservice is that bad. I think it's borderline cute since such serious things are happening outside it. And Kallen is an obvious exhibitionist..

As for Gundam, its typically bad 'weather talk' moments are pretty bad. Mobile Suit Gundam, Zeta and Turn-A had the whole 'how is the weather today?' moments... when they were in space.


With the exception of the recent obsession with Karen's butt, the fanservice isn't that bad in Code Geass. Only Millay really has big breasts, and the part with Villette hardly lasted more than a minute, and actually fit well: it tied together Villette being partially shy, Villette hating Shirley, and Shirley's backfiring attempts to make Villette not hate her.

What I'm wondering about with Code Geass is whether Suzaku is going to break down soon. I don't think that he is adjusting well to his new position.


Frontier ep 7 was so awesome that I think I need to watch it a third time. The music worked so well with the dogfights. Yoko Kanno ftw

I'm surprised you still *have* a girlfriend based on the contents of this room. :<

I'm just as surprised as you, seeing as she is now my wife.

Also what is wrong with fanservice? There have been entire animes centered around fanservice (i.e. Ikki Tousen, Grenadier, Porn). I don't mind it in the slightest.

I'm just as surprised as you, seeing as she is now my wife.

Also what is wrong with fanservice? There have been entire animes centered around fanservice (i.e. Ikki Tousen, Grenadier, Porn). I don't mind it in the slightest.

Because I'm watching something that is really really awesome and serious (i.e. Code Geass) and *bam* boobies undermine it (plus all the schoolkid garbage). Fanservice annoys me because I know that there is usually no artistic reason for it to tell the story, and I at least like the illusion that they are telling the story the way they want because of their artistic vision, not to pander. I don't want the creators of a show to try to guess what I want or the other fans want in the show. I want them to put what they want. And if they personally enjoy hyper-sexualizing every important female in the show, well, they're dumb. For example, if Code Geass had a character who was supposed to be a real femme fatale and chose to make her figure, well outrageous, that would make a little more sense. But....Shirley in episode 5 of the new season just had ridiculous breasts.

I'm just as surprised as you, seeing as she is now my wife.

Seriously, I'm counting several hundred dollars in figures alone (most of which are a bit...risque <_<). And *two* Spartan helmets, what the fuzz? Where do you get all this money??

Seriously, I'm counting several hundred dollars in figures alone (most of which are a bit...risque <_<). And *two* Spartan helmets, what the fuzz? Where do you get all this money??

That is a good question. As far as the two helmets go, my Grandma sent me one without knowing I had one already. The risque figures were purchased locally here in Japan so I got them relatively cheap. I think the most expensive one I own is the Tiger Strip Winged Catgirl on top of shelf number 1. I paid 90 bux for it.


Did anybody else here watch Gundam 00? I thought the first season had a pretty amazing ending. It's nice that they actually planned for the season gap (unlike Code Geass). Time gaps rocks, especially one as long as 4 years. Here's for hoping Saji Crossroads is the new main character.


I'm pretty sure it's a given that everyone here has seen Gundam 00. My vote for best Gundam series so far(fuck all y'all haters).

I'm thinking there's a storm coming up ahead, but I doubt Saji is gonna in the eye. If anything, he's gonna be damned close, but not quite there.

I'm pretty sure it's a given that everyone here has seen Gundam 00. My vote for best Gundam series so far(fuck all y'all haters).

I'm thinking there's a storm coming up ahead, but I doubt Saji is gonna in the eye. If anything, he's gonna be damned close, but not quite there.

Sorry Malaki, but my vote for best Gundam series is and will forever be be 0083: Stardust Memory. Unlike most other Gundam series, 0083 is only 13 episodes long and does not over stay it's welcome.

Unlike a certain Seed show that was about 51 episodes too long.


As bad as the second half of Destiny was, I thought the Minerva vs Archangel fights were some of the best ship vs ship battles in Gundam lore. There really weren't too many battles that had such hype and intensity when it actually happened. And the whole 'who is the true bad guy?' aspect was pretty fun until the writing crew fell apart on the second half.

Oh, and the music in Destiny is one of the best in Gundam history for me too.


Destiny is more a collection of cool scenes than anything. For instance, probably one of my favorite scenes out of both series is where Kira and Athrun fight again in Destiny and Kira just rips the Savior apart. Or where the Freedom gets taken down by Shinn. That being said it's very obvious that they had no idea where they were going for most of the story. Which is a real shame, because the conflict between Durdandal and the good guys had the potential to actually say something interesting with its themes of whether it is better to live in a peaceful world managed by a tyrant or a chaotic world that is free.

Probably one of the reasons I consistently like Gundam is the 50 episodes long. You can actually have things like multiple plot threads and stuff with that amount of time.

I'm pretty sure it's a given that everyone here has seen Gundam 00. My vote for best Gundam series so far(fuck all y'all haters).

I don't think anything at the moment can dislodge Wing from my pedestal. The mobile doll saga was just too epic and clever of an analogy for nuclear armaments. War without soldiers.

Although the Goddamn yaoi fans have tried. Good Lord have they tried with their shitty stories and their obsessive fandom controlling nature.

I've seen the first parts of 0083 though, and I really, really want to see the rest of that. I've heard nothing but good things.

Probably one of the reasons I consistently like Gundam is the 50 episodes long. You can actually have things like multiple plot threads and stuff with that amount of time.

I'm the complete opposite. Gundam for me tends meander about when given more than 26 episodes and more than 0 movies.


Sorry for the double post but this has almost nothing to do with the previous.

I had finally finished listening to the CD I had mentioned earlier and was happy to find that there were several more anime songs on it.


The opening for Pani Poni Dash:


The ending for Inukami:


The opening from Cowboy Bebop:


A strangely familiar song that I can't quite pick out that sounds like it's from Gundam:


The Opening from dot.Hack//Roots:



More awesome music Brush. Thanks.

The vaguely Gundam track sounds sort of like TWO-MIX, so that might be why. If it is them, it's a song I've never heard.

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