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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2017 in all areas

  1. I used to collect the early ReMixes but when I moved years ago I started slacking. I'm going back now listening to the nostalgia but the last couple of days have been really confusing when it comes to the Duck Hunt April Fools' album Repercussions of Fowl Lamentation. This OCR catalog doesn't acknowledge it and http://duck.thasauce.net/ I've read held the songs once but was apparently emptied out in 2014. Random tracks are on YouTube and the cover art is easy to browse online, but collection itself seems to have been completely deleted from the internet. Does anybody out there have it saved? Are people supposed to share this anymore? What the hell did I miss? Haha
    1 point
  2. Hey folks. I think it's prudent of me to look in every now and again just to show @Trism and I haven't forgotten about this. So I'll be saying "hi" every month or so with a very basic status message. So... We're still on hiatus, but looking to the future where we can open this back up again. I'm hesitant to give an ETA because I'd be picking numbers out of the air, but hopefully not too long. @David "Cookie", thanks for your positivity, it means a lot! Same goes for you @Jorito, you've been awesome behind the scenes. @Nathan Allen Pinard Lots of time-consuming and attention-requiring behind-the-scenes stuff lol. Things like collating, micromanagement, asset building, digital gophering, promotion, signing etc. It's an ongoing process and needs more time and attention than we can give it at the moment, And since everybody else on the project has been working so hard on it, it seems unfair to be anything less than impeccable on my end. Ergo the hiatus until Trism and I can once more fully bend our minds towards it. AAANYWAYS... Cheers folks and keep your ears to the ground.
    1 point
  3. Omnisphere works great.
    1 point
  4. Finally, at the end of the month, this will happen : I have nothing more to say because I'm speechless. I want the beta so bad (hey Ansonou ).
    1 point
  5. First story video set in the fictional cybersoccer universe that ties together several of my albums, including an announcement at the end:
    1 point
  6. This is really cool! I'm loving the idea you have with this. In my opinion, I get the doomy/sludge vibe off of this. It's unsettling, harmonically interesting, and makes a good foundation. Since you're going for a cover and not really a remix, I'd say this is accurate because the theme itself doesn't offer much variation. What you COULD do (if you were into this sort of thing), is try to take advantage of the repetition with layers. Layering seems to be your friend in repetitive pieces. Perhaps introduce a lo-fi interpretation of the riff, add the double tracked guitars, use some harmonically inspired texture in a pad or extra guitar, and experiment with making a haunting, legato melody instead of a shred section. I like Nika's input, but as a guitarists, it is too easy to let that be our answer to a bland musical moments. Be the "voice" and the backing band and I think you'll have a solid interpretation of this piece without needing to add quotes from Wart's theme (unless you want to and by all means do!).
    1 point
  7. Cool sound, I like the slight changes for variation, but still very repetitive. My feeling is that you will run into the same issue with Wart's theme in terms of repetition. I think one solution could be layering some interesting fill work over top of the foundation you have here (maybe after 2-4 loops) and introducing a solo you can shred cheese with (perhaps over top of Wart's theme, depending on where you decide to go with it). Just a suggestion, hope this helps.
    1 point
  8. Hey, just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying 1000 Notes from DoD. I forgot about the voting,so I didn't get a chance to reflect my love of the song there and knock you up a few places, but it's still a sweet remix!
    1 point
  9. MnP ARCHIVE updated by Trism, give him a hand of applause everyone! PS: I really appreciate you doing this man. :D:D:D
    1 point
  10. As for the starting of the mix, yeah pretty much. It is how I start every single mix I do. You're going for an initial impression over all else. You want to nail the vibe of the track before you start trying to corrective or artistic with processing. So, for me personally what I'd try is something a bit more drastic than that. What I'd actually do is narrow your drums down, place your guitars probably around 60-80% out then place the piano hard left or right BUT then run it through reverb hard panned the other way. You may have to do some finessing with EQ and such, but the idea here is brain trickery. You might need to let a little bit of the piano and reverb leak back into the other channel, but I've done this a few times in a few different mixes. Basically, it sounds like piano is out past the guitars. Again creating a layer of complexity to the mix. Traditionally on reverb you'd do some kind of glue reverb that ties everything into the same kind of space. It can be the same reverb that gets a little bit of a feed from everything or it can be separate ones with similar qualities, but they're slightly different for the different instruments. Then you'd use different kinds of reverbs for artistic reasons to get the desired reverb characteristics for that particular sound. Another classic thing to do is actually layering different reverbs and manipulating their width. So, you'd have the reverb that gives the instrument its sense of space and then you'd do stereo manipulation to make the really effecty reverb sound wider than the instrument. When the mix collapses to mono it still sounds like the instrument has some space to it. Yet another classic thing is to EQ the sends or returns from your reverbs to precisely control exactly what it is that is needed from the reverb. Simple HPF and LPF is all you need to accomplish that. Personally, I tend to like to do this on the send. The last thing I do a lot is inverting the stereo field of the reverbs. Like if a sound is panned off to the right, I just like the sound of the reverb more in the left than with it in the right. Just a few things for food for thought. If you're mixing on headphones then it is still possible to do a good mix, you just have to be cautious of certain things. For example you have to take into account the proximity effect. You have to take into account that your stereo image is compromised for numerous reasons. The biggest factors though are a lack of bleeding, the HRTF, and the time differences it takes for frequencies to move around the head which is kind of related to the HRTF. I've done quite a few mixes on headphones and I still use mine from time to time to help with locating certain things that I have trouble getting with my monitors. With that being said you should also definitely be referencing the mix on different systems to see what it sounds like. Cars, home stereos, cheap bluetooth speakers, cheap ear buds, etc.., each tells you something different. If you don't have a system you can trust then this kind of has to be done to ensure that your mix sounds like you want. Another useful thing is to actually contact a Mastering Engineer. I know this is kind of looked upon with a certain disdain in a lot of ways, but most of these cats have extremely accurate monitoring in a very acoustically neutral environment and have a very good listening skills. They can offer quite a bit of advice on things you can try in a mix to make it sound better. I'll certainly say that every time I've been kind of turned off on a master from one and they say what the issue their encountering is and I just do it in the mix the end result is always better. And no it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg to get a single track mastered by someone who knows what they're doing.
    1 point
  11. Cool mix! I love the mixture of vibes here. I love it when an old standby gets a new and unique treatment. Definitely a solid arrangement of my second-favorite DKC2 source (I like Forest Interlude ever so slightly more than Stickerbrush Symphony; it's super-close). Nice Work.
    1 point
  12. What is it you need done other than people getting their work in?
    1 point
  13. Sad to see the project take a break, because some cool stuff was happening there, but I understand. Once my schedule clears up by the end of the year, I might be able to help out with some things, but for now I really need to focus on the other album projects first. Hope things clear up soon for you!
    1 point
  14. It was to be expected with the latest news but really.. your private lifes are number 1 priority. Thanks for letting us know anyway, and I hope everything will get back together as quickly as possible for you!
    1 point
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