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I'm pretty sure that that's breaking, like, a hundred different laws and at least eight kinds of courtesies to fellow musicians.

I'm pretty sure that people that just want to make money don't care about "courtesies to fellow musicians."

I'm pretty sure that that's breaking, like, a hundred different laws and at least eight kinds of courtesies to fellow musicians.

It's Russia though - last I checked, they're pretty bad about copyright enforcement to the point that they have troubles getting accepted to the WTO (World Trade Organization for the noobs out there).


I'm surprised if they manage to sell an album that's available for free, when most people today are opposed to paying for any kind of creative content.

But a fool and his money are soon parted.

The availability over the Internet of the mp3sale.ru materials is authorized by the license # 49/ZM-07 of the Rightholders Federation for Collective Copyright Management of Works Used Interactively (FAIR). Under the licenses terms, mp3sale.ru pays license fees for all materials downloaded from the site subject to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights". All these materials are solely for personal use. Any further distribution, resale or broadcasting are prohibited. All trade marks, trade names, company names, slogans, logos, and any other copyright items which can be seen on the Site pages in various contexts are the property of their respective owners. You have no right to copy, distribute or otherwise use them without the prior written consent of the owners. If the Site contains links to other sites, they are provided for your convenience only. You agree that the Administration is not to be held liable for their operability, content or possible damage resulting from using them. You agree that use of the Services provided by mp3sale.ru are at your own risk and with your personal consent. All Services are provided "as is" without any guarantee obligations on the part of the Administration (apart from those mentioned above). The Administration does not provide you with any guarantee that you will profit or benefit from the use of the Services. You agree NOT to appeal to the Administration due to the quality of the Services provided, as well as due to any possible damage you experience as a result of using or accessing mp3sale.ru.

Hmmm, that a bigass block of text to say "we're gonna screw you."

Nope, they're moving servers, according to the notice in the upper-right corner.

Moving them... to AVOID INTERNATIONAL LAWSUITS! HAAAA HAAAA HAAAA haaaa... wait, it's Russia, they don't have money. Or a court system. Or anything at all.

Uh. Yes they do.

Hurray for use proud north americans who have defeated the russian capitalist pigs who tried to make money off of people.


Somewhere, the irony fairy is laughing.

Well, capitalism is about making money, not looting it. Selling someone else's work is a form of looting.

i dont know if this is sarcasm or not since you know the metal gear thing is in reverse since the russian song came years before metal gears version did

just sayin

Somewhat shitty sarcasm. I keep forgetting about the whole Metal Gear/Russian song controvesry.

Hmmm, that a bigass block of text to say "we're gonna screw you."

To me, it seems to mean that the site is charging users for the service of providing a download link/access to their server, but not for the ownership or licensing of the contents they are providing. As such, it's not really violating a copyright law, but more of exploiting what can be defined as digital distribution services. According to that statement posted, they're charging users for the bandwidth and not the music. While it seems like bad business ethics, it's not a violation of copyright law.

It's as if instead of DJP covering the cost of the servers and bandwidth for OCR from ads and sponsors, he began charging the users directly to cover these costs. Technically, he isn't violating the copyright law, since he would presumably not be making profit from it nor preventing the copyright holders from earning funds. However, I can't see how this Russian site couldn't be making money from this kind of service.

In addition, OCR has an anti-third-party-distribution policy in place on the site, which means that while this Russian site isn't necessarily violating copyright law, they are violating OCR's policies about redistribution. Whether or not that constitutes legal action, I don't know.

To me, it seems to mean that the site is charging users for the service of providing a download link/access to their server, but not for the ownership or licensing of the contents they are providing. As such, it's not really violating a copyright law, but more of exploiting what can be defined as digital distribution services. According to that statement posted, they're charging users for the bandwidth and not the music. While it seems like bad business ethics, it's not a violation of copyright law.

It's as if instead of DJP covering the cost of the servers and bandwidth for OCR from ads and sponsors, he began charging the users directly to cover these costs. Technically, he isn't violating the copyright law, since he would presumably not be making profit from it nor preventing the copyright holders from earning funds. However, I can't see how this Russian site couldn't be making money from this kind of service.

In addition, OCR has an anti-third-party-distribution policy in place on the site, which means that while this Russian site isn't necessarily violating copyright law, they are violating OCR's policies about redistribution. Whether or not that constitutes legal action, I don't know.

Still, there's basic intellectual rights in this regard; regardless of whether or not you made/make profit off it, if they are selling YOUR works without YOUR permission, then you have the right to take action.

Sadly, this is not so easy in reality; and like was said before, its Russia; they're not even allowed in the WTO. That doesn't sound too good for us :?

Here's hoping the site dies a natural (or preferably a decidedly UN-natural) death. Quite possibly in the form of a random DoS attack...*whistles innocently*

Why would they pay money to download something they can get it here for free?

I am going to go out on a limb and say because they are not very smart and/or have way too much money from Daddy

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