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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2020 in all areas

  1. Results HoboKa got 1st with 23 points. NickC got 2nd with 17 points APZX got 3rd with 14 points. TheVideoGamer got 4th with 6 points. wow I won! Comments Wow, getting two 1st place votes from 2 previous winners definitely helped me. That's a whopping 12 points right there. I think I'll be greedy and take the Pick this time.. Got something crazy planned for next round, and it's just as well that I get the BONUS vote for it. Thanks for participating guys! And nice entries all around : 3
    3 points
  2. Everyone's free to use that midi. It's probably the best contribution I've made to VGM ever Looking forward to all the Metroid pieces!
    2 points
  3. Rundas: https://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP119_Metroid Prime 3_Rundas Midi.mid I'm gonna remix Rundas' theme (The Midi of which, Souperion provided for me). If it's OK with him, I can share the link to it here too (or you can ask him!). I might also make a Rundas round at PRC or something...seeing as Souperion worked his butt off to transpose it.
    2 points
  4. Update: Meddley's are fine for this round. Don't need to worry about making it one inter-locked cohesive thing, just so long as a basic transition between tunes is in place, so there is no ear whiplash. Also, Mixing and Mashing source tunes can work too, so long as the melodies are very recognizable (time-stamp em too!)! We're throwing the baby out with the dish-water I guess, but the cost is worth it... The Baby. THE BABY. EGAD Other M whyyyyy If only I could come up with this joke in one go. But nooo, Edits over 9000
    1 point
  5. And that is the double-edged sword of this style of round. I figured Metroid is a popular enough IP that it'd get people interested. Hopefully something will come to mind for you Oh, btw, Meddley's are fine for this round. I better put that in the description. Yeah, it messes with the MnP thing, but eh, play it by ear.
    1 point
  6. ANY Metroid song? Oh man, how am I gonna choose one?!
    1 point
  7. Congrats, HoboKa, great entries all around. See you next time, Hunters!
    1 point
  8. OK, I'll share it in a bit. Thanks for being so generous https://compo.thasauce.net/files/materials/MnP119_Metroid Prime 3_Rundas Midi.mid
    1 point
  9. Some really great stuff this round, it was a treat to hear 'em all. See you next mission?
    1 point
  10. Okay, will be submitting the final submission package this week! And then it'll go into evaluations! Was also thinking of doing a Youtube premiere showing off the entire album with live chat if anyone would be interested in attending! It'll feature the longplay version where we have transitions between the tracks via SFX/melody/etc. so it feels like a cohesive experience.
    1 point
  11. Next round is up... Sorry for the delay. Still on a whacky sleep schedule, but I slept for around 11 hours, thank god.
    1 point
  12. Dug this ancient account out of its grave because this whole album is awesome and I had to comment. Was visiting the site on a whim and was blown away to see this announcement on the front page! Loving it so far and will update this post with some more thoughts once I finish giving it a good listening. Edit: Wow, been through the album several times now and I love it! I think this album does a fine job of sticking to the source while also spilling out in a lot of different genres. I've been listening to this as I WFH and every time the full album plays out for the two and a half hours, no skipping tracks. Going in order, some of my favorites: Within the Stars - I can't lie, nostalgia and track preference is going to play heavily into this review and my love of "The Elemental Stars" goes all the way back to @EgM's "Sol Sanctum Guitar" released back in 2005 which I still listen to on repeat on occasion. I really like Sam Dillard's take on it, with the orchestra sound alternating between intensity and the more quiet moments with the occasional vocal bits to give it that extra "sacred and ancient" feel. Angarian Vigil - Listening to the original soundtrack version of "Hopelessness" it was one of those tracks that really stuck with me as it comes up in some dramatic points in the game, but listening to it years later it always sounded rough on the GBA's hardware. This is such a great transformation of it and I love the way the guitar and trumpet? harmonize. Winter Winds - When I first heard this, given the smooth intro with a slight electronic tinge I was almost certain it was going to go into "electronic Icy Schala house mix" but was pleasantly surprised by the flute? (not that I have anything against frosty Schala techno remixes). Love the mood of this track, the flute overlaid on a droney ambient background conjures up the perfect image of the snowy village of Imil. Some night this Winter when we've got a full moon and freshly falling snow, this track is going on repeat while I sip some tea by the window. I'm Golden, Son! - Love the daring and upbeat sound of this. At times I feel I'm headed towards some kind of spy/James Bond intro or something kind of funky, and then you hit 1:05 and it starts getting wistful like our heros are down... but not for long! before it pumps you back up! Streets of Tolbi - Bold and cheery, I feel like I'm listening to a brass band heading down Main street. Has brought a smile to my face each time it comes on, and is usually my cue to get up from the desk and strut around the apartment. Dance of the Anemos - Grooving retro-synthy take on the Jupiter Lighthouse track, I didn't know I needed this. Heart of Stone - The mood in this one is so good, or maybe I'm just a sucker for airy vocal tracks. I get a major Shadow of the Colossus vibe from this. What I Want to Say - K-Pop isn't something I listen to very often, but I do have a few select tracks that I've always had as a guilty pleasure. This definitely gets added right in there with them, great way to end the album! I'd be really interested to see what someone could do with the Crossbone Isle track, was always one of my favorites, or maybe I just spent a lot of time in there.
    1 point
  13. No worries man. I don't have to dislike something if it doesn't meet the bar.
    1 point
  14. Mannnn 2013 mix up in 2020, but still sounding hot!
    1 point
  15. No worries, as long as you got your ZZZ i'm fine lol.
    1 point
  16. This mix was done SO LONG AGO. But it still holds up! I hear the love and creativity that went into it, and how well Timaeus and I worked together on it. We had a blast making it!
    1 point
  17. The world needs more spooky funk. This one's going in on the faves playlist!
    1 point
  18. Well, that fact alone takes the gas out of the rest of the feedback for me. But, your Reverb feedback has given me some ideas for future 1-shot .wav stuff. Muted brass stuff tips are definitely more work than worth at this juncture, but they are pretty smart ideas imo. Oh well. Thanks for the feedback. (edit) Oh, and I'm glad that you still appreciate the remix in spite of the bar crap.
    1 point
  19. I have a few positive updates to share. Since I made this thread, I might as well share them here. My wife and I have been married for 9 years this week! Not quite a milestone yet, but still worthy enough to eat cake... After my last visit to a doctor/specialist I was told that there wasn't anything left for them to do in terms of trying to find a physical cause for my chronic fatigue. I came prepared with a bunch of information on how to test for and help with ME/CVS, but the specialist shot down my whole approach to my problem and told me he didn't have time to read all that. I felt terribly misunderstood and the guy was pretty blunt about it, but the positive thing that came out of it was the feeling that I could finally let go of the search. I guess you might say I have finally come to accept my disabilities. This in itself has brought a great deal of peace. While the above was going on, I was reading a great book that deals with the topic of trusting God in the midst of suffering. That book has helped me immensely by reminding me of Gods sovereignty over all things (including suffering), His love and His wisdom. I've grown in trust in Him and I'm accepting the fact that my suffering has a place in His plan. I've come to rely more on God for strength and wisdom while living with daily pain and fatigue. When I went to prayer hour at church last Wednesday, I looked at the prayer wall (where people put their prayers on cards) and found one that had my name on it. It turned out to be an old prayer from my wife for me. In it she asked for God to either heal me, or help me to deal and live with my condition and to trust Him more. At that moment I realized God had done the latter. So thank God for that! (The reality is more awesome and significant than these simple words express!) All in all, and despite the craziness that is going on around us, I can honestly say that I am happy (as in "Blessed are the...") I haven't felt like that in ages. I'm more at peace, continually aware of Gods presence and just thrilled about the little things, like when I got to see a Common Kingfisher (a bird that is not quite so common where I live) or when I got to take pictures of my favorite butterflies And all of that, right around the building where I live. So, many things to be thankful for! EDIT: pictures! The latter two are actually exotic butterflies, not from my neighborhood. I took those at some special butterfly place, elsewhere in my province. The third one is actually really huge in reality!
    1 point
  20. Oh wow guys. Talk about bad luck. My insomnia came back to haunt me and I'm so dead tired I probably won't make the it to the allotted time for announcing the winner. So, expect the results either later tonight or tomorrow...Sorry!
    0 points
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