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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2019 in all areas

  1. If I wrote the soundtrack of a traditional JRPG, the airship theme might sound like this. What if there's no airship? Of course there's an airship.
    1 point
  2. Ooooh, feeling this one. Could this be the round I return to remixing?!
    1 point
  3. Darkflamewolf

    Album Requests?

    Oh, and I guess I can add a new point to this whole discussion, one that isn't discussed much: PHYSICAL COPIES of said album. This isn't required for any album to have physical copies at all. In fact, this is more of a personal choice for the director of the album if they want a physical copy. There isn't going to be some big Kickstarter like there was for FF6: Balance and Ruin for your physical album prints. I think that was a one time thing and a legal quagmire that I feel OCRemix isn't wanting to delve into anytime soon. But can any album have a physical release? I believe so! However, there are some requirements first. 1) The director must be the one who impresses on everyone from the outset their intention to make physicals after album release. Everyone on the OCRemix admin staff and those remixers and contributors to the project need to be aware of this intention and be agreeable to pitching in for the final product. 2) You will not normally see a simultaneous physical and digital release of the album. The digital will always come first and the physicals months later due to logistics and timing, etc. 3) The director is responsible, with their art director, in securing all front/back cover art and disc art for the album. However that happens, either you draw it yourself or you pay a commission for an artist to do it for you, it must be something available and provided for the physical prints. 4) Split your discs up early into track lists where the run times are 74 mins or less per disc to properly fit on physical CDs come printing. 5) After digital release, you'll most likely be working with DJPretzel directly and once your request for physicals is approved on OCRemix admin, they will be covering HALF of the costs. The other half must come from you, the director. This isn't cheap, and the Arcadia Legends album limited print run went close to $2000. So about $1000 needed to come out of my pocket. You can either dump the change all yourself, or get as many folks from those who contributed to pitch in equal amounts of money to add up to your half. However you slice it, you need to provide it. 6) It is generally considered a good recommendation that you order enough for at least two physical copies per contributor to the album. However, not all contributors will be able to or willing to pitch in for the cost, nor will all contributors be willing to respond and provide you with their physical addresses to mail them. (which you'll have to do and pay additional for shipping out of pocket) So it is up to the director if those who neither paid nor provided address get physical copies at all - harsh truth, but needed to be said. 7) Once ordered, the shipment will be split, you'll get roughly half, and OCRemix will get half to give out at their fest panels. Once you receive your shipment, it'll be on you to make good on promises made to all those wanting physical copies. Once those are sent out and you have a bunch left over, the director can do whatever they want with them, raffles, prizes, etc. Just don't sell them! With all that out of the way, physicals are a neat novelty piece and a great reward for all the hard work for everyone who put effort into the project! It isn't ideal for every album, but the option is there if you wish to pursue it. Just know that you, the director, will be the one who foots all the work on this and covering cost when others come up short. So be aware of this! Now for those interested, Arcadia Legends physicals should be finishing up printing this week and hopefully shipping out by this weekend! So for all those waiting on their contributor copies, it won't be long now when I get them and repackage them up and send them out!
    1 point
  4. totally agreed! im just a snob when it comes to game remixing ;P <3
    1 point
  5. Nase

    VGMixArchive 2.0

    well, i found 2 really old long lost mixes of mine. thanks!
    1 point
  6. Here's a few of the dupes I noticed to help you out. Dragon Punch by Ailsean - Difference, VGMix 1 & VGMix 2/X, also the 2/X one capitalized all of punch Jamaican Soul by DCT - Difference, Super Street Fighter II & Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers A Song for the Ladies by Kadmium - Difference, Super Street Fighter II & Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers Fei Longer by Star Salzman - Difference, Super Street Fighter 2 & Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers, also the New Challengers one has his name as StarBLaSt The KEN Song by jdproject - Difference, Super Street Fighter II & Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers Cammy by Night by mv - Difference, Super Street Fighter II & Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers
    1 point
  7. As always, Jorito delivers a great, detailed arrangement that also sounds pretty clean. I love that this retains that classic Konami feel to the music, almost as if this was the version of this track for a modern remake. The addition of the real instruments just help lift this track even higher, as the lines are perfectly delivered. They do seem to create a contrast between them and the sequenced elements that exposes the artificial orchestral elements a bit, but nothing to detract from the track as a whole, IMO. YES
    1 point
  8. Really nice take on the source tunes. Never heard this OST before, it's pretty good. Live performances are great and as a result, I feel like the sequenced strings are being exposed, especially the lower marcato stuff. I think you'd have done better to lean on your wind players in that regard. Either way, it's still way above the bar. I like it! YES
    1 point
  9. There's one thing about this that immediately leaps out, belying the idea that this is a real orchestra: it's super dry. A space big enough to hold all these performers would have way more reverb. That's my only real concern, though. The arrangement is a lot of fun, and both your performers and your libraries are really strutting their stuff. I kind of hope this does get sent back, because I'd love to hear this again with just that one tweak, because it really does make a difference. But I'm not going to reject it just for that. YES
    1 point
  10. The source usage being dominant easily checked out from the primary source tune alone, so there was no need to timestamp this. Good rise in the energy level returning back to the main source after the second theme interlude was done. Not much to say beyond "nice work" in terms of fleshing out these original songs. Nice job to Jorrith and the entire team! YES
    1 point
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