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Amazing how they made a show about Tennis 200 episodes long, or however any it is.

If you watched an episode you would understand. A tennis match can take a couple episodes sometimes, most times in a good way. The characters all have amazing techniques that are highly unrealistic. It's like a fighting game meets tennis. It's much more entertaining than actual Tennis.

Anime's goooodddddd...

Can anyone recommend me any anime worth a download or two hehe..

Trenthian's picks:

One Piece (over 200 episodes of awesome - still running afaik)

Great Teacher Onizuka (or G.T.O)

Azumanga Daioh

Berserk! (this is a very dark anime)

Cowboy Bebop


Those Who Hunt Elves

Ranma 1/2

Orange Road

Samurai Champloo

Damn near all of Studio Ghibli's films.

Ping Pong Club

Now and Then, Here and There ( :shock: DRAMALLAMA! :shock: )

Armitage: The Third

The Matrix (not the animatrix)

Anything but Naruto

If you watched an episode you would understand. A tennis match can take a couple episodes sometimes, most times in a good way. The characters all have amazing techniques that are highly unrealistic. It's like a fighting game meets tennis. It's much more entertaining than actual Tennis.

Lol, that is a perfect description. Street Fighter + Tennis = Prince of Tennis.


I can't believe i haven't mentioned Beck (mongolian chop squad). It's probably my favorite, It's about a japanese rock band that's trying to make it big. It's so very awesome, sweet soundtrack too.

Did anyone watch the Xenosaga anime? I tried a couple of times and couldn't really stomach it. I played all 3 of the games but i couldn't get into the anime since it was basically the first game. Same with Disgaea though i still want to see rhat. Speaking of animes of games Persona Trinity Soul just started to air in japan, first episode is pretty cool.


I've always thought cowboy bebop was rediculously overrated. As are most (though not all) of Miyazaki's films.

Anyway, Taucer's picks:

Paranoia Agent

Millenium Actress

Ghost in the Shell

Samurai Champloo

Gundam Seed

Wolf's Rain

Blood + (not much depth of plot, but some wicked fight scenes)

The first episode of Bobobobo-bobobo (first episode is fucking hilarious -- but the rest of the series just recycles the same jokes)

Things to avoid:

Dragonball Z and all spinoffs thereof

Every Gundam series except Seed



I happen to enjoy the Miyazaki films, even if Taucer thinks their overrated :P

I recall enjoying Escaflowne when I saw it last (and I still listen to some of the soundtrack). Though I saw the Japanese release....I caught clips of the version aired in the U.S. and it was all chopped up and awful.

Nodame Cantabile and Death Note are two that I've watched recently and enjoyed.

I can't believe i haven't mentioned Beck
YES! Beck = :)
I can't believe i haven't mentioned Beck (mongolian chop squad). It's probably my favorite, It's about a japanese rock band that's trying to make it big. It's so very awesome, sweet soundtrack too.

Beck is great, but anyone adverse to emo of any type would probably dislike it.

Did anyone watch the Xenosaga anime? I tried a couple of times and couldn't really stomach it. I played all 3 of the games but i couldn't get into the anime since it was basically the first game. Same with Disgaea though i still want to see rhat. Speaking of animes of games Persona Trinity Soul just started to air in japan, first episode is pretty cool.

I tend to stay away from game to anime conversions. They almost never work good except for the freakish good showing by Idolmaster Xenoglossia, which was actually not even remotely similar to the game.. Persona looks okay, but it could go either way. Xenosaga was just trash. Wasn't even made very well.

Can't go wrong with Code Geass--except for the infuriating on-hiatus-until-Marching thing.

I'm glad to see that show get 20+ more new episodes instead of ending on 26 like it was supposed to. It's one of those rare cases where a show got so popular (as in, #1 amongst non-kiddie/long-time-serial anime in Japan), it warranted a full season right in the middle of production.


Gundam Wing was the first Gundam series that i was really exposed to though I had basic knowledge of what Gundam was all about. I'm probably in the minority here but as far as Gundam is concerned for me

1 Gundam Wing

2 Gundam 08th Ms Team

3 Gundam seed

4 Seed Destiny

5 Original gundam

There's so many gundam series that I can't remember which ones i really liked at the moment. I hated most of the zeon vs earth, i forget what they are called, but i liked the alternate universe series's more.

Also I agree Devil May Cry was a pretty bitchin' Game-anime conversion.

I am pretty sure every Gundam series except SEED is good.

It's a love-hate thing. A lot of people love SEED but hate the other series, and vice versa. I can't say why for sure, since I haven't seen SEED. But I think the original MSG, 0080, Gundam, etc are pretty great. Gundam because you need to look at the character map to type it out, and for the Yoko Kanno music [even though IMO it's her worst work] :D Also, I remember not liking 08th MS Team, but I can't remember why. It had some cool parts in it, but I vaguely remember some ridiculous love story at the end.

But yeah, you could talk for years about Gundam, I don't think many people realize how much Gundam shit there is. Seriously, holy fucking god.


I'm currently watching Zeta and enjoying it. I tried out Gundam Victory, but it wasn't going anywhere during the first 10 episodes so I stopped. I've wondered if I stuck with it whether it might actually pick back up. Oh well.

Kind of surprised that Code Geass was originally intended to be a 26 episode series. I just can't imagine that since it seems like it was intended to be much longer.


It's the fact that every fight ends with just this move or an "ERUPTING BURNING FINGERS!! YAGGGHH!!" is what turns me off from it. No variety really. Oh, and yes, I'm a traditional Gundam fan.


This is something I was talking about with a friend the other day.

A lot of American hit movies or TV shows are considered good by perhaps the majority of people, but there is always a distinct group which disagrees and explains why it is T3H SUCKZ.

With the top quality anime we don't get that. I have never heard someone call Trigun or Cowboy Bebop a bad anime. With stuff like DBZ or Inuyasha, people will enjoy it as light action, but no one will claim it as a masterpiece. But with the heavy stuff, like the ones I mentioned or Akira, I think there is pretty much universal agreement on their quality.


This is something I was talking about with a friend the other day.

A lot of American hit movies or TV shows are considered good by perhaps the majority of people, but there is always a distinct group which disagrees and explains why it is T3H SUCKZ.

With the top quality anime we don't get that. I have never heard someone call Trigun or Cowboy Bebop a bad anime. With stuff like DBZ or Inuyasha, people will enjoy it as light action, but no one will claim it as a masterpiece. But with the heavy stuff, like the ones I mentioned or Akira, I think there is pretty much universal agreement on their quality.


You will never hear anyone say DBZ is a master piece because they know that everyone in the Animation Community with throw rotten fruit at them. DBZ had a nice concept, but as a actual Animation it was terrible. I know there are alot of DBZ DIE HARD fans, and im not saying your wrong for being one. But Pannning back and fourth with the occasional close up of their eyes and watching someone charge up for 2 episodes and when they do fight its usaually a blur with the same repetitive moves for 3 more episodes only to have them blasted away on the last one, is hardly an animation master piece. An yes, that is what DBZ is, it is extremely limited animation. For some, the art and story and watching them transform is what they really love and thats fine if thats what you want. Plus the fighting games are really fun.

Truth is MOST anime is like that. Alot of fight scenes are a character holding his sword, then a shot of him holding it up(alot of anime dont even animate the slash) and lots of flashes and everyone is apparently on the ground from the attack. Anime has its masterpieces, Akira, Steamboy, Spirited Away, CAstle In The Sky, Grave of the fireflies, ect. These are fully animated pieces that stand out from traditional anime. Anime Shines Most for its ART and STORY lines. However i have seen some advances in the animation with some shows and would like to see more of it.

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