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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2017 in all areas

  1. I have gotten Chiptunes from you guys before a few years back. I downloaded the Star Fox and Star Fox 2 chips today, and was surprised to find out that you guys had included some "audio" clips. Really, like, really, that is awesome. I have been looking for "Scramble/Emergency Call" FOREVER. So, thanks for that. I don't know if every game has a chip tune (Sorcerian, I'm looking at you), but we're lucky that a lot of games HAVE Chiptunes available to download, because then, as us remixers, we can listen to the tracks, learn the notes, and then remake the tracks or remix them however we wish. Like what I've been doing. So, I'd like to thank the mods, the judges, everyone who has made albums, basically EVERYONE on this site, for making of all this possible. We're not just remaking video game music. We're PRESERVING IT. And that's awesome. So, let me say this again. THANK YOU. For helping me become a better composer in general, telling me off cause I DID deserve it, and lots of other stuff. Dark, thank you for giving me a warning post that will never go away (?) Nika, GSO, DMT, and others for helping me with Pieces of Courage. (After this WHOLE TIME, I have completed Dark World. You're welcome.) You guys over at Lylat System CLEAR for getting us this far. (WE'RE CLOSE LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!) Pichu, Classic, and others for helping me with Records. Nika, DS (Where are yooouuuuu), and Classic for helping me with our collab (That is the awesomeness of rockish synth) Gario for telling me to resubmit my failed application (yeah, I know it was a cover, I learned from that. Might remake it later...?) and reviewing various tracks... And lots of other people that I maybe have forgotten their names on here. One last thing. On the Star Fox 2 Chiptune list, "Corneria" is misspelled in the track names, there are multiple. You guys spelled it "Coneria". You forgot the first "R". Please fix. Thanks for everything. No, I'm not leaving for a LONG TIME, I'm simply thanking all of you. I have no idea if anyone had thanked you guys before, but, if not, Allow me to be the first. ~TheChargingRhino
    2 points
  2. Hi all. I arranged the Heat Man theme from the NES classic Mega Man 2 for 3 classical guitars. Enjoy. By the way, I'm new on OCR and didn't find a topic specifically for instrumental covers. If one exists please let me know and I will re-post. EM
    1 point
  3. Since we had a deadline earlier this month, it's time for an update We've had some shiny new WIPs from ThirdKoopa, Rexy, Kylok and the Eino Keskitalo/Jorito duo and also a great update (two actually) from Chernabogue. Also, as you probably already saw, we gained some more interest and that resulted in claims from ThirdKoopa, Kylok, HeavyViper and HankTheSpankTankJankerson. If I didn't do so yet: welcome aboard, guys! Good progress overall, but unfortunately we didn't receive updates from all of you. For some of you that's okay, because you told us why you couldn't do an update for the deadline and what it means moving forward. Unfortunately there's also some people from whom we didn't hear anything at all... So, to prevent claims from being stalled with no tracks in sight, we'll do things slightly different moving forward. If you can't meet a deadline, tell us why and how you'll remedy it and we'll work it out. However, if you neglect to at least tell us why you're not going to make the deadline, your claim will be removed. Of course you can get it back if you send us a WIP, but if somebody else snatches the claim, you're out of luck. We're doing this to prevent tracks being stalled with claims but no progress when other people would have loved to remix them. Hope you understand, and let's show those pesky album director people how it's done for the April 30 deadline, hmkay? Peace out.
    1 point
  4. Okay, this is actually really, really cool. Loving the use of the guitar bodies for percussion, and the overall soundscape is rich as all hell. You're in the right place for instrumental covers - we take em' all in here. Do keep posting your stuff in here, because this is awesome.
    1 point
  5. Hey fellow Star Fox album compatriot. Think you have a great idea to build off, but you have some work to do. First off, everything is very far back in the mix. Doesn't feel like there is much depth at all. The lead instruments need to be brought to the foreground more. You said you only used Morphine, but I'd try looking through some of the other VSTs to try and introduce some other complementary sounds. 3xOSC is a good one. The instrumentation needs a tad more variety. The arrangement is very by-the-numbers. Very little difference from the progression of the original track, and when you do throw in some variatuon it sounds more like incorrectly played notes in a cover. Work on really trying to make the song your own. Chords are repetitive, so try and add some different fills there. Lastly, the song is really short. To be honest this should probably be tagged a WIP and not Ready for Review. No idea if you are intending to submit this, but it'd probably be automatically kicked back to you. If this is just for fun then cool, though it could still use a bit more. Sorry if this seems like too much. Like I said, I think you have a solid nugget to build on, but you'll just have to let it cook some more. Good luck.
    1 point
  6. What? Seriously? I fucking love Link's Awakening. OK, I've decided that this means a Switch remake of Link's Awakening using the BotW engine is not only happening, but will also be out before the end of the month! CONFIRMED!
    1 point
  7. @timeline talk; people aren't bringing up
    1 point
  8. For me the remix that made it through was what I'd call a fairly "liberal" interpretation of an oddball of a SNES game that hadn't even been entered into the annals of OCR, The Lawnmower Man (was side scroller shooter-esque), and the first level track. What made me want to do it was the bassline. I mean how can you listen to that bassline and not want to do something with it? Anyway, the track that spawned from that was Cyber Mower. Now, it does waffle on for a bit in the beginning and the original did have a very drab middle though I wanted it that way. So, I beefed up that section and basically left the end alone because rockin' synth solo is rockin'. The one track that got kicked back that I didn't like was my remix of FF VIII's Blue Fields, Serene Pastures. If I recall the primary thing was some disharmonious bits and a lead & mainline that felt like it was written in a different in a different time signature than what I remixed to. I mean I put a lot of work into that remix, and really I felt and still feel that it was too subjective of a judgement. But hey it is what it is. Something I had in the works for the longest time was a Super Metroid remix of Upper Brinstar, but the project just kept causing me issues in various ways. So, in the mean time while I try to find something else I want to remix I've been mucking more with hardware and scratching my head about mixing Valkyrion (I know it is probably overdue, but man I can't figure it out )
    1 point
  9. I meant like, rhythm or lead guitar, what kind of sound like distorted etc. If it's some simple distorted rhythm guitar stuff you want and you can't find anyone better, I am probably available.
    1 point
  10. SAME HERE MAN...most poignantly was my Sonic CD collab-remix "Titillating Tempest" - the panel's chief argument was that it didn't have enough source material...that argument coulda swung both ways if I really felt like time-stamping everything and putting forth my own argument, but IDK if it's worth the stress and time to do so. Jordan Etienne/Damashi and Xenon Odyssey worked their asses off for it, if not even more I did. Makes me kinda wish that we could petition for a second-opinion with entirely fresh ears on the joojing side of things. Also, on another weird ass tangent, I feel that shit tons of super liberal interpretations do pass the panel. I bet EVERY solid remixer has experienced that it at least once - where they and other people know that their remix was pretty solid, yet the panel just had to jdfgt it too much.
    1 point
  11. So yeah, I'm actually playing this game.... slowly but surely My own thoughts: To me, this does ABSOLUTELY feel like "Skyrim Lite" - but I think that's a perfectly fine thing, and almost ALL of the streamlining they've done makes complete sense. I like Skyrim's approach to BGM better; over-world music, most of the time, including loading screen... this feels a little quiet. I'm playing on the Switch, handheld only, and I love the form factor & experience; one of the most immersive handheld gaming experiences I've had. The voice acting ain't great, and it's miscast as has been noted, but I'm reluctant to call it "bad" - I think it's just not up to snuff with the rest of the game. I haven't encountered any "Suffer Like G Did" moments.... yet. Generally speaking, I'm getting the same positive vibes that I did when I FIRST played the original Metroid Prime - they've taken a classic and reinvented/modernized it in a way that clicks. That's not easy, as we know
    1 point
  12. The bar is high I agree, but if you've honed your craft in composition and mixing skills it isn't that high. I mean I work a full time job and what not, but I still find time to do this stuff because I love it! I'm not as strong compositionally as I'd like to be, but mixing wise I know a thing or two despite my disagreements with folks on mixing ideas and concepts, but that starts to happen when you have an idea of what to do lol. I got one track through after getting it rejected once (fair criticism and such). Then another two got rejected. One I felt was completely fair and justified and even requested that it be removed because I felt it wasn't up to par in the first place, but decided to let it go anyway. The second I don't agree with and am not going to do anything about it because I felt that it was too subjective of a judgement. I know it may seem that I'm being strong with words there, but it is how I feel about it and why I'm not going to do any changes. Sorry, don't want to stir the pot either, just what I've experienced thus far.
    1 point
  13. Once again, I decided to try to experiment with style and arrangement to make a unique take on a classic VGM theme! If I were to give it a title, it would probably be something like "Hunting for Ridley". Whadya think?
    1 point
  14. DarkeSword

    Robots vs. Knights

    Hey folks. I've decided to continue on with the compo. I'll be posting Round 3 match-ups tonight, and Round 1 and Round 2 music together tomorrow night for voting. For those wondering about my family emergency, my mom passed away last week while visiting India. While I certainly appreciate any condolences you have to offer, please do not post them in this thread; I'd like to keep the thread on-topic. A "like" on this post would be fine, though. Thanks for understanding! I'm looking forward to everyone's entries moving forward.
    1 point
  15. I found this to be really cool, especially all the builds and stuff. I've played around with making dubstep music before, and after doing so I dunno I don't really enjoy the genre much, but that doesn't make this bad. Subjectively, I kind of wish it went in a different direction, but objectively, you did it pretty well. Maybe I just didn't like all the high wubs. Lol but this was still really enjoyable. I can't wait for Breath of the Wild.
    1 point
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