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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2020 in all areas

  1. Here is my remix for Rundas so far! I just need to add some guitar and some other things. This may change quite a bit. So far I have almost everything finished! The voice may not stay as it is. I may use a vocoder. Let me know what you Metroid Prime lovers think about it so far. August 3 Update Added guitars! August 4 Update Added Rundas' Voice! August 5 Update New Guitar parts
    1 point
  2. MnP Instructions/Guidelines [Updated]...Watcha guys think?? Source-Picks are limited to the era of gaming 1984-2006. In other words, Nes/Sega Master to PS2/GC/XBox 1. Going to relax this rule with certain Indie Titles like Shovel Knight, Undertale and possibly Crypt of the Necrodancer. Update me upon further titles that have that 'Retro Fidelity'. Thanks! Modifying the Source is fine, so long as it doesn't sound completely separate from its original intent. Small tempo changes are OK. But not 140 to 80 etc. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry.
    1 point
  3. I wrote a bit on feedback in my remixing guide, back when. It's less about giving good feedback and more about identifying it among the feedback you get, but it might still be useful to you. The checklist mentioned above. I think good feedback comes from good listening. This means understanding what you're listening to, understanding the artist's intention but also a typical listener's reaction and negotiating some kind of useful response out of that. Knowledge, whether music theory, audio engineering, performance, sound design, mixing, music history or anything else is also useful, so learning any of that will help. Be aware of the artist's intention. On this site you might come across releases, works-in-progress, experiments and all kinds of things, and some of it is made with to suit ocr's standards and some of it isn't. And elsewhere on the internet ocr's standards aren't relevant (the vgm interpretation stuff anyway). Then comes the psychology of how to actually deliver the feedback in a way that's constructive. I've screwed up on this a few times (apparently the word mediocre means bad), and you will too, probably. Don't tell the artist what to do. Offer your perspective. Suggestions are fine, but be more descriptive than prescriptive. There's a saying about how usually when people say something's wrong they're right, and when they say what's wrong they're not. I try to offer multiple solutions when I identify a problem, as in "you might be able to solve this by EQ-carving some space in the other instruments, or side-chain compressing them out of the way". That gives the artist options to consider rather than directives to obey. If you make music (I haven't seen you around), think about the feedback you'd want on your mixes, and how you'd want it delivered. And then write it a little softer, a little nicer than that, because tone is difficult to convey in text. I'm not exactly in my best head space right now, so this might not be entirely coherent. I hope it's still useful.
    1 point
  4. Hm, that's very true. They do make a good contrast. It's harder to remix a texture than a melody. But...I'm comfortable where it is with MnP for now. I relaxed the "age restriction" on retro-sounding Indie Sources. So
    1 point
  5. Thank you so much!!! Also I'm officially calling this cover "Bavarian Kackle Musik" because it rolls off the tongue better.
    1 point
  6. I’m out today, but vote will be coming shortly.
    1 point
  7. So true.... That applies to a lot of modern film/audio visual music. They rely more on texture than melody. John Williams uses a lot of melody, Hans Zimmer uses more texture/sound design...
    1 point
  8. Oh god I did not know that I needed this in my life. Nice work man! Nice puppet video lmao.
    1 point
  9. Something that's changed the game for me, when I do it, is completely changing up the drums or bass for a section. I find that it adds a breath of fresh air to things because when the harmony changes, it's like the ground underneath you completely changes.
    1 point
  10. Maybe so. Personally, I don't mind ambient shit because I have the setup for it. But not everyone does. Also, another person here pointed out that it's hard to do a "tribute" to something that has super high fidelity production. Maybe the leitmotiv deficiency played a part, but that was not quite the reason for my decision/vote/poll/pingas. It's a pretty solid theory though. Sort of a Draft for Rule #1 Source-Picks are limited to the era of gaming 1984-2006. In other words, Nes/Sega Master to PS2/GC/XBox 1. Exception with certain Indie Titles like Shovel Knight, Undertale and certain tunes from Crypt of the Necrodancer. If there any other 'retro' modern games, let me know.
    1 point
  11. To be fair, leitmotivs are the main reason, I do think. They are an easy go for remixes, and they scare remixers a lot less. That's mainly why retro tunes are now one of the rules, because they heavily relay on leitmotivs to deliver, when more recent OST is more free due to less contraints.
    1 point
  12. NVM previous response, it wasn't really relevant to your comment. I always trust that you are constructive in your votes. Plus, I know a bad comment when I see it...*cough Old OCR cough*
    1 point
  13. Yeah. Maybe a stipulation is in order. Like modern Indie's with a Retro Vibe rule. To quote NickC (from ThaSauce Discord), "lol nah, it ([sic]Undertale) is an exception where it uses old school sounds, there's a lot of stuff now where trying to give a track a facelift isn't going to work at all."
    1 point
  14. I'm guessing the source pick helped. It's a great tune.
    1 point
  15. Added my vote, I may sound a bit mean sometimes, but I promise you I'm not, I try to be as constructive and relevant as possible. Nice round, and props to everyone that submitted an entry !
    1 point
  16. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 4 entries this round. There is 1 Bonus entry(s) this round There IS a voter bonus this round! AxLR has a vote worth 2x. When Voting, please don't be inflexible when considering the conservative approach. Don't vote for Bonus entries please. Participants may not vote for themselves. Vote ends September 2nd Wed @ 1 PM (1 day ext.) Vote here https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP116
    1 point
  17. Much appreciated! And I made a significant update to the last post. Hope it didn't come off too weird. Ah, what am I saying. I am the embodiment of weird. =p In any case, there is a plethora of entries this round and it feels like 2014 MnP again. Groovy.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Wow, good call there, surprised I missed that. OK. Fixed, there isn't a need for extending now. Also...Shout-out to NickC for participating. OK. So the comment that was here, hindsight 20/20 is probably better rescinded. Sorry about that folks. It's not even in my place to break rules regarding qualitative remarks before the Voting Stage. So I apologize for that. Just try and be fair in the voting process and don't feel you have to be inflexible on the 1:1 Conservative approach to Voting (is that the best way to word it?? IDFK /cries). Perhaps I will draft/bounce off ideas on the Voting Values for MnP. @TheVideoGamer usually has good ideas on that...hint hint...nudge? Maybe another Poll is in order? Sorry folks. Insomnia and weird times have caused me to unravel a tad. I'm OK. Just...more impulsive than usual. Hope y'all can forgive me for that lol. Also, looks like I won't need need to relax the BONUS rule. This is awesome.
    1 point
  20. +1 to the pumping tuba issues. Take a look at the frequency spectrum on your tuba channel, see what its frequency range is, then scoop out those frequencies from all other channels (low-cut filters will work for most, except the kick drum which may need more delicate work). That's a better way than reducing the volume, because you avoid muddying frequencies in the first place. Low-end is notorious for muddying a mix, so pay attention to anything that has a bass component.
    1 point
  21. Hey man! Fun song there! I hear a lot of pumping though. It feels like you have a limiter on the master track that is really working hard to keep everything under control. The most apparent time it's happening is between 0:41 to 0:51, when the low brass (tuba?) is playing the melody. Every time it plays a note, the rest of the instruments just drops in volume. It's happening almost everywhere the tuba plays, but in other spots too. If you're using FL Studio, the limiter shows when it's working. Just look at the white line, and when it goes down, it's limiting. No idea for the other DAW, though. To avoid that, you could deactivate the limiter and lower the volume to avoid clipping. You'll lost a lot of loudness, but you'll be able to mix more clearly. I also feel your drums lack presence. The kick is felt through the limiting more than it's heard, I think. The snare is also a bit thin, but it might be the genre, I don't know. Try adding compression on them to make the attack pop more, maybe? Your 3D model is really impressive BTW! I hope you find someone to work with you, I sadly have no Tuba/Accordion players in my contact, nor any Yoddeler. Have a great day, and happy music making!
    1 point
  22. Thanks! I want to at least make the arrangement more german sounding. If I can't find yodeling, maybe lyrics sung in German I have to write them naturally. Glad you like the arrangement thus far! In the meantime anybody with a real accordian/tuba I'd love to collab on this.
    1 point
  23. I thoroughly enjoyed this! I can just imagine the little kremlings on their rollercoaster yodelling away to this. It's madness, hope you find a yodeller to realise your vision!
    1 point
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