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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2015 in all areas

  1. The draft is complete! Check your maverick theme on the Final Selections sheet! For anyone that's curious, we did actually get down the 5th selection for both pu_freak and DusK, who both chose Storm Eagle. In order to resolve this, I did a runoff for those two using a die, and then for the loser, I started going back UP his list (i.e. up to the 4th selection), giving that priority in any conflict (i.e. automatic win), and then continued to resolve any additional conflicts. Fortunately we didn't have to travel too far back up the selections.
    5 points
  2. I'll give the same answer every time... before you start throwing money at the screen for brand names or specs.. consider that the most important thing is using a set of headphones that you're familiar with. The most important thing is to be intimately familiar with the sound you are hearing, know where the weaknesses are in your headphones, and be able to compensate for that.. like for example I know 2500KHz has a fall-off in the right speaker of my wireless sennheiser monitoring headphones. Whether you pay $5 or $500 makes little difference, most of the work will be training yourself to listen with whatever headphones you get. Becoming familiar with how those headphones color the sound and how to compensate for that. Buying a super expensive pair is less important than many people will have you believe.
    2 points
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I mean, its small, and kinda being thrown together all quickly. Much smaller than something like BadAss 3. And yes, that was the first thing to come to mind.
    1 point
  6. I've been humming this all day in an..........ticipation
    1 point
  7. Pretty sure I submitted a wip last time, on one of the old threads maybe??? Anyway, just coming off of a bigger project and will have time next week to crank out more work on my tune. Please don't fire me Will post work soon.
    1 point
  8. Our names in internet lights! Another dream comes true.
    1 point
  9. All... I have followed Skrypnyk's advice and created a Second-Take of "Mario Paint Theme Song - Pickin Colors" Now that I've heard it with Skrypnyk's feedback included, I like it better. Hope you will too! Here's the link to my Original Remix: http://www.homegrownhymns.com/PickinColors.mp3 Here's the link to Remix-2 (using Skrypnyk's feedback): http://www.homegrownhymns.com/PickinColors-2.mp3 <---THIS IS THE NEW ONE *** Oh Yeah... And here's the link to the Original from Nintendo (so you have something to bump it up against): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GdapZ1FZhI Shown below is a screen shot of the changes and where they occur: Thanks... Steve (dabedaab)
    1 point
  10. Spoiler alert!! And Eino was added as well lol
    1 point
  11. Man this hasn't been updated in awhile. 3 albums on here have been released months ago.. Zelda Lime of the Season, Super Mario 64, & the Gameboy 25th Anniversary album.
    1 point
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