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  1. Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it a lot. I'm not stopping PRC yet; only if the upcoming 10 rounds have 10 extensions and <= 10 songs with only 10 votes and 5 default wins by myself I might consider it. I also don't want to stop remixing unknown sources and start remixing the Ice Cap theme for the 29658th time, since that will be the end of PRC and the start of the BRC (Bundeslang's Remix Competition). We already had someting in the past called the Popular Track Music Competition (only 1 round was done, Terra's Theme). Some interesting comments are made already, like the point about the length of the contest. Another interesting discussion might be: should PRC and MnP have similar deadlines (so that people can choose between or do both) or have different deadlines so that there's always a possibility to work on a song for one of the contests. I might change the schedule a bit so that deadlines are not at the same date (MnP has a bit longer remixing stage and takes 3 weeks in total on average). I take this all into account when I set up the poll for the next round.
    3 points
  2. My ignorant ass is late, but I do wanna remark, as I'm about to work on materials for Pixel Noir, and I found out a couple things relevant here. First, I only recently found out that Vegas Pro was bought by Magix. I don't dig the uncertainty that comes with new ownership, especially since a corp. like Sony was almost uniquely resourced for tight integration between their products. So far tho these new guys seem keen to keep things high-quality. Their first word was "stable"... very promising, as ver. 11 was infamously unlike it. I'm still on ver. 12, which is more than fine, but I want to see how much things have changed before committing to upgrades. One of Vegas' main hooks is the ease in building impressive visuals, due to non-linear editing, compositing and project nesting capabilities that made it a decent alternative before After Effects became something resembling affordable. Some of the things I see in Dashie's Mario Maker videos make it obvious he's using Vegas as well. Another Vegas hook is audio layering and processing, second to none for a long time: it's practically a DAW without the MIDI note input. timaeus, like myself, found out on his own how useful VirtualDub is along with the Vegas workflow. Most footage we amateurs get is likely less than ideal, so most of the work is basically "cleaning up the crap", that is, artifacts, unwanted blurring, low resolution, etc. Vegas can handle most of it, but more effective tools are found in VirtualDub; even better if AviSynth is used in tandem, which is also free, but requires some occasionally deep scripting knowledge. Too much to get into here, but some anime sharing communities make a convenient resource for learning. I will say here that whatever software is used, keep in mind all the things these tools may do to "improve" quality and productivity may actually hurt the final result. "Nearest-neighbor" is what I do as well to enlarge older game footage, and "disable resample" within a Vegas video event will work wonders in keeping video output clean, just to name two examples. From what I've seen, those who want to avoid trying out anything and everything would probably not go wrong with Adobe or Vegas, if not the "full", then whatever they consider "cut-down". My experience is much like most folks': I find something that works well, I stick with it. On that note, for capturing gameplay, CamStudio has been good, but recently needed resources freed and 16-bit color from the game itself in order to capture smoothly, so I had to switch for my current project requiring game footage... not to mention, it seems to be a malware trap nowadays. Free options seem to be few, but I like LoiLo Game Recorder so far. Smooth, with no noticeable dropped frames, even at HD. Cons so far are: few resolution options; no way I can see to record without audio if I wished; it captures in MotionJPEG, and the inherent artifacts are juuust above tolerable, even at its highest-quality setting, but then that's exactly the kind of cleanup I mentioned earlier.
    2 points
  3. The one thing that I think has plagued Undertale music since its release was the (in my opinion) bland monotype covers. Hearing the wonderful melodies of Undertale in one to one metal/electronic remixes with little or no deviation from the sheets isn't exactly something I would want to listen to. But this album, now I can't give much in the way of useful critique or commentary, is fantastic music to listen to. Looking forward to whats next from Longboxofchocolate.
    2 points
  4. I echo Supercoolmike's thoughts. PRC has made me a better musician. The combination of shorter time forces me to finish songs and the selection of the source forces me out of my musical comfort zone. I don't know about where the music is to be submitted to, but it at least needs to be in a central easy to listen to location. If that is or is not ThaSauce then I don't know. I think the best way to get more people involved is to somehow better market the competition. An album at the end of the year might be a good way to do that. Some people (like me) haven't been on one and that could help ease people to the next step of making music. I just want PRC to continue so that it can help other starting musicians.
    2 points
  5. back in Jan 17 2015, for prc season 11. I kind of did that but placed it all on one youtube vid instead of an album. I was attempting to do it again for season 12 but some stuff happened here and there and I basically dropped the ball pretty badly. I don't know If I'll even attempt to make a season 13 vid because I really don't like saying I'll get something done just for me to not finish it; whether the project is small or large. I mean I wouldn't mind helping out in the end, I just don't like the feeling of betraying someone that has giving me the opportunity to be apart of "said" project. - I've always felt PRC and MNP were brothers in arms since they're both being about 2 week long compos. It's probably still the best place for newcomers or beginners to show up. The monthly compos that does show up here usually last more than a month also while bringing plenty of people to its roster, but also has its fair issues of dropouts. Now the albums that gets formed here are basically the yearly compos but also with higher standards. So in short, I kind of view these time based compos as the difficulty meter: Biweekly = Easy <> Monthly = Medium <> Yearly(Albums) = Hard I'm NOT saying the people that go to these compos (and/or stay) are without or lacking experience in any way. This is just my view of the compos that are based on time and encourages everyone to enter no matter how experienced the person is. - I honestly like How the winners can't choose songs that are already in OCR, It helps bring new life to possible games and tracks that never got the love. I also liked it when it was a specific source because it was always super interesting on the many different possibilities and renditions people have made mixing in with there only style. Using some sources from the request forums is a pretty cool idea, could have the potential of bringing in more people. This is just my thoughts of the matter and hope all is well for the future of PRC.
    2 points
  6. Hi! If by strings you meant the stab synth (which sound more like brass than strings IMHO), I think you have a good start by using a saw (not detuned) with an almost open filter, and maybe a really short enveloppe on the cutoff of a lowpass filter (fast attack, from everything cut to almost nothing cut). For the bells, try a square in high pitch with a "percussive" volume enveloppe (i.e. instant attack, long decay and release, no sustain). Add delay and/or reverb and play with the filters to adjust your sound (keep in mind you want a brillant sound so try not to touch the highs). You may or may not want to add a saw or a triangle in the mix to add some spectral information (but mixed lower). You seem to struggle with sound design, which is a difficult and critical part of music creation (making the perfect sound from scratch, or just copying an existing sound). If you want to learn more about synth sound design, may I suggest you try Syntorial? The software itself is rather costly (around $130), but the free demo (including a lot of lessons) may give you some basic understanding of the key parts of a classic substractive synth (oscillators, filters, enveloppes, etc..). I found this software to be really interesting. I did not buy it though, so I don't know exactly how much you can learn if you do spend some money for it. I hope I could be of some help! And sorry for the bad english, it's not my mother tongue. Edit: Typo
    1 point
  7. To be specific, you have two claims of your own currently (Meteor and Ending/Boss Roll), you're in two collaborations (Corneria and Records 1), and have one bonus track (Corneria). The claim is yours, go ahead with the bonus track. Once you send me a WIP, I'll update the overview and thread.
    1 point
  8. You most certainly can! This track is yours, Siolfor .... I was hoping someone would choose this! I see @TheChargingRhino has already rolled out the carpet for you. Welcome aboard! I'm sure the claim is coming. The right Remixer is just waiting for the right moment to pounce on it!
    1 point
  9. Welcome. Can't speak for Nika, so you'll have to wait for him to respond. But welcome anyway!
    1 point
  10. Hi guys, this is a great idea that I'd love to be a part of if I could. I'm new here but could I claim Sector Z from Star Fox 64?
    1 point
  11. I'm about to submit mine. Going to be more unpolished than I'd like it to be, but it's not terrible or anything. Pretty straightforward upgrade in instrumentation. EDIT: Song is up now.
    1 point
  12. I hope you're able to get it uploaded in time. I submitted mine a moment ago, and I can't wait to hear your take on it. Did you play the game at all?
    1 point
  13. Oh wow, time has flown. I have something, but it's still a bit unpolished. I didn't realize the deadline was coming so soon. >_>
    1 point
  14. Thanks for the replies. PlanarianHugger is telling the truth, many rounds end with only 1 song and 1 or 0 votes. Thanks again for entering, without your participation several rounds might not have ended with a winner. DJ Mokram is right, promoting the contest more might help to get more participants. The ThaSauce community is old and having to sign up for that might be an obstacle. For me, organising the contest this way doesn't take a lot of time (+- 30 minutes per round, without voting and making songs). That's the reason why I'm still doing it, if it takes more time I cannot do it. I don't always have the time to actively promote the contest via Facebook or other social media platforms. I'll make a poll about the contest in the next round. Depending on the outcome of that poll and the number of songs in the upcoming rounds I may take action. I don't want to change to many things since PRC must remain PRC and not change in a different contest. Possible options: - Stop forcing to use ThaSauce, let people upload the song where they want. I still can open the ThaSauce page as a possible place to have songs uploaded. Voting at this site (public voting). - Make the rounds longer (1 month, like DOD) - Let winners select a game instead of a specific source. - Use sources from the request forum. - Remove the limitation that sources may not have a song at Ocremix. - Don't extend when the deadline is over. EDIT: Two Days extension.
    1 point
  15. I submitted something like usual. Hope to have some competition. I've won too many by default.
    1 point
  16. Hope this is okay to post about here, I apologize if I'm overstepping. Last week I came on stream almost every night and had fun messing around, jamming various vgm tunes as well as free form improvisations using different layering techniques and other stuff, it was so much fun that, seperate from the more formal "performance" streams I've done, I'd like to make this a regular thing, so to start, I'm gonna be trying at the very least for this week, but if it goes well, we can continue this indefinitely, an hour long jam stream, every night at 7PM EST @ http://www.hitbox.tv/shnabubula I know there are rules about posting videos in gendisc, so I do this with caution, I just want to show an example or two of the kinds of thing you can expect on the streams however, I'd be okay if these videos are MOD-edited out of this post, so long as the stream link itself can remain. Those are examples of some vgm synthesizer jams, and here's an example of some alternate kind of just fun improvising, this was actually done live, on the stream I recorded both layers, in this video I just merged them together visually, so on stream those viewing saw it put together in two stages but it sounded just like this, only without the ghost shnabubula [mario kart time trial reference] i apologize again if it's not okay to post this here. Having been a long time community member and contributor I hoped it wouldn't be overstepping bounds, but if it is I completely understand. I'm just excited about this project and what to give as many people an opportunity to come in and hang out/be a part of it as possible. Already a lot of community members have stopped by to show their support, and it means a tremendous amount to me when I see an old familiar OCR username show up in the chat.
    1 point
  17. Yay! A fellow comrade from France Very interesting take on 'Corneria.' Perhaps a bit too repetitive -- new lead compos, a bridge and a more intense final part could fix that -- but I guess that's a problem I have with most covers out there. Nevertheless, it's pretty inspiring! If you're into Star Fox music, maybe you'd like to take a look at the Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox 20th Anniversary Tribute Album project we are currently working on -- we're still looking for remixers and performers are very welcome
    1 point
  18. Hahahaha. If you guys ask me, I'm okay with 2-3 participants per round personally. Means less vote tallying. Still, having 4-5 participants is pretty awesome and makes me feel more relevant in the community (T_T). More than 5 gets a bit out of hand, though. These ideas seem pretty sound Looking forward to seeing you back in the compo scene Dj Mokram!
    1 point
  19. The VGM community fragmentation is but a relic of the past that needs to go. Participating to TS compos is a process far too convoluted for its own good, especially in this day and age. Too many signing-up / signing-in and out of different sites to join/upload/vote, too much back and forth, which isn't user friendly. Add to that the fact PRC is a relatively small event with modest following, focused on obscure games and taking place on 2 different websites dedicated to a relatively niche and often misunderstood hobby. Think about how these barriers of entry potentially restrict the compo and might discourage aspiring participants. OCR compos are successful in no small part due to covering popular games, which help attract a bigger crowd including well-known remixers, which in turn create anticipation and emulation. Addtionally, compos are being run entirely on site, including discussions, submissions and voting. Last but not least, their existence is being relayed via social medias, which helps spread the word about them. On the other hand, TS main site has been in limbo for a while, with no new mixes posted on RTS, next to no news posted on TS and no community interaction within the website proper. The life of the party comes from Compos, which are sadly being run in the back room in relative obscurity. It's nobdy's fault of course, but without some kind of promotion, participation remains limited to whoever already knows about PRC, is familiar with the current round's game, or is ok with the convoluted submission/voting process. Kevin, man: the sheer dedication/hardwork you've put into running this compo for so many years is awe-inspiring. But these events need to be consolidated/integrated into a common hub where people interact regularly, not relegated to a dark corner of the web alongside those who make TS compos a reality. A bit of social media advertising might also do some good, cause unless you spread the word or go actively fishing for new blood, people aren't gonna magically show up in droves on your doorstep. Another idea could be to release yearly abums with the winning remixes or themed compilations of PRC songs, to promote the event. Lastly, getting in touch with VGM radios/hosts could help raise awareness for the compo and in turn improve participation. Been slowly getting back into remixing, so I will do my best to join the compo again in the near future, whenever life permits.
    1 point
  20. I third Vegas. I've been using it since 2007 and never left it. Splendid HD, especially when paired with VirtualDub. I use Vegas to render 60 fps gameplay these days, and it easily renders HD with minimal post-render blurring that may be seen in, say, Windows Movie Maker. Lots of convenient editing features (like editable volumes on individual layers, rearrangeable separate audio/video layers, sliceable and separable clips, a hefty set of transition + video FX, per-clip panning/cropping, etc), and I personally found it intuitive when I first got it. (It's also pretty cool that you can "oversample" the audio in Sony Vegas upon render; even the 144p on the video below sounds indistinguishable from the 720p version on YouTube.) I like to use VirtualDub as a pre-processing software to enlarge my videos ("nearest neighbor") so that individual pixels can be seen at large resolution. EXAMPLE
    1 point
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