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  • Real Name
    Jesse Mitchell
  • Location
    St. Paul MN
  • Occupation
    Deli clerk

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  • Collaboration Status
    1. Not Interested or Available
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

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  1. damnnnnn the last round?! this compo taught me so much about music making. i never even ended up being a posted remixer but this compo was a great one. kudos to you for keeping it going so long. Its been a long time, but i finally have ableton again and ill try to get a real gem in for this
  2. i could go either way, but i also havent submitted in a long time. im sad to see things have been tapering off. i wonder if its a forums things. people dont really use servers. is there a way to run this through the discord ?
  3. Might tinker with this one. Finally logged in to check the compos at the start of a round. Cool that mnp has a longer remix time now. I remember the old days of trying to cram PRC, MNP and Mixing with the Stars. Back when i was any good at music . Lol
  4. Nooooooo, this is what i get for falling out of the loop. I love this game but i doubt i can compose a banger of this tune in like 12 hours
  5. There is no such thing as cheating here! Well, until IBM watson can be sourced to make the whole thing for you.
  6. Ooooh, feeling this one. Could this be the round I return to remixing?!
  7. dang! I just saw this, the deadline was 2 hours ago.
  8. dang, every time im free to remix its past the deadlines haha
  9. I got cornered in the safety deposit room by TWO lickers. I figured I could book it to the west office, not knowing Mr. X was standing in the doorway, got knocked on my back by him, into the hallway full of lickers. Somehow i got right the hell out of there and survived. Most terrifying scenerio ive ever experienced in a game.
  10. This is such a classic track. so many hours spent editing stupid replay videos that nobody ever saw. what city was this, chicago? Too bad Gta stole all of driver's thunder.
  11. oh no, I missed it!
  12. I really like how upbeat this is. Hopefully I can get past my remixers block.
  13. thanks, i think this will help immensely!
  14. I think its just that theres essentially two copies of the melody. Theres four channels playing the melody and three playing the harmony. Three of the melody channels play nicely together, but the fourth is just the other three stacked into one channel and played off time so it sounds funny. This longer remixing period is definitely nice. I always start a mix and then get distracted and before i know it im two days away from the sub time with no ideas.
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