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  1. Liontamer

    OCRI-0009 - Candy Corn

    Download it! http://ocremix.org/info/Candy_Corn Torrent it! http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Candy_Corn.torrent Boo!..... OK, now that that's out of the way. After seeing there was no plan for a Halloween project, I sent Gario an email on Oct. 1st and basically said "I have these spooky remixes, can we do this in less than 30 days?" and we did. I want to give a huge public thank you to Gario for being my point man here, I'm fairly certain this project would not have happened without his feedback, encouragement, and networking. Thank you, Gario. So this project is the progeny of those anthology style movies and TV shows, a la Tales from the Crypt, Creepshow, Tales from the Darkside. In that vein, every track I consider a story leading into the next one, with the radio-style dramas serving as the reset button, the point of mental collection, then starting a new section. I will say that I am very, very proud of the teamwork that took place. I have several scripts/skits that I dream up daily and it really felt incredible to hear them come to life with the help of the voice actors! I want to thank my voice actors Joe Zieja, Stephen and Bryan of the OverClocked PodCast, Abigail Endsley, and VinnyMac for their roles as The YoshiBlade Players (now accepting applications). That's about it! I really hope you enjoy the project, and thank you for taking the time to listen to it and to read my notes! - D L (YoshiBlade)
    3 points
  2. As I tend to say, I am by no means an expert and do not profess to be a master mixer, so thank YOU both for teaching ME something. LOL
    2 points
  3. Mmm hmm, I certainly do see your point, on the one hand - the builds and drops throughout are inherent to the genre. On the other hand (because I have two hands, see? Haha... ha... bad joke), your builds and drop aren't devoid of music - they're devoid of melody. There's no rule stating that source melodies and themes can't be textures and background elements instead of melodies and themes in an arrangement. You've got arpeggios and such in the background that could as easily be source themes transformed into background elements instead. It sounds great either way, so you don't have to do more to the track, but I do want to point out that putting source into something isn't impossible to get close or past the threshold I'm thinking about. Trickier, due to genre limitations, but not inherently impossible.
    1 point
  4. Heh, yeah putting the amount of source necessary for OCR would basically violate the laws of dubstep, as most songs are 25% melody, 25% build, and 50% drop (and that's being very liberal with the melody and build). Unless of course you wanted to go for melodic dubstep (which I did have some ideas for a melodic drop at one point), but that would necessitate a whole 'nother remix. Maybe if I have a lot of time again a while after this... Thanks anyway for constructive critiques and comments
    1 point
  5. I'm not familiar with the source but this sounds promising. I like the orchestral part in the middle, works pretty good. For me, the ending was a bit abrupt, guess I like to be eased into it more. Overall I'd say the track flows well and kept me interested despite me not being a full on dubstep fan. My biggest remark would be that the snare sounds pretty dull and I'd appreciate some more snap in it.
    1 point
  6. While I still have the numbers up (and before I listen on my other headphones), I thought I'd point out those numbers, as far as source usage goes. I calculate 68 seconds of source in this bad boy. That puts it at about 36% source in the arrangement. I have no idea whether or not you planned on submitting the track (you very well could just be showing off in here, which is great, in my book), but IF you were, you'd definitely be called out for the track being too liberal. That doesn't take anything away from the track in its own right, as it still sounds pretty damn good, but I thought I'd point that out, in case you ever, maybe, possibly wanted to submit the track. I kind of hope you do, since real, raw dubstep is sorely misrepresented on the site, at the moment.
    1 point
  7. That's not necessarily a mistake - there are EDM styles that do this sort of cutting intentionally, which adds to the meat of the track. There are a few elements that I may or may not have comments on regardless, but I want to give this a listen on my better headphones at home before I give any comment on it. I do like this, though - it's definitely an improvement on the other version.
    1 point
  8. The bass is better, but every time that kick or tom hits, I'm still hearing it push the rest of the soundscape out of the way for a moment. It also interferes with some of the glitch effecting you have later on. You may want take another look at the EQ on the drums. I do like the new softer orchestral bit at 1:38. Nice touch.
    1 point
  9. Gario

    OCRI-0009 - Candy Corn

    You're very welcome for the help on it - I'm glad that we were able to publish it in said short amount of time. More good music for OCR to host is always a great thing, so thanks for letting us publish it. It's a short, tight little project that is quite high-quality. I do recommend it for anyone who isn't feint-of-heart. And for those that are, too; y'all could use a good spook when good music is involved.
    1 point
  10. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! OC ReMix and YoshiBlade present Candy Corn! October 31, 2016 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA...To celebrate Halloween, OC ReMixer YoshiBlade has released the community's latest album, Candy Corn. Candy Corn features six dark electronic tracks by YoshiBlade arranging music from several video games for Halloween, as well as three special guest skits, and is available for free download at http://ocremix.org/info/Candy_Corn. This album was produced to help promote video game music, was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by any of the publishers or developers of the original games; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners. The album's selection of games interpreted for Halloween includes: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Castlevania (N64) Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Chrono Trigger Pokémon Red Version. Alongside the music are several radio drama pieces written by YoshiBlade with voice acting by Vince "VinnyMac" Sparzak, OverClocked PodCast host Stephen Kelly, Abigail Endsley, and Joe "XPRTNovice" Zieja, who recently voiced Fox McCloud for Nintendo's animated short Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins. "I am very, very proud of the teamwork that took place," YoshiBlade remarked. "I have several scripts/skits that I dream up daily and it really felt incredible to hear them come to life!" With a mixture of drum & bass, mellow, and industrial elements together with fun audio clips, YoshiBlade structured Candy Corn as a dynamic, mysterious, and complete listening experience for Halloween. "This project is the progeny of those anthology-style movies and TV shows, a la Tales from the Crypt, Creepshow, Tales from the Darkside," he explained. "In that vein, every track I consider a story leading into the next one, with the radio-style dramas serving as the reset button, the point of mental collection, then starting a new section. I really hope you enjoy the project!" Candy Corn marks the third Halloween album release for the OC ReMix community. Last year, OCR released the Castlevania-based album trilogy Vampire Variations, and Joshua Morse created the site's first solo artist album with his 2009 Castlevania tribute Sonata of the Damned. About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Download it: http://ocremix.org/info/Candy_Corn Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Candy_Corn.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/44655--/
    1 point
  11. Super missiles are your friend; kill them geemers and it makes that portion a breeze. Honestly, my favorite skip is against the Varia suit. Hard as shit to do, though, and it's not good at all for speed running for me (Get to one room that doesn't kill you, then stock up on health the old fashioned way). I know there are better ways to do it, but whatevs - I'm not looking to get on Speedrun archives anytime soon. It DOES allow you to get the wave beam and plasma before Kraid, which makes for a hilarious fight against him later.
    1 point
  12. My track is still not recorded – it's being recorded as we speak – so you won't get it today. I don't think I'll have it by next week either, but don't you dare cut me, it's coming.
    1 point
  13. I've been listening to Keyscape demos lately, and they've reminded me just how nicely a clean electric guitar lead can blend with an electric piano or wurlitzer. This ReMix exemplifies that. Slick solos (even your first-timer drum solo!). Also, I'm not at all bothered by the wurlitzer LFO panning. It's common to see that happening for an FM-y tone like that.
    1 point
  14. you need it for a few parts unless youre really good at walljumping, but i agree that its annoying most of the time.
    1 point
  15. I dig the style and the overall mood of this track. Cheesy haunted 50s vocals, check. Synthwave to the max, check. Epic guitar solo, check. In a word: awesome stuff, and a great collab. Didn't know the original game or source, but I guess learning new VGM is part of being part of the OCR community
    1 point
  16. Howdy, to all you super talented bast---, uh, individuals out there! I got to say, ever since this double album came out, I'm still floored with it! The. Whole. Thing. Every single track is of such superior quality that I cannot get enough, even all these years later! As I was listening to it yet again tonight, I was wondering how possible it would be for somebody to patch these songs into the actual game, you know, over the appropriate stages. This makes me wonder if maybe Nintendo might be interested in doing so, in this age of fan service. Maybe David Wise could ask them.... #FingersCrossed
    1 point
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