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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2015 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Introduction You've just completed your archaeology degree. You're about to take your experience into the field, where your daily life will include whipping living mummies, breaking ancient pottery, jumping out of airplanes, dodging spikes, and stealing priceless golden artifacts from Nazis before they can use them to take over the world. It's a dangerous job, but you live for thrills, fame, and riches (and, to a lesser extent, the study of past human civilization). Regardless, you're going to need some background music. Sources Definitely approved: La-Mulana, Tomb Raider, 1001 Spikes, Uncharted, Indiana Jones (no tunes from the movies). If you have a different idea, we’re open to other sources. The protagonist of the game needs to be an archaeologist or archaeology-related adventurer primarily; if the character often fills various other roles, their games are not currently eligible (i.e. Mario, who only occasionally appears as an archaeologist). If you’re wondering whether a certain game will be an appropriate choice, listen to the soundtracks listed above and see how well your idea fits in thematically. Check the tracklist or ask one of us for specific recommendations. Style Mysterious temples, heart-pounding action, and everything in between. World instruments and/or influences are highly recommended, but not required. You can be totally serious, you can be a little silly, just keep it in the theme of adventure, exploration, danger, wonder, etc... Deadlines On an individual basis, we'd like to hear from people once a month until they're done. That could mean an extra minute of arrangement, a tweaked snare, or an occasional "my whole family fell to the mummy's curse and I didn't get a chance to work on it." If you don't show any progress or cannot be contacted for three months in a row, we'll remove you from the claims list, though you can come back if your source is still open. We'll work out final deadlines once the project is well on its way; it's possible you'll never have to worry about it. Claims To claim a source, send Hylian Lemon or Mr. Bottle Rocket a private message describing how you plan to approach the arrangement. If you aren't a posted remixer, we'll need some recent examples of your work first. Make sure you're ready to get started on your track at the time of your claim. Goal Official OCR status Other Notes This project is headed by myself and Hylian Lemon, don't hesitate to contact us about any doubts or updates you may have! Tracklist View it through our Google Document.
    1 point
  3. Thanks so much, man!!! That really means a lot to me. We are talking about an EP... I'll keep you all posted!
    1 point
  4. Yes actually you've helped me with that in the past timaeus , but I like the public discourse where as one person might say the Kick is too loud or someone else says the kick is fine, but the synth needs less reverb and a third person might say the synth is fine but the kick is too loud. I general look for the points that arise most frequently, with regards to criticism, for sort of statistical approach to what should be addressed Done and done
    1 point
  5. There's 3,108 ReMixes cataloged now. What would really help is a list of all the expunged OCR IDs, so I don't have to go hunting down each gap in the series.
    1 point
  6. Not rude at all, and thanks for sharing! I've downloaded the updated version for use in my DJ sets, can't wait to use it.
    1 point
  7. Got the OK from djp to continue. DarkeSword'll assign some new batches soon.
    1 point
  8. Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot to mention this one. I played a ton of this after it was released -- even though I just went through once with each of the 8 rulers. It does have a fair amount of replay value, since each ruler has a different storyline and conquest progression, although once you stumble upon a few winning strategies and learn which enemy types are strong/weak to each other, it becomes a bit easy to totally steamroll the AI. I've also played some of Dragon Force 2, but just with one leader. The sequel never got a US release I think, so it's Japanese-only. The strategy is a bit expanded (you can have two enemy types in the same army -- e.g., harpies and archers are a great combination -- there are more types in the first place, and the general types matter more). However, the feel of the game is pretty similar to the first, and it is easy to steamroll the AI after about the midpoint of the game. KF
    1 point
  9. Hylian and I have talked over about the check-in periods awhile back and I think we'd be pretty okay with extending it to 3 weeks, we don't want a situation where too much time passes between those since we're not really asking for progress on your mixes we just want to hear from you guys on your current life situation, like if you need some time off to deal with other stuff in the mean time.
    1 point
  10. Hello Im B-laze aka fungist, and just found out about my submission went through after getting a PM on my soundcloud. I came here to check and was overwhelmed by the good review of my track, however i was so sad to realise something have gone wrong with my submission. I have no idea how this could possibly happend as i looked through it many times, but i realised i have submitted a "early" version of the track. The finished track wasnt the one i uploaded. It could be i had same name on both tracks and deleted the completed track instead of the "early" one, and later exported the project again to upload to my social network. This version here is almost done though, but it lacks proper mastering and mixdown, aswell as main bassline lacking a bit low's, so the LFO basses that comes in at 1:36 have too much bass compared to main line. Also a few sounds and leads are missing. It seemed to get good review anyways so i gonna be happy and thankful for that. please allow me to share the proper version here. excuse me if that was rude of me https://soundcloud.com/b-laze/blaze-psy-castle
    1 point
  11. Alright, now that FF9 is out, I hope the staff can give the album a listen.
    1 point
  12. I did recently get Damage, but it wasn't used on my mix. Nonsense! Like I tell my teammates. Feedback (whether it be good or bad) be my nutrients to live. XD Looks like I still had some kinks I needed to work on but I'm glad it was still enjoyable.
    1 point
  13. Another one I just remembered for the saturn was Dragon Force. Outside of some cheap hair pulling moments it's actually a very unique strategy game/wall-of-death simulator.
    1 point
  14. Hey guys, Hope making this post is kosher--I wanted to invite anyone who is going to be at MagClassic this year to come hear me perform! My on-again, off-again VGM band Discocactus was invited to play this year, and we'll be performing on Saturday, 9/12 at 7 PM. This is my first time performing at a video game convention, so I'm super excited! It's going to be a lot of fun. If you're going to be there, please join us at 7! Then, once we're done, run off to OCR's How to Remix panel!
    1 point
  15. If there are remixes that have stood the production test of time, do no further than AE's work. I remember listening to this in the dorm with Sephfire back in the day. The opening synth is gorgeous. It captures the listener completely! The drum break down is nice and it gives this bad boy a nice dynamic shift. The processing and filtering of the synths is masterfully done. The bass is super perky boarding on the frantic. That's mega man for you . The song is short and to the point. It's doesn't stray much from the A section, but thats not a bad thing. All around, this mix is bad-ass. Take into account that this was done back in 2000, and.....well.....damn!!!
    1 point
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