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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2016 in all areas

  1. Ziggy's not dead, he just went home.
    3 points
  2. DarkeSword


    I played this this past weekend. Really amazing game. I get why everyone's so crazy over it.
    2 points
  3. I think you should rename this competition to "CASTLEMANIA!!"
    2 points
  4. Hey, You should avoid asking endless strings of really vague questions. It's great to want to learn, but you need to be considerate of the effort other people are putting in to help you. If you want to know about how certain sounds are designed, you need to provide timestamps and links for the music in question. Avoid incredibly vague descriptions like "by high parts, all the instruments that aren't the bass drop part" or "a bubble forms around the sound and it shrinks, the sounds fading out quickly". Realize that sound perception is different to each person, and so even if what you're saying makes sense to you, it probably won't to other people. This forum is a place to get help, but you need to be willing to put your own effort in. You should put some thought into your questions before posting them. Also, please try taking the time to write in complete sentences. It will actually help us out a lot in understanding what your questions are.
    1 point
  5. your most recent referral's going to show up here in a week or so. pretty nice graphics powerhouse, most powerful single box i've ever done.
    1 point
  6. What are you talking about?
    1 point
  7. Mirby

    David Bowie dead at 69

    That quote is a tweet that originated on Twitter. Here's the original tweet (also we have Twitter embedding? since when?) This hit me quite hard, so I'd like to share a picture by Yoshitaka Amano (longtime Final Fantasy character artist and logo artist) that is the most David Bowie picture to ever David Bowie.
    1 point
  8. YES! Then we can all do WWE-style promo's before each round to psych-out our opponents!
    1 point
  9. I've been a fan of Bowie since about the age of five, and he's always been the most important musician to me. He even did some VGM for Omikron: The Nomad Soul (not just the songs which ended up on the ..hours album either). Really sad he's gone. I don't have Blackstar yet, but the stuff I've heard (especially Sue) really hits the spots for me. Sounded like they (Bowie and Visconti) weren't happy with thinking outside the box enough when making The New Day and were able to break that down on the new album. Experimental Bowie is the Bowie I like best so I'm sad there wasn't more to come in this vein.. but most of all I'm just thankful for so much great music and inspiration.
    1 point
  10. I'll be playing a few tunes on this set too! My band DiscoCactus will also be playing, though we haven't been announced yet And I'll be performing with Super Smash Opera! Oh boyyyyyyy~
    1 point
  11. Oh I dig this so hard! As with some of the other guys here I went back and listened to the original; it's an awesome track but it seriously isn't a patch on this remix. Your definitely-not-dubstep wubwub is sublime (dublime!) and the beat is as smooth as lubed-up silk. Your usage of the vocal samples works a lot better in your track than the original and I love the constantly evolving arrangement. Excellent work! [5/5]
    1 point
  12. Apparently, I missed this signup and source, but alls I got to say is, "fuck yeah"
    1 point
  13. To my fellow remixers: On behalf of me and the underrated game that is Castlevania 64...Enough talk, you miserable little piles of secrets. Have at you!
    1 point
  14. ok. i really am going this time. flights purchased, arriving Thursday night at 9 omg omgomgmggmaogfmiadkklfg24hnjfva'nva
    1 point
  15. Well, I'm gonna be THAT guy. 1-Vampire Killer (CV1) 2-Bloody Tears (CV2) 3-Beggining (CV3)
    1 point
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